Manawanui Sinking 'Morse Code' to Luxon Cabinet — Vote Budget Up, or Buy Body Bags?
Was NZ Navy Ship Scuttled to 'Auto-Correct' Luxon's 20% Defence Budget Cut?
Overview of “Manawanui Sinking ‘Morse Code’ to Luxon Cabinet”
The strange sinking of a New Zealand Navy ship in Samoa in October followed deep cuts to the New Zealand Defence Forces’ budget in May by the Luxon Government.
The new Luxon Administration cut the total defence budget by $1.49 billion, or 20%.
The Manawanui Sinking is being investigated within an accident paradigm. This dispatch explores the possibility that the loss of HMNZS Manawanui may have been due to sabotage. Former Māori Television news and current affairs editor Steve Snoopman presents prima facie evidence that a black operation to scuttle the vessel may have occurred, with the objective to embroil the Luxon Cabinet in a cover-up.
Periodically, a catalytic event appears to be inflicted upon New Zealand (or its assets in overseas territories), to compromise key officials in each new administration, and thereby alter the nation’s mandated political trajectory. Such emotionally-charged ‘jolts’ appear to manufacture consent by alchemically processing the mass population.
In part 1 of the Snoopman’s “Terror Archipelago Down Under” series, he surveyed the curious coincidences of 13 calamities, catastrophes, or crises, that appear to riff off historical events. The history riffs link by thematic elements to the crisis at hand.
Each of the 13 crises occurred on potently-charged dates, as if they were conjured by dark witches and wizards to re-work anniversaries into talismans to telegraph tyranny.
Curiously, the grounding of the HMNZS Manawanui on a reef in Samoa occurred on the 13th anniversary of a container ship, MV Rena, striking rocks on October 5 2011.
The New Zealand Navy’s reporting of its interim findings on November 29, that the sinking of the Manawanui was in essence the result of pilot error, was also a striking coincidence. The N.Z. Navy’s Court of Inquiry Interim findings were released precisely 45 years to the day that the crew of a U.S. Navy Hercules radioed they had located the wreckage of an Air New Zealand DC-10 on Mount Erebus, in Antarctica.
This apparent riffing off the Erebus Disaster, which stands as New Zealand’s greatest single day peacetime loss of life, as well as seeming to riff off the Rena Disaster, which is the South Pacific archipelago’s worst maritime environmental disaster, is uncanny.
Given Luxon was Chief Executive Officer of Air New Zealand before being propelled into power as Prime Minister, the November 29 press conference seemed potent.
The danger in the Manawanui Sinking was that some of the 72 crew could have died.
Ergo, an apparent implicit threat in the naval ship’s uncanny grounding on the 13th anniversary of the Rena running aground, appears to have been deciphered by the Navy’s Rear Admiral and the Defence Minister, for the Realm’s chief pilot: Mr Luxon.
The ‘Morse Code’ in these two sinking events occurring 13 years apart, becomes more potent when a survey of N.Z.’s current prime minister and his career trajectory reveals it is peppered with this prime number, 13. This creepy peppering signals solidarity.
When gathered together, the thematic metaphor-laden meta-data in these crises seem to show skillful subtext to hide each plot, that on the surface looks like an unexpected disaster that was ‘waiting to happen’, or was natural, or it was a crisis that errupted out of the blue, or they were acts of rage or rebellion that needed to be ‘put down’.
But, on closer examination of the elements, inconsistencies arise that demonstrate the official narrative cannot be true, and that the ‘grammar’ has been skillfully re-arranged. And like syntax, which is the branch of linguistics that focuses on arranging words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language — the crises re-examined here have features that in effect don’t adhere to the equivalent of the rules of the road for language construction, as if they happened by design with a trojan horse plot twist. N.Z.’s role as a test facility for new technologies, social engineering and political strategies may extend to the geographically-isolated South Pacific archipelago being a staging ground for novel trojan horse black operations.
New Zealand’s closest international neighbour, Australia is identified as a pivot state for its ‘military strategic goods’. Pivot states are located at the seams of the international system sandwiched between the rival great powers and super powers. Since the Anglo-American Empire remains in the closet about the fact that it is an expansionist imperial project, the Snoopman reasons a closet empire needs a closet pivot state to act an ‘influence-multiplier’. As such, he explores a creepy logic that such an oceanic power alliance would require a closet pivot state to fulfil a trojan horse function, by acting as its lightening-rod, its lab-facility and its light-house.
These findings suggest that behind closed doors, key players in the national security state either meet with key officials of the new government or they talk via secure phonelines, to communicate that a coup has been inflicted to achieve certain aims.
While such a proposition may seem proposterous, the post-sinking rhetoric by Defence Minister Collins shifted to how the Government tends to buy second hand military hardware. The Manawanui may have been selected because it was relatively easy to sink, since it was a coverted commercial oil survey ship, meaning it did not have the level of redundancy that naval vessels are built with to withstand flooding.
Moreover, the associated discourses mentioning New Zealand’s partnership in a NATO framework occurs with a myopia that fails to take into account the military alliance is a slickly marketed mechanism for a brutal expansionist empire. Yet, N.Z.’s media missionaries are like empty-headed plastic dolls that ask recorded questions when they are pressed with a button located where a backbone would usually be found.
There is systemic poor institutional knowledge in the media about a secret low-grade war that was inflicted by all NATO countries, on their own citizens, under the auspices of ‘Operation Gladio’, starting in Italy in 1947 and spreading across Western Europe, until its exposure in 1990. The purpose of this low-grade war was to shift the political center of gravity to the ‘right’ and away from socialism by blaming left-wing communist groups for terrorism, and associating peace with right-wing politics.
In his 2015 book, Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia, Paul L. Williams sketched the history of Vatican-CIA-sponsored terrorism, drug-running and arms trafficking since World War II. Williams maintains that ‘Gladio’ continues in mutated forms, globally, to displace freedom with security.
French President de Gaulle expelled NATO’s headquarters from Paris after he learned that the CIA had conspired with NATO’s secret units to assassinate him. During WWII, while in exile, de Gaulle organized the French Résistance to Nazi occupation.
Ironically, there are ironic similarities to New Zealand’s ‘long waltz’ back into the Western Alliance after that rift over ANZUS military alliance widened into a chasm following the 1985 Rainbow Warrior Bombing and that of France’s ‘long waltz’. In a series of chess moves, following WWII, President de Gaulle had asserted France’s military autonomy by spearheading the development of French-manufactured nuclear weapons. He didn’t want France to be under NATO military command. De Gaulle’s independent-mindedness culminated in NATO’s headquarters being expelled from France in 1966. The explusion of NATO’s HQ from Paris occurred after de Gaulle learned that the CIA had conspired with NATO’s secret units to assassinate him.
The hidden purpose of the Rainbow Warrior Bombing was to signal to members of the Western Elites that the Alliance could ill-afford anymore defections. The potency that it was French that inflicted Opération Sataniqué, was all the more significant.
New Zealand’s ‘long waltz’ back into the Western Alliance appears to have involved a sinister faction of the national section state staging catalytic shocks of varying scale, sometimes in cahoots with ‘international partners’, it seems. The Christchurch Mosques Massacre appears to have been the climatic event to teether the left-wing faction of the Wellington Political Elite back under the reins of the national security state. Luxon et al didn’t get the memo; they have been served a stiff lesson, it seems.
In the aftermath of the Christchurch Shootings of March 15 2019, N.Z.’s Defence Budget spiked with approximately $6.8 billion allocated, up from approximately $4 billion in 2018. The 2019 budget injection towered above the years either side.
Uncannily, the mass shootings wed New Zealand’s left-wing faction with the Western Alliance, under a Labour-led Cabinet in the 33rd year after the Warrior Bombing.
With an awareness of how ‘Gladio’ has metastisized into a subversive low-grade war around the world, the Snoopman has tracked 13 calamities, catastrophes, or crises, in a New Zealand setting from Erebus to Corona. They all appear to be staged destabilisations designed to transform the nation into a technocratic police state.
The Manawanui Sinking fits this ‘Terror Archipelago’ thesis, like it was custom-made.
After all, the grounding of the HMNZS Manawanui on Sinalei Reef in Samoa on the 13th anniversary of the Rena running aground on Astrolabe Reef, appears to be ‘too stupid to be stupid’. The apparent navigation metaphors seem too uncanny too. The name Astrolabe derives from an early navigational instrument, the astrolabe, a precursor to the sextant — used by Captain James Cook. The day that Manawanui sank, October 6, was the same day in 1769 when ‘Young Nick’ aboard the Endeavour, sighted the New Zealand coastline. Ergo, the lessons appear to be subtextual.
Another striking coincidence, was that a Cook Strait ferry, Aratere, had run aground recently, as well. It turned out both events involved apparent bridge crew incompetencies regarding autopilot buttons, suggesting poor training is systemic.
Or, the Manawanui’s survey course was coded to stay in autopilot mode after the last turn, to over-ride switching off the autopilot button to cause a collision with the reef.
The uncanny coincidences seem to signal the survey ship was placed in a precarious position where it would run aground, sink and require a rescue in order to embroil the Luxon Administration with a cover-up. Such metaphor-laden shocks can act as ‘jolts’ to alter the mandated trajectory of the ‘ship of state’, to manufacture public consent for more resources, without the inquiries ever getting to the ‘bottom’ of the crises.
Furthermore, the submerged ‘signals intelligence’ in the Manawanui Sinking appears to communicate that the Luxon Cabinet, cannot over-ride the national security state’s auto-pilot mode and any attempts to steer the Realm in manual mode will be humiliating. Over the course of hacked time, each new government administration seems to undergo a reset that alters the mandated political trajectory of New Zealand.
The apparent navigation metaphors in the Manawanui Sinking seem too uncanny.
Especially, when it is recalled that precisely one year ahead of the 30th Anniversary of the Mount Erebus Disaster, an Air New Zealand-owned Airbus A320 crashed into the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Perpignan, France. The sudden demise of Flight 888T was uncanny not only because it occurred one year ahead of the 30th anniversary. This crash occurred barely a fortnight after John Key was elected as PM, on 10 November 2008. The ‘coincidental’ crash appeared to telegraph caution.
Such telegraphing is consistent with game theory, whereby players make their moves like synchronized swimmers; failure to perform will be taken as defections from the game. Such moves are termed ‘hostage posting rituals’. Hostage exchanges can take many forms, including attending elite summits, sitting on multiple corporate, government and think-tank boards, and holding cross-ownership stakes.
Power crimes can be deciphered with an event cluster modelling technique designed for naval intelligence, to decipher submarine intelligence reports. News reporting of elites, their activities, linkages and objectives can be likened to the uncertainty of submarine group activities. Uncertain information that is sourced from each event cluster, and that cannot be adequately partitioned to a particular event, is escalated to a metalevel. Like subtext, this collated data can yield the overarching meta objective(s).
Élites can be expected to refer to past events that have nothing to do with the current event cluster, or their commentary is not directly related to an event in a cluster.
The news reports from the Manawanui Sinking event clusters: (1) Run Aground and Rescue; (2) Fire and Sinking; (3) Crisis Rituals; (4) Operation Resolution; (5) CHOGM, Samoa; (6) Interim Inquiry Findings, generated much data that could not be partitioned adequately. Information that either did not refer to a specific event or that referred to an event that belonged to another event within the cluster or to another event cluster, or to historical events or to future planned events, or the general state of the world, were mentioned in the reports. This data was escalated to the meta-level, and their propositions were interpeted within a geopolitical paradigm.
The meta-conflict in the Manawanui Sinking appears to convey the defence budget is above the cabinet’s paygrade because New Zealand is in a process of police state formation, amid the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War, which began around 1900.
Since the timing of the Manawanui Sinking coincided with the Defence Capability Review being prepared for the Defence Minister, it would appear a faction of N.Z.’s Defence Force, including the Royal New Zealand Navy, sent Judith Collins ‘signals intelligence’ to convey a message to expand capacity with new hardware. It appears Mrs Collins deciphered the encoded threat packaged into the coincidence of the Manawanui Sinking, while in the midst of the Defence Capability Review cycle.
After all, the Luxon Administration’s electoral mandate to implement across the board expenditure cuts, which extended to the military, in effect reversed the expansion in the defence budget for procurement that followed the Christchurch Mosques Massacre. The Pacific Reset was all about building the defence capacity.
Key Findings: In this psychodrama, New Zealanders have been ‘processed’ to accept the solution is brand new naval vessels, following the return of the crew to the far-flung colony in a C-130J Hercules, essentially a deus ex machina plot device, manufactured by Boeing. The ‘signals intelligence’ appears to communicate that the Luxon Government, cannot over-ride the national security state’s auto-pilot mode and any attempts to steer the Realm in manual mode will be humiliating. Luxon’s Cabinet, it seems, was served Morse Code: Vote Budget Up, or Buy Body Bags.
Navy Vessel Sinking follows $1.5 billion Defence Budget Cut — What are the Odds?
The strange sinking of a New Zealand Navy ship, on October 6, followed a defence budget cut of 20% on May 30th. The ship ran aground on October 5, because the pilot did not realise the vessel was in autopilot mode, if the Navy’s Chief is to be believed.
On November 29, the interim findings of a Court of Inquiry were presented at a press conference in Devonport, a Navy port in Waitemata Harbour, City of Auckland.
With a straight face, Rear Admiral Garin Golding spoke like a teacher being graded for qualification. He pointed to a portable display board, showing an interior photo of the Manawanui’s bridge, and at a chart of the survey area adjacent to Sinalei Reef.
However, there was much missing context not limited to the strangeness of how a piloting officer, in the presence of a supervising bridge officer, could fail to do a basic cross-check to see if the autopilot button was still engaged after making a turn.
TVNZ’s Pacific correspondent Barbara Dreaver said the Chief of Navy looked “deeply shaken” and that the Navy knew they would have “to earn the public’s trust”, while “Judith Collins looked like she had been forced to swallow something very nasty.”
Gone, was what remained of any bouyancy in the presentation by Collins and Golding that was apparent in their press conferences of October 6 and October 10. Where Collins had downplayed the sinking, by recalling that a Cook Strait ferry had had an accident recently, as well, the comparison really was embarrassing since both events involved apparent bridge crew incompetencies regarding autopilot buttons.
Curiously, the grounding of the HMNZS Manawanui on a reef in Samoa, means this maritime ‘accident’ occurred on the 13th anniversary of the MV Rena striking rocks.
The MV Rena ran aground on Astrolabe Reef on approach to Tauranga Harbour in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, October 5 2011. The container ship split in two and sank.
The reef was named by Jules Dumont d’Urville after his ship Astrolabe, when it nearly ran aground there on 16 February 1827. The name Astrolabe derives from an early navigational instrument, the astrolabe, a precursor to the sextant — used by Cook.
Naturally, this striking coincidence could not be mentioned, lest news audiences collectively cried out “what?!” with such synchronicity, that it might shatter a key signalling tactic of black operations — like Prince Farquaad’s magical mirror.

