Ghoulish Grandstanding Amid Genuine Grief
Why the Christchurch Earthquake 13th Anniversary Signals a Group Game
This heretical dispatch reveals a detectable ghoulish signalling of a group game encoded into the hosting of the 13th memorial anniversary of the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake. A clandestine cadre, or brotherhood, appear to have inflicted the Christchurch and Kaikōura earthquakes to re-bind New Zealand to the American Empire after three decades of cooled relations over the ANZUS military alliance rift. The supposition presented here is that New Zealand is a closet pivot state; meaning key insiders of the national security state periodically inflict engineered ‘deep events’ — in collaboration with their Western counterparts — to pivot the Western aligned countries deeper into the American Empire’s orbit.
Former Māori Television news and current affairs editor, Steve Snoopman, shows how and why the prime number 13 is embedded in ‘news worthy’ events by ruling élites to procure political marriages, to display unity, encode caution and to signal who to scapegoat to de-escalate scandals — lest they snowball into crises. The meta-data reveals an élite state-corporate criminal group operated cartels to exploit the Christchurch Earthquake Rebuild, as well as the Kaikōura Earthquake Recovery.
Moreover, he explores the supposition that both earthquake sequences — which were each widely reported to have clocked up 13,000 aftershocks — may have been engineered. Both earthquakes struck when American deep state actors were in New Zealand, and when the country was hosting multi-national military flotillas, and also when there was (were) a seismic survey ship(s), in the vicinity of the epicentres. An event-clustering technique developed to decipher submarine intelligence reports can be adapted to reveal the patterns in institutional collusion, crisis rituals and various masking techniques. Event clusters can be identified from the data, sorted and analyzed to reveal wrongdoing underpinning hidden objectives.
The re-integration of New Zealand into the ANZUS military alliance was, in effect, ‘book-ended’ by the two earthquake sequences, Canterbury and Kaikōura. The signing of a US-NZ political-military-economic agreement called the ‘Wellington Declaration’ in the capital city on November 4 2010 by US Secretary of State officially ended the ANZUS/Anti-Nuclear Rift. Poignantly, this signing occurred in the 33rd year after NZ’s Prime Minister, Robert Muldoon, secretly established the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB), which is part of the Five Eyes echelon surveillance network. And, in the aftermath of the Kaikōura earthquake, the first US warship to visit NZ in 33 years was able to assist with the disaster relief, and thereby win public acclaim for the American Navy.
The political puppetry groom game underpinning Chris Luxon’s meteoric rise demonstrated a corporate élite, who had been propelled with high octane jet-setters’ fuel into the political realm. As NZ’s PM, Luxon is signalling brotherhood pedigree.
Occult Signalling Behind Christchurch Earthquake 13th Anniversary
A memorial ceremony to mark the 13th anniversary of the horrific 2011 Christchurch Earthquake was held at the Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial on Thursday.
The 6.3 magnitude Christchurch Earthquake — which struct at lunchtime, 12.51pm, on 22 February 2011 — was devastating. The death toll was 185 people, including 115 in the Canterbury TV building, 18 in the Pyne Gould building, and 8 on Red Bus #702, while approximately 5,800 were injured and over 100,000 homes damaged.
Yet, amid the genuine solemnity of grieving families, friends and folk of Christchurch, Canterbury and Japan, a detectable ghoulish signalling of a group game occurred.
An anniversary 13 years on may appear to be reasonable, given that a new coalition government administration formed at the end of 2023, following a general election.
However, when the meteoric rise of New Zealand’s fresh-to-politics Prime Minister, Chris Luxon is examined, the recurrence of the prime number 13, begins to look like a numerical character with hidden connections. Readers of part 1 of my Lux Luthor series, “Operation Overwealth”, will recall that Luxon’s attendance at an exclusive $13,000 dinner in March 2018 with Barrack Obama, numbered 13 mortals. And, that his subsequent selection as Chairman of Jacinda Ardern’s inaugural Prime Minister’s 13-member Business Advisory Council — demonstrated a newly minted rook groomed for a chessboard. A political marriage was being procured for stability.
This grooming followed his selection as the new CEO of Air New Zealand after only 13 months with the airline. Thus, repetition of the recidivist prime number 13 associated with Luxon, can be traced to his propulsion as head of New Zealand’s flagship carrier. During his time as Air New Zealand Chief Operating Officer, Luxon was selected as the only Kiwi to attend Bill Gates’ exclusive Microsoft CEOs Summit, that numbered 130 global ‘thought’ leaders. As I showed, the number 13 (and its multiples and variants) are used by Gotham’s and London’s banking oligarchy, as well as by the political oligarchy of Washington, in the District of Columbia, which is the 13th district of the privately-owned Federal Reserve banking cartel — to encode events to signal moves to advance élite criminal group games.
And, in September 2018, when Luxon publicly apologized to customers for a challenging year, the recidivist prime number popped up. The biggest challenge, Luxon said, had been the unscheduled global maintenance issues with Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines that power Boeing’s 787 Dreamliners. The disruptions grounded five out of 13 of the planes that were purchased on Luxon’s watch.
Because, most Kiwis are unaware that Luxon’s participation in the Microsoft CEOs Summits in the mid-2010s, as well as his invitation to a $13,000 dinner with former US President Barack Obama, numbering 13 mortals, and his subsequent selection as Chairman of the inaugural Prime Minister’s 13-member Business Advisory Council — were chess plays in political grooming to become a ‘rook’, they also remain blind to how the Westminister democracies were franchised to protect Western oligarchies.