The N.Z. Navy’s hydrographic survey ship was reportedly conducting survey work one nautical mile from shore in Samoa, when it struck a reef on October 5. The Sinalei Reef, which is located off the southern coast of Upolu Island, Samoa, was last surveyed in 1987. On October 6, the refitted oil prospecting vessel capsized and sank.
The HMNZS Manawanui was actually a refitted oil survey ship called MSV Edda Fonn from Norwegian owner Østensjø Rederi, and came into service in November 2019 under the sponsorship of then-Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. It was purchased for NZ$103m to replace the HMNZS Resolution, which was named after the sailing sloop HMS Resolution, used by James Cook during his second and third voyages of exploration, in recognition of the extensive cartographic survey work done by Cook.

Despite this ‘too stupid too be stupid’ fishy tale being laden with political metaphors, the dim-witted news media lapped up the explanations without hysterically laughing and without being rushed to hospital to get their asses sown back on. My snoop-radar detects the ‘signals intelligence’ was communicating that the Luxon Government was being told it cannot over-ride the national security state’s auto-pilot mode and any attempts to steer the Realm in manual mode will be humiliating. Cue Batman theme.
It would appear the Cabinet of Christopher Luxon was fiscally over-zealous in cutting the New Zealand Defence Forces’ budget for the 2024/2025 by 20%, Jane’s reported.
Particularly, since in the last five-year cycle, the Royal New Zealand Air Force has taken delivery of five Lockheed Martin C‐130J‐30 Super Hercules transport aircraft, which was announced in 2019, and four Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft (MPA), announced in 2018. Especially, since the budget cut would mean the Navy was in effect sent a radio signal from Treasury that said, “Team Santa has no new toys for this Christmas. The previous Team Santa broke the immutable laws of economics, with high state spending that led to inflating party balloons that popped”.

Golding told the press the pilot had believed there were problems with the ship’s thruster control system when they could not change the vessel’s direction. The bridge crew failed to check if the ship was in autopilot mode, rather than manual mode.
The ship will not turn in autopilot if such a change in direction is not programmed.
Evidently, it was assumed the pilot had turned the twin azipod motors, with attached propellors, into a reverse position, and applied the thrust make the turn, since the Manawanui has no rudder. But, because the vessel was in autopilot mode, the vessel did not respond to the turning on azipod/propeller controls. Instead, the ship sped up.
Golding pointed to a board to show the position of the autopilot button. He also noted that between the portside azipod thruster, and the starboard thruster located on the adjacent desk, there was usually a chair — for the pilot. Cue the Play School song.

The Rear Admiral claimed “muscle memory” should have kicked in on the bridge of the Manawanui, to check to see whether the ship was in manual or autopilot mode.
Cerebral memory should’ve also kicked in the news conference. Cue Ground Hog Day.
Curiously, New Zealand’s civilian maritime staff also seem to have competency challenges connected with autopilot buttons. One of the Cook Strait ferries, the Aratere ran aground shortly after departing Picton at 9.45pm on 21 June. Television New Zealand’s 1News reported the ship’s master missed the mark to load the vessels course before Mabel Island, instead hit the autopilot button after this waypoint. The autopilot system guided the ship to make a turn that was programmed for heading to portside, that was intended once the vessel was clear of the sound from port at Picton.
Evidently, the Aratere bridge crew did not know the autopilot button needed to be pressed for five seconds to disengage the autopilot function. The Aratere had a new steering system. Strange then, isn’t it that the Manawanui’s bridge crew didn’t know the ship was in autopilot mode? Ironically, Rear Admiral Golding said of the interim findings, that the Navy was undergoing a review of orders, instructions, procedures, training, planning, risk assessment and risk management. Golding added the next stage would determine what were the contributing factors to establish why the vessel ran aground and sank. The question arises as to whether the bridge supervisor failed to perform a cross-check function, regarding the autopilot mode, to support the pilot officer. Rear Admiral Golding skirted answering this question. This was ironic, given the lack of cross-checking were key ‘mistakes’ alleged to have been made in the “series of disastrous administrative blunders” that led to the crash of Air New Zealand Flight TE901 to Antarctica 45 years prior on November 28 1979. Cue The X-Files tune.
Curiously, when Golding was asked a follow-up question about why there appeared to be no cross-check regarding the auto-pilot mode, Golding’s answer was evasive. The Rear Admiral said “That is the point, if someone made a mistake, there are other people, the supervisor on the bridge, has the knowledge to say did we check the auto-pilot.” Before the reporter could press further, since Golding did not explain what the bridge supervisor was doing, he deflected to the topic of emergency rehearsals.

“And as part of our generation of our ships, we have an independent team that goes on board and they run the ship through rehearsals of different events — fires, floods ecetera. And part of that process, they access whether a ship is ready to deploy or not.”
“But, on the day, muscle memory from the person in control, um,” Golding said pointing to the bridge photo, “should have leant over to that panel and checked whether the screen said autopliot, or not. And as I said earlier, it’s human error. We are humans. We make mistakes. And nobody shows up on the day, to have a bad day.”
In effect, the bridge supervisor (or captain) is supposed perform a vital ‘cross check’ function, to pick up on missed procedurial errors. Since the interim report has not been made publicly available, the presser was a crisis ritual to control the narrative.
Or, the Manawanui’s survey course was coded to stay in autopilot mode after the last turn, to over-ride switching off the autopilot button to cause a collision with the reef.
Brazenly, the Rear Admiral said they were “being transparent” about what happened.
Ironically, the navigation errors that led to the grounding of the Rena was due to pilot error, following poor voyage planning, navigation and watchkeeping practices.

On October 10, Judith Collins was asked if the Manawanui it would be embarassing for New Zealand at the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa. Collins responded with the kind of semantic rhetoric that a crisis management consultancy would advise for various questions. “Bad things happen”, said the Defence Minister, sounding like a talking fridge magnet from Toy Story 13, addinig “it’s how you handle them that defines yourselves and your country.”
Collins said she had looked online and saw there had been a ferry had an accident too.
Evidently, it’s not embarrassing to be talking about a navy vessel with the same language that a parent uses to explain a toddler having ‘an accident’ on a long road trip. Especially, if you can compare the Royal New Zealand Navy to the corporatized InterIslander, whose bridge crew were also poorly trained about the autopilot mode.
Rear Admiral Golding conveyed a community notice to the fleet to retrieve all data before they leave, if they are involved in an incident. For instance, the ship’s log book was recovered about 10 days after the vessel sank. Evidently, the Navy fleet needs to exercise the game ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ in a watery tank to assist ‘muscle memory’.
At a post-cabinet press conference on Monday December 2, Prime Minister Luxon said with a straight face, the Naval Court of Inquiry was a very robust, trustworthy investigation with a high standard of process. The reporters did not question how a closed Naval Court, that blocks external scrutiny to cross-check its validity, can be construed as a robust, high standard, trustworthy investigation. Cue The Simpsons.
It seems in the Navy, it’s not a guarantee for great career training anymore.

When the primary cause of the Manawanui running aground, was reported on 29 November, by New Zealand Navy’s Rear Admiral Garin Golding, it also just happened to be 45 years to the day that a United States Navy Hercules reported sighting the wreckage of an Air New Zealand DC-10 on a slope of Mount Erebus in the Antarctic.
The Air NZ-owned McConnell Douglas DC-10 slammed into a lower slope of the ‘13,000’ ft volcano, below Fang Ridge at a speed of about 500 miles per hour. All 257 mortals aboard the ‘trip of a lifetime’ tourist flight perished as the shock-waves, ice and rock shredded the DC-10, and as the fire balls from the exploding jet-fuel seared flesh, fabrics and furnishings. At the scene, all human remains quickly froze as if like discarded mannequins bent, broken, blown and burnt after a department store inferno.
The crew of the United States Navy Hercules were shocked when they spotted the DC-10 and found so little wreckage, as Supreme Court Judge Peter Mahon later recounted.

Let me do a ‘stock take’ of the correspondences in these reported correspondences.
The N.Z. Navy’s press conference on its initial findings into the Manawanui Sinking coincided with the same date the U.S. Navy’s first radioed report of its initial findings of remarkably little wreckage and no survivors at the crash site of the Air NZ DC10 — precisely 45 years previously. Given this apparent riffing off the Erebus Disaster, which stands as New Zealand’s greatest single day peacetime loss of life, as well as seeming to riff off the Rena Disaster, which is the South Pacific archipelago’s worst maritime environmental disaster, the coinicidence is spooky, creepy and loony?
Recall, the first Erebus report inferred pilot error? A subsequent Royal Commission emphasized the airline’s navigation section had programmed the jet to head for a mountain six hours before take-off and no-one told the aircrew the course was altered.
In his Royal Commission report, Peter Mahon stated he believed there had been a deliberate concealment of the misleading flight plan when it was transmitted to McMurdo Station. Mahon inferred someone wanted the DC-10 to crash into Erebus. He left the door open to the possibility that the crash was a takedown. Mahon’s report triggered a police investigation, but this was shut-down without prosecutions.
Detective Superintendant Brian Wilkinson was ordered to make the probe disappear.
The DC-10 was in ‘nav mode’ at the time of the collision with Mount Erebus. Justice Mahon blamed Air New Zealand for a “series of disastrous administrative blunders”.
Captain Gordon Vette found over five hundred omissions, errors and in-actions had occurred while researching his findings to present at the Erebus Royal Commission.

Ergo, it’s ironic that 45 years to the day after the U.S. Navy Hercules crew radioed to report that they had located the smashed Air New Zealand DC-10 on a mountain slope at the bottom of the world — the N.Z. Navy’s Chief reported to the press there had been “a series of human errors” that led to the Manawanui struck a corral reef.
The emerging tale of the Manawanui running aground — with the ship set in autopilot mode and with questionable errors, inactions and omissions on the bridge — it seems to be like a spooky echo of the Mount Erebus Disaster. Cue Scooby Doo theme tune.
Because the ‘incompetence’ at Air New Zealand’s Flight Operations Division and its Navigation Section was the ‘stuff of legend’ when it came to the Antarctic Flights.
And because, the alleged incompetence, confusion and panic on the Manawanui bridge seems too corny to not have been contrived to some degree. It’s plausible that an officer of mediocre abilities could be manoeuvred into the role of being a pilot. And, it’s also plausible that a supervising bridge officer was perhaps distracted by the survey party aboard at the time. But, is it not remarkable that the N.Z. Navy lost one of its eight ships, four months after the defence budget was cut by almost $1.5 billion?
In this sailor’s tale, a pilot assumed the thruster system was faulty, and compounded this ‘error’ by accelerating the ship for 400 meters at over 10 knots, so that it gouged through a coral reef and began to list badly as it took on water in a swelly, currenty sea.
Ergo, you have to wonder if there’s more going on beneath the surface-level drama.
Given Luxon was Chief Executive Officer of Air New Zealand before being propelled into power as Prime Minister, the November 29 press conference seemed potent.

Reading the runes, it would seem the Navy Chief and the Defence Minister were performing a crisis ritual to convey they had deciphered the encoded threat. By fronting a presser on the precise date that 45 years previously, a U.S. Navy Hercules crew located the wreckage of the Air NZ DC-10, it seems Golding & Collins were conveying in ‘Morse Code’, that N.Z.’s ‘Chief Pilot’ would be discussing with Cabinet the findings of the N.Z. Navy’s interim findings. Ergo, in spite of Christopher Luxon’s high-octane propulsion to the role of the country’s ‘Chief Pilot’ — after a seven year stint as the CEO of Air New Zealand — a stiff lesson had been served, it would appear.
The autopilot button is enclosed in perspex, and so, the ‘ship of state’ cannot be turned while this button is switched ‘on’. Metaphorically described, it would appear the ‘ship of state’ had run aground on a jagged ‘budget’ reef, since the bridge crew were shown to be incompetent. Near the end of an ‘economic survey’, the pilot officer, assumed the vessel was in manual mode, and that the thruster system was faulty. The bridge supervisor had failed to cross-check, and so the ship remained in autopilot, as the hull made horrid noises while scrapping over the corral reef in a wavy pristine sea.
Ergo, was a potent threat conveyed to the former Air NZ CEO and his Cabinet?