The primary number, Thirteen, symbolizes ‘unity and fraternal love’, and has long been used for ‘procuring marriage agreements’ among brotherhoods across the world, as occultist Aleister Crowley stated in his book, Liber 777, and W. Wynn Westcott asserted in his work, Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues.
By embedding events with ‘Thirteen’, coalitions of élites signal unity among a brotherhood; that they are advancing a syndicate game to signal promises and threats, telegraph caution and control in the inevitable scandals, while exploiting crises. If other players are not seen to be posting themselves as ‘hostages’ with such encoded signalling — defections can be expected on the next moves, as game theory predicts.
Game theory was developed during the Cold War to stabilize the power structures of the Russian Empire and the American Empire. In their paper, “Resolving social conflicts through hostage posting: theoretical and empirical considerations”, Gideon Keren and Werner Raub noted that “tacit communications of threats and promises are two major message strategies used to influence the behaviours of others”.
In numerology, there are three master numbers — 11, 22, and 33 — the last of which appears to be detectable in the signaling of the constructed meta-data associated with the rebuild, a well as return of US warships to New Zealand waters, and other events or data. Many have noted that date the Christchurch Earthquake hit was 22.02.2011.
The lowest master number, 11, is the master intuitive that represents illumination; a channel to the subconscious; insight without rational thought; as well as sensitivity, nervous energy, shyness, and impracticality. Although it is said to be a dreamer; it includes the characteristic that it can be turned inward to create fear and phobias, when it is not focused on a goal beyond itself — according to Master Numerologist, Hans Decoz. Whereas, master number, 22, can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality, but only when it is supported properly by other numbers in the chart. Decoz says 22 is said to be the most powerful of all numbers and is often called the Master Builder. The top master number, 33, is considered the master teacher and is said to be most spiritually evolved of all numbers. Evidently, 33’s qualities require people to walk the edge and risk it all, to experience the full power of this master number.
We will see that the top master number appears to have taught some stiff lessons.
The re-integration of New Zealand into the ANZUS military alliance was, in effect, ‘book-ended’ by the two earthquake sequences, Canterbury and Kaikōura.
When US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in the capital city to sign the ‘Wellington Declaration’, which was a US-NZ political and military agreement to seal a ‘bridge’ over the ANZUS/anti-nuclear chasm, the signing ritual came not only two months after the Darfield Earthquake of September 4 2010. The signing meant that this ‘Wellington Declaration’ was officially ratified in the 33rd year after NZ’s Prime Minister, Robert Muldoon, secretly established the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB), which is part of the Five Eyes echelon surveillance network.
To be more precise, the signing occurred 33 years, 33 weeks and 3 days after the GCSB was established. It would appear the Americans were teaching Kiwis ‘Morse Code’.
The three days, or 72 hours, neatly corresponds to the number 72, which is said to symbolize the metaphorical act of creation. 72 features as metaphors across the world’s mythological, religious and cultural traditions, according to Timothy Scott in his paper, “Remarks on the Universal Symbolism of the Number 72”. This universal number evidently expresses the progression or transmission from creative principle to creation itself. Lest the reader think the Snoopman has pivoted into woo-woo territory without just reason, consider that in 1993, NZ’s Aviation Security Service gained approval from Buckingham Palace for their new crest featuring the Pegasus.
Yet, in it’s 40th Anniversary publication, the Aviation Security Service (AVSEC) failed to mention that the French DGSE bomb team, who were responsible for setting the explosives on the Rainbow Warrior, slipped out of the country’s airports unchallenged.
The Greek God, Zeus, is said to have transformed Pegasus into the constellation visible in the northern and southern sky, with the brightest star being an orange super-giant, Epsilon Pegasi. The Pegasus symbol represents a mythical winged divine horse from Greek mythology that celestial cartographers portray as half of a horse, rising out of the ocean. As a result of the bombing mission, Opération Sataniqué, Greenpeace’s Pacific flagship metaphorically became a half-sunk seahorse.
The master number, 33, appeared elsewhere sprinkled in the quake events, entwined as if signalling a marriage between the New Zealand state, the United States, the American oligarchy, and American Empire’s military; particularly the US Navy.
But, if ‘33’ could be likened to mysterious figure, ‘13’ was cast as the leading character.
When the estimated government cost of $13 billion for the Christchurch rebuild jumped, it was a rise of 33 percent. But, by many earnest hardworking hands, the crony construction cartel had the ‘good fortune’ to have qualified Christchurch in the first muster of the Rockefeller Brother’s 33 ‘resilient cities’. And that, in the aftermath of the Kaikōura earthquake, the first US warship to visit NZ in 33 years was able to assist with the disaster relief, and thereby win public acclaim for the American Navy.
Lest it seem to the reader that it’s just the harmless influence of an Old Boys’ Network getting off signalling in code to one another as overgrown scouts, let me entertain you with some real world consequences. The recidivist prime numer thirteen appeared in the meta-data of Christopher Luxon’s skyrocket ascent as the nation’s Chief Minister, as well as the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008, and the Christchurch Rebuild.
While its customary to hold a 10-year anniversary, such as the one that occurred in 2021, it is odd that the New Zealand Government and Christchurch City Council expended resources, time and energy to commemorate the tragedy at the 13-year mark.
Perhaps the government took their cue from podcasting journalist, Chris Lynch, who posted on September 4 2023 that it had been 13 years since the Darfield earthquake.
Or, maybe the incoming Luxon Administration was inspired by a shake-up theme.
On 20 September 202023, Canterbury was once again rattled by a magnitude 6 earthquake, near Geraldine. Newshub reminded their audience the earthquake occurred just weeks after the 13th anniversary of the 2010 Darfield Earthquake. It was the magnitude 7.1 Darfield Earthquake that commenced the Canterbury Earthquake sequence, that included the Christchurch Earthquake; categorised as an aftershock.