The uncanny coincidences seem to signal the survey ship was placed in a precarious position where it would run aground, sink and require a rescue in order to embroil the Luxon Administration with a cover-up. Such metaphor-laden shocks can act as ‘jolts’ to alter the mandated trajectory of the ‘ship of state’, to manufacture public consent for more resources, without the inquiries ever getting to the ‘bottom’ of the crises.
And with a ritualized encoded psychodrama, remind the Wellington Political Élite there’s a paygrade well above the theatrical writers of such staged events, that can sustain conducting multiple plot lines over decades. So, follow the cues to successfully navigate the crisis rituals, because any further defections will be swiftly punished.
An RNZAF Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules was sent to Samoa to pick up the crew. Since the modern closet empires continue to use the symbolism of the empires from dusty antiquity, its salient to recall that in Greco-Roman legendary mythos, Hercules (Hercales) was the demigod son of Zeus, the chief deity among the Greek gods, and Alcmene, a mortal princess whom Zeus tricked into sleeping with him.
As a grown-up, Heracles waged a victorious war against the kingdom of Orchomenus in Boeotia and married Megara, daughter of Creon, king of Thebes, but he killed her and their children in a fit of madness induced by Hera, the vindictive trickster wife of Zeus. And, consequently, Heracles was obliged to become the servant of Eurystheus in atonement, known as the famous Labours, later arranged in a cycle of twelve, like a reference to the 12 ‘Houses of the Zodiac’. Once Hercules completed his 12 tasks, he freely performed other feats that fed his altruistic ego, before being poisoned and dying on Mount Oeta, since death on an unnamed patch of dirt wouldn’t be worthy of a demigod. In the ‘afterlife’, Hercules auditioned for the starring role as a constellation. It appears he’ll shine longer than all of the egotistical empires on Earth.
Reluctantly, NZ’s PM Christopher Luxon and Defence Minsiter Judith Collins welcomed the crew of the sunken vessel, who returned via the RNZAF Hercules at Whenuapai Air Force Base late in the evening on 7 October. Luxon looked like a marionette version of a compromised Shrek, pretending to like the magical creatures, who at the surface level, appeared to screw up the one job they had to do: survey.
Thus, it would seem the New Zealand Government was being subjected to a ritualized cathartic humiliation, in which a deus ex machina plot device, Hercules, was required to return the shipwrecked cast of characters to the far-flung antipodean colony.

After all, Judith Collins told Jack Tame on Q+A, she said to Luxon, “We could’ve had 75 body bags coming off that flight”, while they were at Whenuapai Air Base, to meet the Manawanui crew. Collins said she was devastated with the loss of a ship, adding “I don’t know if I could have coped with 75 body bags.” Cue Pink Panther theme tune.
The week prior, ‘Crusher’ Collins said “This could have been a truly terrible day.” No loss of life to the 72 crew and three passengers was incurred, and the 72 crew returned home on October 7. With this emotionally hijacking, the crushed Defence Minister side-stepped the weirdness of talking about how the N.Z. Navy had 19 ships 35 years ago, just four months after the Luxon Cabinet cut the defence force’s total budget by nearly $1.5 billion, or 20%. The passengers were from Met Service and GNS Geological and Nuclear Sciences, a Crown Reseach Institute, who were conducting a survey with the Navy.
During this TVNZ ‘interview’, the Defence Minister essentially lobbied for closing the Defence Force’s ‘capability gap’ with more military hardware, to be purchased new. She mentioned how the N.Z. Navy had 19 ships 35 years ago, and with the Manawanui sunk, the fleet was down to eight and the Otago was underegoing maintenance.
Mr Tame mentioned the last time Collins was on Q+A, it was to talk about the breakdown of the Royal New Zealand Air Force’s 757s, used to transport delegations.
The RNZAF’s plane breakdowns are such a common feature, that New Zealanders often become aware that the prime minister is on an overseas trip when such events become news. The repairs have cost the Air Force $72 million over the past 5 years.
Predictably, the Manawanui’s sinking stirred talk about the state of the navy’s personnel and capacity. The Defence Minister said New Zealand tends to buy old military vehicles. Magically, the timing of the Manawanui Sinking coincided with a Defence Review being prepared for the Defence Minister. Such a review considers the capabilities matched with capacity that either maintains or replaces aging equipment with acquisitions, or expands capacity with more toys. Cue MacGyver theme song.
Curiously, Tame asked about whether there was an appetite for a NATO-style defence alliance in the Pacific. Here, the palpable agenda-setting appears to be to link a desired solution to the problem brought to the fore by the Manawanui Sinking as a crisis: a broader Pacific Partnership to counter Sino-Russo Military Bloc. Tame mentioned how China launched a nuclear capable intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) into the Pacific Ocean on September 25, amid joint naval exercises between China and Russia near Japan; 5 days before the South Pacific Defence Ministers forum.
The Q+A host noted that that Collins was due to attend the NATO Defense Minister’s meeting in Brussels in the coming week. New Zealand is signatory to the Indo-Pacific Four (IP4), which is a politically correct rebrand of the Asia Pacific Four (AP4), comprising Australia, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand. The rhetoric occurs with the assumption that New Zealand’s allies are blameless, benign actors on the ‘world stage’. Yet, how NATO came to headquartered in Brussels is very telling. In 1966, French President de Gaulle expelled NATO’s headquarters from Paris after he learned that the CIA had conspired with NATO’s secret units to assassinate him. During WWII, while in exile, de Gaulle organized the French Résistance to Nazi occupation.
In a series of chess moves, following WWII, President de Gaulle asserted France’s military autonomy that culminated the North Atlantic military alliance’s headquarters being expelled from France in 1966. President de Gaulle advanced the development of French-manufactured nuclear weapons. According to the gospel of NATO, it was Mitterrand who initiated France’s waltz back into NATO’s integrated military command structure during the late 1980s and 1990s. Mitterrand’s successor, President Jacques Chirac, continued this course back into the unholy embrace of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and by 2009, France was fully re-integrated back into NATO’s military command structure. Thus, there are ironic similarities to New Zealand’s long waltz back into the Western Alliance after that rift over ANZUS military alliance widened into a chasm following the Rainbow Warrior Bombing.

Ergo, the drama of a tiny pacific island rescuing a naval survey ship from a nation with a large maritime jurisdiction, on a Saturday night — unfolded like it was wanting to be a contender for an episode of a reality TV show called, say, Too Stupid to be Stupid.
On October 10, at the press conference with Rear Admiral Garin Golding, Judith Collins said they had had swift amazing offers of support from other navies and Governments, which she said was really heartwarming. If the Manawanui Sinking was a black operation, it would be consistent with the Shock Doctrine, to exploit the crisis to draw the Luxon Government and the New Zealand Defence Force closer to the Western Alliance, Western Governments while everyone is in shock and emotional.
The elephant in the Q+A room was the Rena. Collins claimed New Zealand has never had to deal with salvaging large amounts oil and diesel from a sunken ship. This was odd, because in the immediate aftermath of the container ship, Rena, running aground on Astrolabe Reef on 5 October 2011, the then-Environment Minister Nick Smith said the subsequent oil spill was New Zealand’s worst maritime environmental disaster.
The Rena Disaster occurred on the watch of John Key, when Collins was Police Minister. As a chess piece, Defence Minister Judith ‘the Crusher’ Collins is also the SIS Minister, the GCSB Minister and the Space Minister, as well as Attorney General.

The refitted oil survey ship did not have the level of redundancy that pupose-built naval vessels are designed with, since civilian ships don’t have the degree of compartmentalization, to shut-off flooding, and other features to maintain bouancy, stability and balance. The Manawanui may have been selected for its easiness to sink.
NZ Navy Commodore Andrew Brown announced Monday 21 October 2024, that two of the three containers that were submerged with the lost vessel, had been recovered and taken ashore, as part of Operation Resolution. Commodore Brown made a point of saying it was the beginning of CHOGM week, and there was an upbeat energy in Samoa. In other words, Operation Resolution appears to be subtly signalling the sinking was, in effect, a dénouement literary device that in a story can be defined as the closure of the issue of a complicated fictional plot. Cue the Adventures of Tintin.