GeoNet reported there were over 13,000 total ‘felt’ reports, on their website before updating the claim to over 14,000. As we shall see, GeoNet signals with 13, too.
Prime Minister Chris Luxon, said “We got people who have been at every major crisis in this town” — while visiting fire fighters amid another Port Hills blaze.
A bell was tolled 185 times, once for each person who perished in the 2011 earthquake, at the 13th anniversary at the Christchurch National Memorial.
The bell is a replica of the ship’s bell from HMNZS Canterbury that was presented to the people of Christchurch by the Royal New Zealand Navy. The HMNZS became a makeshift headquarters for disaster relief, rescue and recovery amid the aftershocks.
Then-Prime Minister John Key stated at the time, “[w]e may be witnessing New Zealand’s darkest day.” This classification referenced the nation’s worst disasters.
New Zealand’s central government appeared to have heeded to cues featured in the Gibson Group’s 2008 movie, Aftershock, a dramatization of a Wellington earthquake. These cues included the ‘need’ to win the support of the media, control access to the CBD, and to have a swift state response for disaster relief to gain public acclaim.
As crisis management expert Paul ’t Hart observed in his 1993 paper, “Symbols, rituals and power: The lost dimensions of crisis management”, published in the Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, ‘crises’ can be contrived and manoeuvred by actors within and external to the state apparatus, and provided they can control the ritualized symbolic actions, they can also constrain the meanings. In an atmosphere of calamity and urgency, those who control perceptions about what caused the crisis and what might resolve it, will tend to gain politically. Therefore, the construction of events under the rubric of a ‘crisis’ “creates a self-binding dynamic,” since the act of characterization is rhetorical and lends itself to semantic descriptions.
When the NZ Herald caught up with Mr Key in Christchurch to mark the earthquake’s 10th anniversary, the newspaper not only referenced the then-prime minister’s potent “darkest day” disaster label. The Herald’s article was said to be a 13-minute read, and the comments were closed after 13 responses. Cue the X-Files theme tune.
An Event Clustering Model for Detecting Crimes of Power
A methodology for a forensic investigation of data-sets employs an event cluster modelling technique developed to decipher submarine intelligence reports. This clustering technique is practical for institutional, national and planetary data analysis because the procedure is designed to handle reports with uncertain information.
The doubt inherent to submarine intelligence gathering, such as the identity of specific submergible craft, is comparable to institutional documentation. The behaviour of hostile actors may be likened to submergible vessels since the location, time and real purpose of movements, internal information and events are often not specified in organizational reports. Sometimes the linkages between players, the extent of their institutional affiliations and their objectives are not disclosed.
Event clusters can be identified from the data, sorted and analyzed to reveal wrongdoing underpinning hidden objectives that belie crimes of deceit. The clustered events inform the plot points can reveal an unfolding narrative. However, like all big criminal plots, not everything goes according to plan. Élite criminals optimize their power and prestige through the construction of networks that work to minimize the risks of detection and maximize the payoffs. The criminal group behaviour involves “sunk costs” that “creates a self-binding dynamic,” meaning they cannot back out. The pattern of encoding symbolism, metaphors and meta-data into the event clusters binds the membership of the élite criminal group. Scandals can reveal this dynamic.
Important component events are identified and sequenced. Some organizational content may not refer to a specific event or might refer to an event that either belongs to another event within the cluster or to another event cluster. ‘Historical’ events may also be mentioned in the reports. This kind of content contains interpretations and propositions about unfolding events in general.
Meta-Level evidence reveals the underlying logic and reason about the partitioning of the original evidence. Each additional piece of evidence from each subset is placed at the meta-level if the proposition of this additional evidence cannot be partitioned adequately. The questionable proposition is interrogated in combination with the other questionable propositions present in the subsets of each event cluster. These incongruous propositions reveal the event cluster’s conflict and together show meta-conflict and unbraid the conspirators’ hidden objectives.
In their study “Media Images and the Social Construction of Reality,” Gamson, Croteau and Hoynes et al, offered the idea that a “set of texts” might contain an embedded ‘metamessage’ or big picture. Such ‘meta-level’ information reveals the narrative arc or meta-conflict, which joins up the clustered events.
A set of points, or ‘dots’, emerge showing linkages within and between these clusters can emerge that can reveal a narrative arc that possibly serves the strategic objectives of an alleged hostile takeover clique. The ‘meta-level’ information is like sub-text.
This framework has been developed out of an awareness that various professions are beset with constraints of convention, laws, culture, training, imagination, resources, ideological brainwashing and institutional hat-wearing that stymie power crime detection. This clustering technique is also practical for news media analysis because the procedure is designed to handle reports with uncertain information. The doubt inherent to submarine intelligence gathering, such as the identity of specific submersible craft, is comparable to news reportage. As with formal institutional reports, the behaviour of élite actors may be likened to submersible vessels since the location, time and real purpose of interviews, publicized information and events are often not specified in news reports. Likewise, sometimes the identity of interview sources (and often the extent of their institutional affiliations) is not disclosed.
Élites can be expected to refer to past events that have nothing to do with the current event cluster, or their commentary is not directly related to an event in a cluster. A critical second look at such events, whether historic or part of an unfolding recent sequence can yield suppressed or heavily censored critical counter-narratives. Such counterpoints can then reveal the overarching hidden objectives, or the meta-conflict.