However, Nanai Dr Iati Iati, a Samoan Senior Lecturer in politics and international relations at Victoria University inWellington, said it was ironic that CHOGM, was taking place when one of the ships of its founding members, New Zealand, was leaking oil into Samoa. Particularly, since CHOGM focusses on maritime security.
At the post-cabinet press conference on Monday December 2, Prime Minister Luxon said there was monitoring for possible pollution, and the fishing bans could be lifted once the science was in, after the fuel salvage was complete by around the end of year. He added, discussion would then occur on whether the hull could be a tourist card.
One has to wonder if another purpose was to draw the governments closer together.
The New Zealand Defence Force Maritime New Zealand’s Rescue Coordination Center to coordinate rescue efforts, Mrs Collins said. The Samoa Fire and Emergency Services Authority rescued the crew, along with other craft such as the Double Down.
Analysis: Manawanui Sinking ‘Morse Code’ to Luxon Cabinet
It would appear that the root cause of the Manawanui Sinking is poor institutional knowledge, in which the filtering of sensitivities about ‘the ley of the land (and sea)’ were not conveyed to the incoming Prime Minister, Chris Luxon, nor the Defence Minister, Judith Collins, who is also the Minister of National Security and Intelligence.
The elephant in the Q+A room, was the defence budget cut of nearly $1.5 billion, or 20%, four months prior to the Manawanui Sinking. In January 2024, Luxon had called upon all government departments, ministries and agencies to identify cost savings.

If my Terror Archipelago Down Under thesis is correct, each new government administration seems to undergo a reset that alters the mandated political trajectory of New Zealand. This appears ‘necessary’ to embroil the Cabinet and key officials, as well to manufacture the consent by alchemically processing the mass population.
Moreover, poor institutional knowledge underscores Mr Tame’s question to Collins about whether there’s an appetite for a NATO-style defence alliance in the Pacific.
I contend the Manawanui Sinking is another shock news event in an ongoing low-grade war of trauma programming, economic warfare and ritual terrorism, and fits with a ‘strategy of tension’ paradigm to forge a police state, while teethering the ‘ship of state’ tighter to the Anglo-American Empire. Cue Sleeping Dogs trailer.
Jack Tame seems to be unware that a secret low-grade war was inflicted by all NATO countries, on their own citizens, under the auspices of ‘Operation Gladio’, starting in Italy in 1947 and spreading across Western Europe, until its exposure in 1990.
Originally, this low-grade war was designed to frighten the mass populaces of Western Europe and thereby shift the political center of gravity to the ‘right’ and away from socialism by blaming left-wing communist groups for terrorism, and associating peace with right-wing politics. By studying the subversion of Western Europe by the fascist Gladio network, Daniele Ganser in his book, NATO’s Secret Armies, proved this secret army actually drove a radical shift in warfare with a ‘strategy of tension’.

And in his book, GLADIO: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe — The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis, Richard Cottrell traced the atrocities of Operation Gladio through the years. Perhaps more shocking, Paul L. Williams sketched the history of Vatican-CIA-sponsored terrorism, drug-running and arms trafficking since World War II, in his 2015 book, Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia. Williams maintains that ‘Gladio’ continues in mutated forms, globally.
Given the foregoing, these are some of the key reasons why my snoop-radar suspects that the naïve South Pacific archipelago has been subjected to a secret, sinister ‘strategy of tension’ for over four decades to shift its political center of gravity away from being a centrally-planned democratic socialist state, to a centrally-planned technocratic police state — all the while serving a closet talisman-pivot state function.
It appears the isolated South Pacific archipelago continues to be a staging ground for novel trojan horse coups d’état with each administration. Cue Pinky and the Brain song.
In my article “45 Years Ago: Air Accident or Air Terrorism?”, I explored the possibility that the DC-10’s collision with Mount Erebus in 1979 may have been a coup d’état designed to threaten the Establishment to move bureaucratic mountains for an envisaged trans-corporate heist of the economy. This possible air terrorism event may have also signalled to Western Élites attuned to such symbol sorcery, to move bureaucratic mountains for the forging of a global super economy, or more mountains could be moved in front of flight crews — any time. Cue Atom Ant song.
It also may have recast New Zealand as like a stage set, to periodically inflict novel trojan horse shocks for amplification, to threaten Western Élites to change course.
Thus, it’s critical to recall that former Prime Minister Rob Muldoon stated in his imaginatively titled 1977 autobiography, Muldoon, that New Zealanders needed to realize that not only is the world a “hard, cold” place. But, also that New Zealand is subject to economic warfare attacks, as well as subversion by actors who find it easier to penetrate the N.Z. system than the more heavily defended systems of its allies. Muldoon reformed the New Zealand Intelligence Council with these issues in mind, to afford closer liaison between the Police’s Intelligence Section, the Security Intelligence Service, and the External Intelligence Bureau. However, in Spyhunter: The Secret History of German Intelligence, Michael Shrimpton stated a small German intelligence ring stationed in Wellington had penetrated N.Z’.s state bureaucracy.

Evidently, the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD) — a secret intelligence agency within Germany’s military — at Dachau, near Munich, developed a specialist air terrorism division in the aftermath of World War II — because West Germany was prevented from possessing the new weapon of terror: nuclear bombs. Shrimpton says the SIS’s failure to identify career bureaucrat, Bill Sutch, as a DVD agent, led directly to the undisturbed penetration of New Zealand’s state bureaucracy by the DVD ring, to carry-on their subversion. The DVD has been carrying out industrial espionage, sabotage, and air terrorism to financially attack jet manufacturers, airliners and state treasuries in an undeclared war targetting civilians across the world, Shrimpton wrote.
The South Pacific archipelago appears to have been subjected to a secret, sinister ‘strategy of tension’ for over four decades to shift its political center of gravity away from being a centrally-planned democratic socialist state, to a centrally-planned technocratic police state, while serving a closet talisman-pivot state function.
New Zealand’s closest international neighbour, Australia is identified as a pivot state for its ‘military strategic goods’. Pivot states are located at the seams of the international system sandwiched between the rival great powers and super powers, as a 2014 paper entitled, “Why are Pivot States so Pivotal? The Role of Pivot States in Regional and Global Security” explored. Cue Austin Powers theme tune.
During this present Age of Conflict — the West’s Third Hundred Years’ War — pivot states are particularly vulnerable to interference since the world system is undergoing such epic geopolitical tectonic shifts. New Zealand is a soft target for foreign interference. The present tectonic shifts are identified as an epic struggle between powerful factions competing to control the territories, treasures and technologies for dominance over the development of the computing chip. This epic struggle occurs amid the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War that began around 1900 as a fight to control oil, via the Boer War (1899-1902) to gain gold for a war treasure chest, diamonds for radio crystals, and to field test capabilities of the Britsh Empire.
In his 1961 book, The Evolution of Civilizations, Quigley presented a civilization model to show every civilization needs an instrument of expansion. In the classical age, the primary instrument of expansion was slavery. (It re-surfaced during the Colonial Era). When civilization’s turn expansionist, they become empires. The super-wealthy operate as oligarchic coalitions to transform their economic power into political power, as Jeffrey Winters stated in Oligarchy. To oligarchic coalitions, what matters is accumulating capital at faster rates than their rival coalitions, to transform economic wealth into political power to forge empires. Cue Austin Powers theme song.
Oligarchs can only exist in societies with extreme wealth disparities, and they thrive in crisis-ridden societies. In short, the super-wealthy cause crises, including poverty.
Left to their own devices, oligarchs form empires and pursue world domination.
Since a Hundred Year’s War occurs when the world system is undergoing huge changes driven by the development of technologies, administrative systems and resources that comprise a new instrument of empire expansion, the struggle to consolidate gains from engineered resets, produces data to identify key players.
Since the Anglo-American Empire remains in the closet about the fact that it is an expansionist imperial project, the Snoopman reasons a closet empire needs a closet pivot state to act an ‘influence-multiplier’. As such, he explores a creepy logic that such an oceanic power alliance would require a closet pivot state to fulfil a trojan horse function, by acting as its lightening-rod, its lab-facility and its light-house.
New Zealand appears to be a closet pivot state; meaning key insiders of the national security state seem to be behind, or complicit in, special operations to periodically inflict engineered ‘deep events’ — in collaboration with their Western counterparts — to pivot the Western-aligned countries deeper into the American Empire’s orbit.

Periodically, a catalytic event appears to be inflicted upon New Zealand (or its assets in overseas territories), to compromise key officials in each administration, and thereby alter the nation’s mandated political trajectory. In some cases, the political leaders may have been a conspiring party to ‘Cross the Rubicon’ prior to a staged crisis being taken ‘live’. The expression ‘crossing the Rubicon’ has its origins when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River in 49 B.C. with his army; an act that broke the law and was a provocation for war with the leader of the Rome, Pompey. The expression is commonly used to mean that the ‘point of no return’ has been passed. Cue Pink Panther tune.
If we take the adage ‘terrorism is theater’, that was coined by former U.S. Special Operations Officer, Brian Michael Jenkins, while he worked as a Research Analyst in Terrorism at the Rand Corporation in 1973-74, to mean the real targets of terrorism are not the victims, but the audience, who might be the primary target audience of stealthy trojan horse terrorism plots? Who is paid to care, but needs guidance to steer?
Since Jenkins made his observation to point out that terrorism is designed to induce shock, fear and submission on the watching audience — and the prima facie evidence presented here indicates a metaphor-laden operation — it would seem the primary target audience were key Wellington Élites attuned to decrypting such ‘Morse Code’.
Jenkins made this observation while working at the Rand Corporation — a key U.S. federally funded think-tank, where game theory strategies were developed during the ‘Cold War’ to stabilize the power structures of the Russian and America empires.
As crisis management expert Paul ’t Hart observed, crises can be contrived and manoeuvred by actors within and external to the state apparatus and provided they can control the ritualized symbolic actions, they can also constrain the meanings. In an atmosphere of calamity and urgency, those who control perceptions about what caused the crisis and what might resolve it, will tend to gain politically, wrote ’t Hart in his 1993 paper “Symbols, rituals and power: The lost dimensions of crisis management” and published in the Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.
Political actors, whether they work in government institutions or in private enterprises, have incentives to smooth over concerns during crises, either because they do not want to make them worse, or because they are acting collusively to set a course toward a climax, from which they expect to gain in its resolution. Powerful groups use the media to relay information to ‘crisis stakeholders’. Ergo, newsrooms become vectors for perception management in the absence of vigilant filtering.
Such events trigger damage control by an administration’s authorities, including the police, following a disaster, a bungled operation, or an emergency response failure, or as a result of attempts to contain resistance ‘from below’. The sitting governments that are embroiled in the cover-ups, conflicts or clashes — become compromised.
These inquiries or investigations are often a part of the cover-up, to downplay as mistakes or errors and to reveal ‘lessons’, while blame-shifting scapegoating occurs.
Élite criminals exploit the speed of high-velocity engineered events to distort perceptions about the facts of events that overtake “low velocity political deliberation and public accountability”, as Monash University senior lecturer of public international law Eric Wilson has found in his studies of ‘Shadow Government’ phenomena. It is in this way, that “politics ‘disappears into aesthetics’ ”, Wilson says.
In the process, the splicing of space and time and kinetic image sequences depicted in newsreel frames mask the speed-politics in play with a copy of reality, thereby rendering the in-built power crimes invisible. Élite criminals optimize their power and prestige through the construction of networks that work to minimize the risks of detection and maximize the payoffs. ‘Benign’ bad actors omit, deny or ridicule the idea that the crisis in question is itself a construction of select key players. To this end, a ‘rescue’ or ‘reset’ narrative is filled with obvious and subtle inconsistencies that require deliberate masking efforts and crisis rituals to obscure the power relations at stake. Therefore, each institutional report contributes to a ‘crisis’ picture, which forms, over time, a narrative arc. Such reports omit data to obfuscate the true picture.
Yet, power crimes can be deciphered with a technique designed for naval intelligence.
A methodology for a forensic investigation of data-sets employs an event cluster modelling technique developed to decipher submarine intelligence reports. This clustering technique is practical for institutional, national and planetary data analysis because the procedure is designed to handle reports with uncertain information.
The doubt inherent to submarine intelligence gathering, such as the identity of specific submergible craft, is comparable to institutional documentation. The behaviour of hostile actors may be likened to submergible vessels since the location, time and real purpose of movements, internal information and events are often not specified in organizational reports. Sometimes the linkages between players, the extent of their institutional affiliations and their objectives are not disclosed.

Important component events are identified and sequenced. Some organizational content may not refer to a specific event or might refer to an event that either belongs to another event within the cluster or to another event cluster. ‘Historical’ events may also be mentioned in the reports. This kind of content contains interpretations and propositions about unfolding events in general. Reading credible counter-narratives of historical events that establishment historians sanitize due to wearing institutional hats, can yield insights about current day agendas — when such historical events are ‘recruited’ by élites as they dance like synchronized swimmers to exploit crises.
Meta-level evidence reveals the underlying logic and reason about the partitioning of the original evidence. Each additional piece of evidence from each subset is placed at the meta-level if the proposition of this additional evidence cannot be partitioned adequately. The questionable proposition is interrogated in combination with the other questionable propositions present in the subsets of each event cluster. These incongruous propositions reveal the event cluster’s conflict and together show meta-conflict and unbraid the conspirators’ hidden objectives. Cue Scooby Doo theme tune.
A set of points, or ‘dots’, emerge showing linkages within and between these clusters can emerge that can reveal a narrative arc that possibly serves the strategic objectives of an alleged hostile take-over clique. The ‘meta-level’ information is like sub-text.
Élites can be expected to refer to past events that have nothing to do with the current event cluster, or their commentary is not directly related to an event in a cluster. A critical second look at such events, whether historic or part of an unfolding recent sequence can yield suppressed or heavily censored critical counter-narratives. Such counterpoints can then reveal the overarching hidden objectives, or the meta-conflict.

The news reports from the Manawanui Sinking event clusters: (1) Run Aground and Rescue; (2) Fire and Sinking; (3) Crisis Rituals; (4) Operation Resolution; (5) CHOGM, Samoa; (6) Interim Inquiry Findings, generated much data that could not be partitioned adequately. Information that either did not refer to a specific event or that referred to an event that belonged to another event within the cluster or to another event cluster, or to historical events or to future planned events, or the general state of the world, were mentioned in the reports. This data was escalated to the meta-level, and their propositions were interpeted within a geopolitical paradigm.
The meta-conflict in the Manawanui Sinking appears to convey the defence budget is above the cabinet’s paygrade because New Zealand is in a process of police state formation, amid the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War. Cue Pinky and the Brain song.
Since the timing of the Manawanui Sinking coincided with the Defence Capability Plan being prepared for the Defence Minister, it would appear a faction of N.Z.’s Defence Force, including the Royal New Zealand Navy, sent Judith Collins ‘signals intelligence’ to convey a message to expand capacity with new hardware. It appears Mrs Collins deciphered the encoded threat packaged into the coincidence of the Manawanui Sinking, while in the midst of the Defence Capability Review cycle.
In 2019, the Ministry of Defence and the Defence Force gained a combined increase of $1 billion, or by almost a quarter, taking the annual appropriations to $4.1 billion.
Overall, the 2019 allocation for military spending increased by 19% to a record total of NZ$4.44 billion, according to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
In June 11 2019, Defence Minister Ron Mark announced the N.Z. Defence Force’s Capability Plan for 2019 that included a ‘Pacific Reset’, which committed the Ardern Coalition Government to a $20 billion military upgrade. This five-year Defence Force Capability Plan tied New Zealand closer to Australia and shifted the political centre of gravity away from China and drew the country’s orbit closer to the United States.
This $20 billion military upgrade was embarked upon in 2014 during the Key Coalition Government, but it was under threat with the Ardern Coalition Government’s review of the National Security State Complex by the State Services Commission in 2018 following its over-reach on Key’s watch. Following the Christchurch Massacre, all was forgiven and natioanl securtiy state won public acclaim amid heightened emotional hijacking drive led by the ‘Scarlet Woman’.
By mid-2019, the appropriations, including the post-Christchurch Massacre budget, allocated to the ‘Pacific Reset’ tallied to $5.8 billion, since 2014 for the upgrade.

While this Pacific Reset was approved by the Ardern Cabinet in Febuary 2018, there was the awkward problem of how to advance the re-integration of New Zealand back into the Western Alliance on the watch of a Labour-led Coalition Government. Under John Key’s Coalition Government, the ship-of state underwent military re-integration.
The delicate situation required a political marriage between NZ’s left-wing faction and the Empire to fully restore the national security state with the Western Alliance, under a Labour-led Cabinet in the 33rd year after the 1985 Rainbow Warrior Bombing.
This problem was magically solved by a catalytic event, the Christchurch Shootings, on the Ides of March in 2019, that resulted in 51 dead, 49 injured, and global news coverage of the world’s first live-streamed, fourth-most deadliest civilian massacre.
Ironically, the mayhem of the Christchurch mosques’ shooter achieved what could not be resolved by above-board means by any lobby groups, think-tanks or political strategist consultancies. Ergo, in the 33rd year following the termination phase of Opération Sataniqué, all was forgiven with the over-reach of the national security state, including the police and the SIS, using a private investigation firm for spying.
And so, the previous Defence Review on Ardern’s watch saw a $1 billion increase following the mass shooting. Disturbingly, in my Darkest Day Decepion series, I proved it was possible to find the attack locations within one minute — as any smart nine-year old with a laptop and internet connection could have on receiving the gunman’s email eight minutes before he opened fire at Al Noor Mosque, on March 15.
Responsibility for the assessment and escalation procedures for responding to threatening calls and emails to the NZ Parliament shifted from the Beehive to the Security Enablement Team of Parliamentary Services in January 2019. This was like an echo of the security transition occurring at the time of the Rainbow Warrior Bombing. The Officials Terrorism Committee, chaired by Gerald Hensley, was earmarked to be replaced by a Terrorism Emergency Group, to be chaired by N.Z. PM David Lange.
Moreover, there was an emergeny response failure, due in no small part to the coincidental timing of a national-level training exercise involving the Armed Offenders Squads and Special Tactics Groups occurring at Princess Margaret Hospital in southern Christchurch. The gunman, Brenton Harrison Tarrant, appeared to have on-the-ground help, since there is prima facie evidence of a professional hit-team supporting the clichéd pseudo commando patsy, which is consistent with deep state black operations and the Pentagon’s “Kill Box” manuals. Cue Batman theme tune.
And it appears the Ides of March Mosques Massacre, which occurred on the 74th day of 2019, after a 74-page manifesto was sent to Jacinda Ardern — was a ritualized slaying. The attacks’ unfolded with an uncanny mirroring of the 74th chapter of Islam’s Holy Book, The Koran (Quran), entitled “Al-Muddathir” (The Cloaked One).