13 in the Numbers: The Christchurch Construction Cartel
In the aftermath of the devastating 6.3m earthquake on 22.02.2011, John Key’s National Party-led coalition managed a Christchurch Construction Cartel.
Indeed, a Christchurch Earthquake Rebuild Nexus was operating as a cartel with the complicity of central and local government — as John McCrone found reporting for the Christchurch Press in September 2012), with his article “The Business of NZ Inc,” — although he didn’t use the C-word, while he cited Naomi Klein’s, The Shock Doctrine.
While Sarah Miles’ “Christchurch Fiasco” thesis, found the insurance industry exploit disasters to maximise profits. The data of the Christchurch Rebuild data, revealed that big corporate interests — foreign and domestic — worked hand-in-glove with central and local government as a hidden ‘brotherhood’ signalling their cooperation to collude by embedding the number 13 and its multiples in the rebuild meta-data.
Key meta-data in the Christchurch and Canterbury Rebuild was encoded with the Thirteen, its multiples and variants to telegraph collusion, caution and cover-up. Such key data, which was sometimes provisional, included:
(1) 13 key Anchor Projects for Ōtākaro Limited’s 13 Precincts in the Christchurch CBD, with as many as 13 insurance assessors to process a commercial building claim;
(2) the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) signalling 1300 commercial buildings might be demolished; and issuing a notice that 13,000 commercial and industrial buildings in the greater Christchurch area would be surveyed;
(3) EarthQuake Commission paying out $13 billion for commercial construction, and Christchurch businesses consented for 1.3 million square metres of floor space;
(4) Fletcher Building estimated a $13 billion bill to repair houses, 13,000 homes had undergone emergency repairs because they had no utility services, but were needing proper repair and subsequently were repaired, and 13,000 new homes were required and 13,000 residential building consents were issued;
(5) 13,000 contractors were inducted, which doubled the construction industry workforce to 26,000, ahead of 1300 buildings that would be partially or fully demolished within the Garden City’s ‘four avenues’ encompassing the central city;
(6) the EarthQuake Commission expected to process 130,000 claims in 2011, and payed out $1.3bn in the first six months following the M6.3 Christchurch Aftershock, and AMI doubling down on its insurance cover of $1.3 billion, spending $13m for its first package prior to the September 2010 7.1M Darfield quake and costing AMI another $33m to boost reinsurance to June 30 2011;
(7) 1.3 million square metres of roads that took up to 13 weeks per kilometre to lay, and the equivalent of 13 rugby fields of road pavement was laid; while $130 million was earmarked for public transport; while the NZ Transport Agency claimed the quake recovery spend on transport would be a minimum of $130 million per year;
(8) 1300 kilometres of ultra fast broadband cable reported yet to be laid;
(9) planning 13 major cycleways, followed by a budget blow-out extending the costs to $252million — that rendered down to 13 by dividing this full deck of cards number — 52 in 2 to yield 26, which is a multiple of 13.
(10) Education Minister Hekia Parata proposing — on September 13th 2012 — the closure and merger of 13 schools into one Year 1-13 mega-school;
(11) Dr Peter Crampton of Otago University found the population of Christchurch’s wealthiest suburbs had grown by nearly 13,000, while the poorest suburbs had declined by about 13,000 people, supposedly, in his 2013 NZ Deprivation Index, despite the government allocating $13 million to fund Christchurch social services;
(12) the Christchurch Integrated Government Accommodation Project including a goal to return 13 government departments and agencies to the CBD — and four state entities approving a $13 million fit-out of the Grand Central building;
(13) 130 projects overseen by CERA during its lifespan, amid the widespread and prolonged regurgitation of GeoNet’s 13,000 Earthquakes figure.
Ergo, I’m not citing a receipt from a builder who purchased 13 hammers at Mitre 10.
The key Christchurch rebuild data reveals the ‘hand’ of the Old Boys’ Network whom codified their communications to signify solidarity, cue caution and gazette scape-goating rituals with the prime number — 13 — as game theory could predict.
By encoding ‘Thirteen’ and its multiples and variants into the key figures of rebuild projects, associated dates and economic data — New Zealand’s Old Boys’ Network were able to locate one another across public and private sector institutions, communicate the advancement of ‘the game’ and inflict a Shock Doctrine cartel business model with impunity, as my 2019 Snoopman News investigation “Codified Collusion by Christchurch Construction Cartel” revealed.
The game requires an implied threat, which amounts to defection on the next move if the other player does not post a hostage. Since game theory requires colluding players to issue and respond to threats and rewards to maintain the motivation, discipline and purposes of the cartel (or cartels), their simultaneous actions are political and also betray economic evidence of an unfolding plot. Collusion moves are hostage exchanges.
For example, global engineering firm, Aurecon, “leveraged [its] strong relationship” with the Grand Central NZ owner of the Hotel Grand Chancellor, which was located on a “key site”, but was badly damaged by the 22.02.2011 earthquake.
Aurecon designed the new $85 million Grand Central Building for four government departments and ministries, whom drew flak for approving a $13 million fit-out. The Grand Central was built as part of a Christchurch Integrated Government Accommodation Project, which aimed to return 13 government departments and agencies back into “the heart of [the] Christchurch CBD.” [See: pre-quake animation]
This rebuild bonanza was the codified pledge of John Key when he posted himself as a ‘hostage’ by meeting with ACT Party candidate for Epsom, John Banks, in Urban Café, two weeks out from the 2011 election. Urban Café is located in the 4-storeyed Aurecon building, in Newmarket, Auckland. The global engineering firm — that was involved in the search, rescue, recovery and was ‘in the camp’ for rebuild projects of Christchurch City following the 22 February 2011 earthquake — actually had 13 of its staff on the Christchurch City Council’s post-earthquake Mayoral Flood Taskforce.
Even more intriguing, in the 3News report of this “Teapot Tape” event — as it quickly became known — political editor Duncan Garner made a point of saying that it lasted for exactly 13 minutes. Moreover, Garner enthused that the prime minister’s ‘sound-bite’ answer to 3News was precisely 13 seconds long. Garner was very close to National.
Once projects served their purpose of signaling solidarity by institutional players’ posting themselves as ‘hostages’ to advance the game of collusion, the prime number 13 often dropped off in the meta-data. This ‘drop-off’ was not a sign of defections.
For example, when the estimated cost of $13 billion to the government for the Christchurch rebuild jumped, it was a rise of 33 percent; a top master number signal.
Rather, it was indicative of the Brotherhood getting on with the business of project completion with the real numbers. The deployment of Thirteen and its Accomplices acted as a carrier for the Brotherhood’s codified communications, and were embedded with threats and promises, and signposted where colluding members of the Old Boy’s Network could be found. In other words, some of the published project meta-data were interim quanta deployed for the purposes of posting hostages to fortify the shifting power structures amid a crisis. Hostage exchanges stabilize relations.
Like possessed synchronized swimmers, élite criminal groups act in unison with the modus operandi of speed, suddenness and scope, while traumatized populations are overwhelmed — as Canadian journalist, Naomi Klein identified in her 2007 book, The Shock Doctrine. As such, these recurrences meant that the prime number 13 took on a life of its own, so to speak. Essentially, ‘Thirteen’ became a marauding character, who behaved like a recidivist white collar criminal ‘ripping the faces’ off the good people of Christchurch, Canterbury and other New Zealanders cast as taxpayers.
By the years’ end, the earthquakes’ economic costs were estimated at 13% of New Zealand’s GDP in 2011. During the peak of the clean-up phase, even a volunteer group that became known as the ‘Student Volunteer Army’ — recruited 13,000 students.
Not to be outdone, the tectonic plates clocked up 13,000 earthquakes and aftershocks between September 4 2010 and September 2012, as the EarthQuake Commission’s GeoNet/GNS reported. This figure was widely gazetted in subsequent government, corporate and media reports — even as late as February 2019 by Xinua News, despite the number of earthquakes and aftershocks rising to 17,000 by January 2017.
Given that GNS would go on to announce there had been 13,000 aftershocks in the two year period following the 7.1 Mw Darfield Earthquake of September 4 2010, it is noteworthy that GNS’s seismic graphics were transmitted in a letter dated the 13th of March 2012 to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission. Moreover, the GNS graphic showing the aftershocks following the Darfield Earthquake and up to the February 22nd 2022 Christchurch Earthquake, was tabled as “Figure 13” in volume 1 of the Royal Commission’s June 2012 report. This placement appeared to codify that the Royal Commission had received the signal in the GNS’s letter dated March 13th.
Apparently, there was no fault to be found in how the earthquakes occurred, since the seismic activities were assumed to be natural. Ergo, caution about causality would be directed elsewhere, since hard science seemed to accept a sanitized political science.
Since much of the Canterbury Earthquake Royal Commission’s focus was on the structural failure of buildings — which caused 175 of the 185 deaths — it is also noteworthy that a picture of a circular beam in the Canterbury Television Building. featured as “Figure 13” in Volume 6. The image appeared to codify caution to avoid criminal liability, but equally who to scape-goat if the scandal snowballed into a full blown crisis. After all, the CTV building was the site of 115 of the 185 deaths.
The Royal Commission pointed to serious errors by engineers, structural designers and the Christchurch City Council, stating the building design should never have been consented by the Christchurch Council in 1986. Moreover, there were deficiencies in the buiding’s construction. The building was assessed following the September 4 Darfield Earthquake, and given a green pass finding no damage, but recommended an inspection by a structural engineer. This was subsequently done.
The number of references for this section in Vol. 6, section 2, were thirteen.
The pile-up of errors seemed to have been beyond reasonable negligence.
The inquest revealed there had been 13 of the Fire Service’s top brass senior managers in Christchurch late in the evening, and several talked to rescuers at the CTV site. But they left. The Coroner found a command post at the site may have saved some lives.
The next most serious building failure was the Pyne Gould Building, which also collapsed in seconds. A map showing the Pyne Gould Building in relation to the seismic measuring stations in the Christchurch CBD on the day of the quake, was labelled ‘Figure 13’. The map showed the east-west shaking was considerable. The Pyne Gould Building, built in 1963, was designed to better withstand a north-south shaking. The commissioners found “failure of the eastern wall initiated the collapse”. Inspections in 1997 by Holmes Consulting Group noted the “potential failure of the columns is a life-safety issue as it could result in the loss of support and consequential collapse of all or part of the building”. The perimeter columns were a structural weakness. When the shear wall failed in the quake, the columns on the east side bore the brunt of the pressure. They collapsed and the building crushed 18 workers.
The Royal Commission seemed to signal to scapegoat the engineering, standards and inspections regime, rather than also conduct a wider investigation. Forgone, was whether Christchurch had been targetted as a battleground in a geophysical war.
In its final volume, no. 7, the Royal Commission recommended that buildings joined together with un-reinforced masonry be re-evaluated as one building. As an example, the Royal Commission showed before and after photos of the Austral Buildings. The first floor facades collapsed, killing some occupants in Red Bus #702 and pedestrians.