The ‘Ides of March’ is a potent date throughout Western Civilization particularly because it was famously dramatised by William Shakespeare in his play, Julius Caesar.
Embedded in the cultural legacy of the assassination of Julius Caesar on March 15th 44BC, is its symbolic signals. In the Roman calendar (except in a leap year), the 74th day was notable in the Roman Republic as the deadline for settling debts. Historian Cassius Dio characterised the slaughter of Caesar as a religious sacrifice. While he was stabbed 23 times, in Shakespeare’s play the daggers struck 33 times.
Although it could be said that the Defence Budget dropped dramatically in 2020, on Ardern’s watch, it had risen dramatically in 2019, with approximately $6.8 billion allocated to the total national defence budget, which is a huge sum in the aftermath of the Christchurch Massacre. The post-Christchurch Massacre budget spike towered above previous and subsequent years like a vanity skyscraper. Cue Batman tune.

On Ardern’s watch, the South Pacific archipelago became a stage-set for a global voodoo show on the Ides of March in 2019. And by the year’s end, the wooden Scarlet Woman character would be gaslighting the ‘Erebus Families’ with a magical acceptance ritual, while having set in motion a cover-up operation pertaining to the Ides of March Massacre — in the form of a Royal Commission to control the narrative.
On becoming Prime Minister, Ardern had met with the ‘Erebus Families’, and in 2018 she also studied the archived evidence, and testimonies, as well as read the reports.

Ms Ardern, as the Minister of National Security and Intelligence, knew how to control a probe. As Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, became very familiar with the wide-ranging Royal Commission into the ‘Erebus Disaster’, ostensibly in preparation for the 40th anniversary of an Air NZ DC-10 crashing on Mt Erebus, Antarctica in 1979.
Ergo, while Ardern was performing an acceptance ritual before the ‘Erebus Families’, the ‘Mosque Massacre Families’ were being played — since the Royal Commission was part of the cover-up — on her watch. As with the investigation into the Rainbow Warrior Bombing, where the scope of the investigation was constricted to limit the fall-out with the French Government and the Western Alliance, the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Christchurch Attacks was also tightly restricted, as the Snoopman showed in part 1 of his Darkest Day Deception series.
In other words, it appears that Jacinda Ardern was uncannily prepared for a possible coup d’état with a trojan horse plot twist — as if she were inspired to carry out such dark sorcery upon the naïve muggles of the geographically-isolated archipelago.

Isn’t it uncanny that when Ardern’s image was projected on the Burj Khalifa Tower against the night sky in the aftermath of the Ides of March Mosques Massacre, the skyscraper was in effect transformed into the inverse of a bat-signal in Gotham? After all, the Burj Khalifa Tower looked a gigantic hypodermic needle, did it not? It was as if massacre in Christchurch alchemically fused the globalist élites of the nominally Christian and Muslim worlds, to signal a dark global reset was on the horizon. And as if on cue, one year later the WHO declared a ‘pandemic’, that would feature coercing billions of mortals to take needle shots of novel mRNA-injecticides as the solution.
And, as the Snoopman has sketched in part 1 of his “Terror Archiplago Down Under”, the series’ second looks at 13 crises reveals an uncanny exploitation by the national security state to capture or catapult the government, to accumulate more power, and to steer the archipelago further along the twisting road to a technocratic police state.
Each of the 13 crises occurred on potently-charged dates, as if they were conjured by dark witches and wizards to re-work anniversaries into talismans to telegraph tyranny.
One of these crises was the strange crash of an Air New Zealand-owned A320 Airbus that occurred precisely one year ahead of the 30th Anniversary of the Mount Erebus Disaster. The A320 Airbus fell into the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Perpignan, France. This doomed flight was actually a handover test, or an ‘acceptance flight’, that took place on 28 November 2008 (New Zealand Daylight Time). The airbus had been leased to a German charter firm XL Airways, and had just been repainted with Air New Zealand’s branding. The spooky coincidence appeared to signal caution.
The sudden demise of the Flight 888T was uncanny not only because it occurred one year ahead of the 30th anniversary; a delicate matter. This crash occurred barely a fortnight after John Key was elected Prime Minister, on 10 November 2008.
The date of fatal flights’ TE901 and 888T carries historic potency as well. On 28th November 1910, the Terra Nova sailed from Port Chalmers. It would be Captain Robert Falcon Scott’s last Antarctic expedition. The ship’s name also carries potency.

Scott’s party of five died on the return journey from the pole; some of their bodies, journals, and photographs were found by a search party eight months later.
Therefore, the maritime-aviation navigation metaphor imbued in the date, November 28, carries potency. After all, the degree of Captain Jim Collins’s personal culpability in the crash of Flight 901 remains controversial, while the degree of the Air New Zealand navigation section’s culpability, in particular, was rescued by Superintendant Brian Wilkinson, who shut down the police investigation without any prosecutions.

Moreover, the demise of Flight 888T off the coast of France remains controversial.
The irony deepened in 2009, when Air New Zealand launched an ad campaign, titled ‘Nothing to Hide’, featuring airline staff posing nude, with bodypaint costumes, including the chief executive, Rob Fyfe, who played a baggage handler. Ergo, the Air New Zealand CEO would act like the airline had nothing to hide at the 30th anniversary and perform a limp-wristed apology to script. Cue the Scooby Doo theme tune.

The charged potency heightens with reference to the Antarctic Flights’ start date. The first Antarctica Flights marketed by Air New Zealand took place on 15 February 1977.
The day, 15 February in 1882, is a well-known moment in the plucky South Pacific archipelago’s history, as its first shipment of frozen meat left by sea bound for London.
Snoop-neurons lit up reading of this historic tale. While en route from Port Chalmers to Britain, the Dunedin’s Captain almost froze to death in the ship’s hold while sawing extra holes to improve air circulation, as the vessel was becalmed in the sunny tropics.
Therefore, there appears to be symbol sorcery encoded into the doomed flight, TE-901.
Since the first frozen meat shipment left New Zealand on 15 February 1882, it could be said that the first Air New Zealand live meat flight to Antarctica occurred in 1977.

And therefore, it follows by the same dark brutal logic that the first Air New Zealand Antarctic frozen meat flight took place on 28 November 1979. And, 29 years later to the day in 2008, the first Air New Zealand mediterranean shark meat flight occurred.

In essence, the airline had moved a mountain in front of the flight crew. It appears a metaphor was codified into the event that said, move bureaucratic mountains for the transformation of this ‘banana republic’ into a realm of the globalized super economy.
After all, the Antarctic Flights were marketed as ‘one class’ to convey the idea that the commercial civilian sight-seeing trips would erase privilege. In an apparent metaphor-laden plot, this travel class was called ‘super economy’, and appeared to reflect the psychotic humour of a clandestine group intent on repurposing the South Pacific archipelago. It’s new role would be a stage set for show-casing trojan horse resets, it seems, with each new government administration captured by a shock event.

Ironically, HMNZS Manawanui sunk on the same date, October 6, that ‘Young Nick’ sighted the New Zealand coastline aboard the HMS Endeavour in 1769.

Freemason Captain Bro. James Cook was an accomplished navigator sailing a shallow-hulled coal merchant vessel refitted for coastal surveying. Subsequently, on November 9th 1769, Captain Bro. Cook and his astronomer Charles Green made calculations from measuring the Transit of Mercury across the sun at Mercury Bay, to fix the near-precise location of New Zealand on a world chart. Bro. Cook would later describe New Zealand, at the end of his log, as an ideal base in the South Pacific for the Empire.
Therefore, where the Manawanui ran aground on the 13th anniversary of the Rena running aground on October 5 2011 on Astrolabe reef, which was named after the ship Astrolabe, that nearly ran aground there on 16 February 1827; and where Captain Cook began his circumnavigation of New Zealand after the surgeon’s boy, Nicholas Young, had sighted the coastline on October 6 1769, the Manawanui sank on October 6 2024.
And Cook would go on to fix the near-precise location of New Zealand on a world chart, with his astronomer, after they calculated their measurements at Mercury Bay, from observations of the Transit of Mercury across the sun — with 18th Century tech.
In other words, if the sinking of the survey ship was a staged scuttling, it may have worked as a ritualized humiliation to resolve the lingering issues in a narrative plot.
Therefore, the Manawanui may have been selected for its easiness to sink. The refitted oil survey ship did not have the level of redundancy that pupose-built naval vessels are designed with, since civilian ships don’t have the degree of compartmentalization, to shut-off flooding, and other features to maintain bouancy, stability and balance.
Thus, it appears Luxon was poorly advised about how exactly the long process of the South Pacific archipelago’s re-integration back into the Anglo-American Empire, had occurred since the rift over the ANZUS military widened into a seemingly unfathomable chasm in the aftermath of the Warrior’s sinking. Cue Roadrunner theme.
Over the course of hacked time, each new government administration seems to undergo a reset that alters the mandated political trajectory of New Zealand.
Ergo, an apparent implicit threat in the naval ship’s uncanny grounding on the 13th anniversary of the Rena running aground, appears to have been deciphered by the Navy’s Rear Admiral and the Defence Minister, for the Realm’s chief pilot: Mr Luxon.
The ‘Morse Code’ in the two sinking events becomes potent when a survey of N.Z.’s current prime minister and his career trajectory reveals it is peppered with this prime number, 13. Intriguingly, Christopher Luxon’s high-octane rise from brand marketer to CEO at Air New Zealand, included intriguing drops of the prime number 13 on his signposted way to becoming PM — that revealed chess moves. The brand marketer, who was selected by Air New Zealand’s board to be the airline’s CEO after 13 months with the company, was subsequently chosen for the MicroSoft Summits, a confab between ‘global thought leaders’ numbering 130; a multiple of the recidivist prime number. Most New Zealanders also remain unaware that Luxon’s invitation to a $13,000 dinner with former US President Barack Obama numbered 13 mortals. And, on Luxon’s watch, the airline came to own 13 of Boeing’s 787-9 Dreamliners. In October 2018, when Luxon was appointed chairman of the Prime Minister’s inaugural 13-member Business Advisory Council, it signalled a political marriage between the left and right factions of Wellington’s political elite. Cue Pinky and the Brain theme.
And during his attendance at the NATO 75th anniversary dinner at the White House on 10 July 2024, Chris Luxon reportedly got introductions with 13 leaders. Cue Tintin.
The primary number, Thirteen, symbolizes ‘unity and fraternal love’, and has long been used for ‘procuring marriage agreements’ among brotherhoods across the world, as occultist Aleister Crowley stated in his book, Liber 777, and W. Wynn Westcott asserted in his work, Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues.
By embedding events with ‘Thirteen’, coalitions of élites signal unity among a brotherhood; that they are advancing a syndicate game to signal promises and threats, telegraph caution and control in the inevitable scandals, while exploiting crises. If other players are not seen to be posting themselves as ‘hostages’ with such encoded signalling — defections can be expected on the next moves, as game theory predicts.
Hostage exchanges take many forms, including cross-shareholding stakes, attending elite summits, sitting on multiple corporate, government and think-tank boards.
It might have been lost on Chris Luxon when he attended a White House dinner on 10 July 2024, while he was in Washington D.C. for NATO’s 75th Anniversary Summit, that it was the 39th anniversary of the Rainbow Warrior sinking. This happenstance was potent, given that the over-arching purpose of the Rainbow Warrior Bombing was to telegraph a threat to élites of the Western Alliance to rein in their anti-nuclear activists; many sought to shift the political centre of gravity away from a military-backed empire, such as happened in the ‘poorly disciplined’ Realm of New Zealand.
N.Z.’s joining the Asia Pacific Four Partnership (AP-4) in 2020, in effect, replaced the ANZUS military alliance, which is either shelved, filed, sunk, or it’s a museum exhibit.

Ergo, the potency of Luxon’s Cabinet cutting the defence budget by 20% appears to have been refracted in the Manwanui ‘doing a Rena’ — as if like in a cracked mirror — on the 13th anniversary of the container ship striking Astrolabe Reef in 2011.
According to the military defence intelligence magazine, Jane’s, the NZ Government announced a 2024–25 defence budget of NZ$5.88 billion (US$3.60 billion), against the final budgeted expenditure of NZ$7.37 billion in 2023–24. Luxon has led an expenditure slashing drive across state services since winning power in October 2023.
Jane’s reported the total budget consists of a ‘Vote Defence Force’ allocation of NZ$5.04 billion, covering salaries, training costs, capital expenditure, and military preparedness. This figure declined by 16% in the most recent budget. And, the ‘Vote Defence’ appropriation of NZ$839.8 million, is allocated for managing procurement and sustainment activity and policy advice. This sum dropped by more than 36%.
The budget for New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) capital expenditure in 2024–25 is NZD$1.09 billion, a decrease of about NZ$425.5 million or 28%, while its capital injection allocation fell by almost 90% to just NZ$85.9 million, Jane’s reported.
The Vote Defence Force budget document attributed the reduction to declined spending on major capital projects including the Royal New Zealand Air Force’s (RNZAF’s) acquisition of five Lockheed Martin C‐130J‐30 Super Hercules transport aircraft, which was announced in 2019, and four Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft (MPA), announced in 2018. Ergo, the N.Z. Navy was on the back-burner.
Ironically, the Manawanui’s ‘badge’ included the Trident symbolism, which is the weapon associated with the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon, and his Roman equivalent, Neptune. Adding to this apparent corny Greek-and-Roman-themed psycho-drama, N.Z.’s Royal Air Force deployed one of its P-8A Poseidons to assist in the recovery, which replaced the Lockheed P-3K2 Orions operated by No. 5 Squadron.
Ironically, when ‘Crusher’ Collins announced on May 10, ahead of the budget, that the Government planned to inject $571 million into defence spending to better remunerate service people and improve defence equipment and infrastructure, former Minister of Defence, Penne Henare said the Ardern Government spent $4.7 billion on Defence over six years in office, a doubling of the Key Ministry’s defence expenditure.
Given that the HMNZS Manawanui ran aground on Sinelai Reef in Samoa on the 13th anniversary of the MV Rena running aground on Astrolabe Reef on 5 October 2011, the uncanny coincidence looks corny. And when the associated events are brought to the fore and their apparent metaphor-laden meanings are unpacked, it appears as if some darkly-inspired wizard and witches get their kicks consulting compediums of Wilson & Horton’s Darkest Days and A.W. Reed’s historical events. Cue Hong Kong Phooey song.
It seems news-worthy shocks are staged with associated themes as part of a multi-decade strategy of tension in a broader low-grade war to process the South Pacific archipelago as a group mind, while issuing codified threats to the Establishment.
The Manawanui Sinking is emerging as like a metaphor-laden tale where a symbolic switching of a naval vessel’s command occurred. In this fishy drama, the switching from manual control to autopilot appears to have worked as a mechanism to embarrass the naval command, catch the Luxon Administration off guard and demonstrate to those in the Establishment attuned to reading the runes, that a reset of New Zealand’s electorally-mandated trajectory has been jolted off course. Cue Hogan’s Heroes theme.
Conclusions to Manawanui Sinking ‘Morse Code’ to Luxon Cabinet
In spite of Christopher Luxon’s high-octane propulsion to the role of the country’s ‘Chief Pilot’, after a seven year stint as the CEO of Air New Zealand, and with a trail of number Thirteen droppings in his wake — a stiff lesson had been served, it seems.
The apparent implicit threat in the naval ship’s uncanny grounding on the 13th anniversary of the Rena running aground, appears to have been deciphered by the Navy’s Rear Admiral and the Defence Minister for the Realm’s chief pilot: Mr Luxon.
Ergo, it seems the New Zealand Navy’s Rear Admiral was steered to perform a codified blameshifting ritual, 45 years to the day that the crew of a United States Navy Hercules were shocked when they spotted the DC-10 and found so little wreckage.

In this psychodrama, New Zealanders have been ‘processed’ to accept the solution is brand new naval vessels, following the return of the crew to the far-flung colony in a C-130J Hercules, essentially a deus ex machina plot device, manufactured by Boeing.
The ‘signals intelligence’ appears to communicate that the Luxon Government, cannot over-ride the national security state’s auto-pilot mode and any attempts to steer the Realm in manual mode will be humiliating. Cue Roadrunner song.
Luxon’s Cabinet, it seems, was served Morse Code: Vote Budget Up, or Buy Body Bags.
The meta-conflict in the Manawanui Sinking appears to convey the defence budget is above the cabinet’s paygrade because New Zealand is in a process of police state formation, amid the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War, which began around 1900.
*While I contend ANZUS is unsalvagable, since New Zealand’s nuclear free zone appears assured — absent escalation of present hostilities culminating into nuclear missile volleys — some commentators believe ANZUS is merely dormant, as if it is in a dry-dock, or relegated to filing cabinets in the legal counsel offices of the respective governments. In any case, the subext seems clear that the public are to be spectators.
See also part 1 of the Snoopman Files series: “Terror Archipelago Down Under?”
Back when Steve Snoopman was ‘Snoopboy’, he delivered the Auckland Star during the dark days of the Reagan White House. Later he forged his superpower to ‘Thunk Evil Without Being Evil’ while writing a thesis on the Global Financial Crisis. Upon quipping that Batman failed to bust any Gotham banker balls — since his ass is owned by DC Comics — he consequently realised New Zealand needed a Snoopman.
Editor’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]
Steve Snoopman also posts on Snoopman News [at]