By designating the photo of the horrific scene as ‘Figure 13’, the Royal Commission seemed to signal to go lite on scape-goating Councils, since previous warnings had been ignored. The Royal Commission appeared to codify caution to avoid criminal liability, as well as who to scape-goat to de-risk the scandal from snowballing.
In this way, the Royal Commission appeared to act as staged theater for a cover-up.
On the same day that two large aftershocks occurred, 13 June 2011, which caused further damage, Roger Sutton, the former head of the Canterbury electricity distribution network, Orion, took over as CEO of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA). The first aftershock struck at 1pm, the 13th hour of the day, as Sutton was conducting a field trip assessment. Sutton said previously undamaged buildings would have to come down, and this would speed up the recovery.
What are the odds that the Christchurch Earthquake could inflict destruction with such precision that Christchurch City required exactly 13,000 new homes at a given point in time? What are the odds that Fletcher Building estimated a $13 billion bill to repair houses, reported 13,000 home repairs completed and claimed 13,000 more dwellings needed repair? What are the odds that Fletcher Building would also ‘induct’ 13,000 contractors for the Christchurch rebuild, thereby doubling the number of construction industry workers to 26,000? What are the chances that the Christchurch Earthquake’s destruction was so perfect that it resulted in Christchurch businesses gaining consents for 1.3 million square metres of business floor space at a particular point in time? And, what are the odds that the Christchurch Earthquake’s destructive forces were so precise that it would lead Fletcher Construction to boast 1.3 million square metres of roads had been constructed, despite Fulton Hogan reporting that road-laying took up to 13 snail-pace weeks per kilometre?
Furthermore, how did the Canterbury Earthquakes and Aftershocks command such omniscient power that the destruction induced the EarthQuake Commission to pay out $1.3 billion in the first six months, and stump-up $13 billion to rebuild Christchurch’s commercial structures by August 2016, while struggling to process over 130,000 land claims despite having over 1300 staff? Likewise, how did the earth move AMI to double down on its insurance cover of $1.3 billion, and also shake the Medical Assurance Society to write off 13 commercial properties? How did the Christchurch Earthquake shove out approximately 13,000 poor people, and draw in 13,000 people to the wealthiest suburbs during the rebuild bonanza? And, how was it that the Christchurch Earthquake could be so precise that it cost the economy 13% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a figure that was neatly compensated by Canterbury’s Gross Regional Product (GRP) of 13% of New Zealand’s total?
And how did GeoNet come to announce there had been 13,000 earthquakes and aftershocks; a fact that took on a life of its own when the figure was reported in multiple government, corporate and news reports long after that tally had passed?
And how did the tectonic plates organize such poor transparency that insurance worth $130 million would go unclaimed 11 years after the Christchurch Earthquake?
Ergo, this incontrovertible meta-data makes clear that there was a self-referential exhibition of cartel power by key insiders whom encoded their communications during the Christchurch recovery and rebuild stages. This cartel included: global engineering firm, Aurecon; engineering and construction firm, the Gough Group; Fletcher Construction and Fletcher Building; the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA), the Christchurch City Council; the EarthQuake Commission, insurer AMI; and N.Z. Government Ministers — among many others.
In keeping with the Shock Doctrine, NZ’s PM John Key exploited the power of his office to announce a rebuild blueprint live on television — the result of a ‘100 days’ project in which a select cluster of architects and urban planners redesigned the central business district of Christchurch. Subsequently, the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA), its offshoot Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU) and the Christchurch City Council formed a visible ‘alliance’ with big business representing the construction industry. Participants gave their ‘alliance’ a deceptively banal name, the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT), which was designed to sound like a positive collaboration between the state and local government and business, while skirting the in-built collusion.
On John Key’s watch, in 2013, Christchurch was selected as one of 33 cities for a 100 Resilient Cities Project spearheaded by the New York-based Rockefeller Foundation as part of its Global Centennial Initiative. According to the Rockefeller Foundation’s fairy-tale brainwashing, the Global Centennial Initiative was launched to mark 100 years since John D. Rockefeller, started the Foundation on May 14, 1913, evidently “with the goal of ‘improving the well-being of humanity throughout the world’.”
Naturally, the Rockefeller Foundation’s spin neglected to say that John D. Rockefeller was one of America’s leading industrial cartel oligarchs, that conspired to control the nation’s industrial development following the American Civil War. And, it turns that the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil cartel were among 13 American industrial corporations that had contracts with German corporations prior to and during World War II. For instance, Rockefellers’ Standard Oil purchased significant stakes in General Electric, General Motors and IBM, who supplied the Nazis war machine with patents, technologies, and parts that helped ensure World War II was more horrific than WWI.
On September 13th 2016, the Christchurch City Council signed the ‘Resilience Pledge’ and earmarked 10 percent of the city’s 2017/2018 expenditure to allegedly build the city’s resilience. Newly elected Mayor Lianne Dalziel endorsed the pledge, which was in an endorsement of the central government’s ‘100 Days’ blueprint that had over-rode the Christchurch City Council’s redevelopment plan based on the peoples’ ideas.
Mayor Dalziel had campaigned on a platform that the City Council would drive the redevelopment rather than central government. City Mayor, Bob Parker, withdrew from the electoral race after he clashed with the minister’s of the Key Government over their control of rebuild. The 100 Resilient Cities initiative supposedly sought to address chronic stresses like unemployment and inefficient or overtaxed public transport, and acute shocks like earthquakes, floods and terrorist attacks.
This ostensibly wholesome Rockefeller Foundation initiative is ironic given that when the super-rich David Rockefeller was chairman of the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations (1970-1985), this global policy-shaping think-tank spear-headed the stealthy ‘1980s Project’. This was a blueprint for the North Atlantic capitalist class to reassert their dominance over the world through the Shock Doctrine economic warfare framework — as I mentioned in part 2 of my Lux Luthor series.
In 2020, Dalziel apologized to the families, foreign and domestic, who lost loved ones, as well as those still traumatized; many wanted prosecutions as accountability.
However, in 2017 the Police backed down from a prosecution case over the catastrophic collapse of the CTV Building, against David Harding, the building’s designer, and Alan Reay, his boss. Harding, who had 13 years of experience at the time, but only four as a structural engineer of single storey residential and industrial structures. In their report for NZ Police, engineering firm Beca found Reay had majorly departed from expected practice and standards of the day by completely delegating the design task to Harding and relying on the building consent.
After initially gaining a cautious recommendation from Christchurch Crown Solicitor, Mark Zarifeh, and following expert advice from Beca, which concluded that the CTV building was not built to code and had it been — it would have been strong enough not to collapse like a pancake — New Zealand’s Police backed away from prosecuting.
Crucially, Zarifeh said Crown Law Office’s opinion was “justified when you consider the case development in New Zealand in relation to negligence based cases over the last 10 years or so.” This position is disturbing given that a major example in which no prosecutions for negligence occurred, is in the aftermath of the Pike River Mine Disaster. A reading of Rebecca MacFie’s book, Tragedy at Pike River Mine: How and Why 29 Men Died details what seemed to be an extraordinary collision of incompetence, negligence and egotistical delusions of grandeur. But, the tale that Macfie says was “no accident”, becomes perfectly logical as a tale industrial sabotage.
The dodginess is writ so large, that the culpability of key players is beyond reasonable negligence, and the Pike River Tragedy makes perfect sense as an engineered crisis.
A mining engineer Bob Stevenson told Fairfax, (a news outlet now calling itself ‘Stuff’ after the wares it advertises) that “you couldn’t have been more wrong in this mine if you planned it.” Stevenson likened NZ’s mining standards to third world status.
The Royal Commission’s report on the ‘Pike River Disaster’ apportioned some of the blame for the tragedy to almost all parties involved, including Pike River’s management and board of directors, the New Zealand Department of Labour, as well the New Zealand’s police and rescue services for their lack of preparedness.
The single tunnel design, which was a structure 2.3 kilometres long, and was built by McConnell Dowell, was widely criticised. Moreover, there was only one escape route up a 111-metre ladder, that the fittest of men would struggle to climb on a good day.
David Creedy said of the report, “It read like a horror story. It [Pike River] was a litany of ongoing potential disasters.” A bumper sticker can explain: ‘too stupid to be stupid’.
The same could be said of the Royal Commission’s entire volume covering the CTV Building collapse, the Beca report prepared for Police and the Coroner’s report.
The Deputy Solicitor-General, Brendan Horsley, at the Crown Law Office in Wellington advised Police that they did not “consider the evidential test is satisfied.” even with high public interest in the case. The potential consequences of cost were also noted. If the prosecution was unsuccessful, then a costs application would likely be brought by the defence. The Crown Law opinion may then become discoverable.
Such a discovery had the potential to gain considerable indemnity costs against the Police. Yet, no one asked if the Crown Law Office was conflicted in its interests, since in claiming the evidential test was marginal, the Deputy Solicitor-General had inserted into the record a discoverable ‘weakness’ to weigh upon the Police.
On the other hand, the defence could point out that the Christchurch City Council should never have approved the design, nor should it have approved the construction.
Thus, Detective Sup. Int. Peter Read and Canterbury District Commander Sup. Int. John Price were placed in a position to read between the lines: there was a price to pay for failure of a case over who was responsible for criminal culpability.
This leads to a fair question: were the Police top brass merely entertaining the rank and file, who could be played while they diligently carried out a criminal investigation?
After all, the choice of Beca Group is a curious one. Beca was deep in the ‘Christchurch Rebuild’, and was contracted for its expertise to SCIRT, the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team, which was the perfect fusion of big government, big business and big money to reconstruct Canterbury. In other words, there was a clear conflict of interest. Beca was hardly going to say, ‘Old Boys Network’.
The 13 major cycleways project connecting routes around Christchurch was one tat Beca’s design team was proud to lead. Are there snakes under every rock?
Beca’s website also features a Canterbury Rebuild video emphasizing safety was critical to the ‘collaboration’ among the leading construction, engineering and buildings companies, as well as central and local Government. Among the figures featured in the video, was one stating that among the rebuild was 1.3 million square meters of broken roads. The Brotherhood’s signature. Another rock, another snake.
The Collapse podcast series by Stuff noted that where the coroner was critical of the Fire Service for the lack of a command post at the Canterbury TV site, while the Royal Commission was measured in its criticisms of the emergency response at the site, the independent report commissioned by the Fire Service was scathing. In fairness, Stuff noted the opinion of lawyer Nigel Hampton QC, the lawyer for the victim’s families, who said fire responders, the digger drivers and others who helped did their best.
It is noteworthy to observe that the day the Coroner’s inquest into the deaths on February 22 2011, Christchurch was shaken by two powerful aftershocks, the first at 1pm, or 1300 hours. The date was June 13th 2011. The inquest, led by Coroner Gordon Matenga, was adjourned for 10 weeks. It turns out, Coroner Matenga has a history.
After being appointed as one of 13 ‘new’ coroners in 2007 by then-Attorney General Michael Cullen, Matenga was assigned to investigate the death of Steven Wallace.
This controversial case was a ‘hot potato’, to say the least. Wallace was a 23 year-old Māori, who was shot by Police at 4:03AM on Sunday April 30 2000 in the main drag of Waitara, a coastal town in Taranaki, north of New Plymouth. The admitted facts of the case: Senior Constable Keith Abbott fired all four shots into Wallace 64 seconds after he, and Constable Jason Dombroski, engaged the ‘offender’, who was wielding a golf club and baseball bat smashing windows, starting with the police and fire stations.
However, the investigations, including the attempts in court brought by the deceased man’s parents, failed to tease out the significance of a detail blandly mentioned four times in the police report of June 2000, by Detective Inspector Brian Pearce, entitled, “Steven James Wallace: Fatally Wounded at Waitara”. The report claimed Abbott and Dombroski engaged Wallace at 20 metres in a “triangle shape” on McLean Street, and from there they walked backwards, and Abbott allegedly shot Wallace in self-defence, frightened for his life. This engagement was obvious AOS field-craft, whereby Abbott and Dombroski walked backwards at a slower pace than their target, and knowing that in firing a ‘warning shot’ in the air, Abbott further antagonized Wallace.
Provoked, Wallace advanced with a quickened pace at Senior Constable Abbott who had graduated with full points for sniper and pistol shooting at the Taranaki Regional AOS Training Camp two days before the ‘Waitara Shooting’. Ergo, Abbott — who had 13 years experience as an AOS member — weaponized a triangular ensnarement tactic.
The fatal shot to the liver — which surgeon Michael Fancourt, and pathologist Dr Hunt said was not survivable — may have come from firing a soft-nosed bullet.
This location of the shooting with a Glock on McLean Street in Waitara was potent.
McLean Street was named after a key colonial Freemason, Donald McLean.
Bro. McLean, who was appointed as Chief Land Purchasing Commissioner in 1853 by Bro. Governor George Grey, in recognition of his instrumental role in duping Māori into selling 30 million acres (or approximately 12,140,569 hectares) of the South Island [nearly the entire landmass] over a period of eight years for a symbolically sneaky sum of £13,000. Amid much ‘future faking’, Ngāi Tahu were promised hospitals and schools.
Moreover, historically, Waitara was chosen as the location to trigger the first Taranaki War of 1860-61, which escalated into a wider war against Māori, via a conspiracy between key Freemason-Protestant colonists, the Imperial Government and Buckingham Palace — as I showed in my “Masonic New Zealand Wars” essay. Bro McLean was instrumental in the conspiracy. Bro. Grey was recalled to the colony to be the consolidator in what I call the ‘New Zealand Masonic Revolutionary War’.
Ergo, it would be hard to think of a bigger taunt at Te Atiawa of Waitara than to name the investigation ‘Operation McLean’, given that Freemason Brother Donald McLean was at the centre of a Masonic-Protestant plot to trigger war at Waitara in 1860.
Coroner Matenga’s Inquest report wasn’t published until January 2009, which was after Clark’s Cabinet was out of power. The most critical finding by Coroner Gordon Matenga was that individually Sergeant Fiona Prestidge had demonstrated poor leadership and along with Senior Constable Abbott and Constable Dombroski, had shown poor judgment. The Independent Police Conduct Authority’s report, which predictably was a whitewash, was also time-locked for release after Matenga’s report.
In effect, the shooting compromised the new Labour-led Government of Helen Clark.
Her coalition government was comprised of several Māori members of parliament who were livid over the shooting of a Māori youth in a town where Police were known to be antagonistic. The Clark Cabinet agreed on 13 June 2002 to pay $130,000 to the Police Association to fund Constable Abbott’s costs, as One Network News reported.
Detective Inspector Pearce had noted Senior Constable Abbott’s Pākehā heritage as well as his Māori whakapapa, as if this mix made the decision to inflict an extra-judicial killing justifiable. Senior Constable Abbott’s Ngāti Kahungunu iwi whakapapa would become something of a conflict of interest that was overlooked of the Ministry of Justice. The IPCA’s report was written by Justice Lowell Patria Goddard, who is also of Ngāti Kahungunu heritage, as is Coroner Gordon Matenga.
The Crown had it both ways and leveraged the ‘whakapapa intake factor’ — it seems.
The NZ Constabulary used Constable Abbott’s iwi as a cover that the Police shooting was not racially motivated — and did so by attributing that all shots came from Abbott. With a brazen sleight of hand, the Chairwoman of the ‘Independent’ Police Conduct Authority mentioned on page 13 of her report, that the shooting range exercise took place at the Taranaki Regional AOS Camp on April 27 and 28, 2000.
Moreover, the designation of anonymity afforded to ‘Witness 13’ was transformed from Det. Insp. Pearse’s June 2000 report, into a complete omission in Goddard’s 2009 IPCA report. ‘Witness 13’ was one of two people Abbott called with his mobile phone while he remained on his shooting ‘spot’ — after he rang New Plymouth Police. Both calls were to AOS members, including CIB head Grant Coward. Abbott’s calls to his fellow AOS’s were not recorded in the Independent Police Conduct Authority report.
But, IPCA Chairwoman L. P. Goddard, whose was once married into the British Peerage via Sir Walter John Scott, 5th Baronet, son of Major Sir Walter Scott, did think it due diligence to mention in paragraph 130 of her whitewash report, that General Instruction F059 of the Police manual stated:
“that Police firearms are not to be issued except on the authority of a commissioned officer or supervising noncommissioned officer, unless an emergency situation exists, and no commissioned officer or non-commissioned officer is available.”
Furthermore, it is noteworthy that in the event that an officer seriously harmed or killed a human, the Police Commissioner was required to notify the (then) Police Complaints Authority, as required under section 13 of the Police Complaints Authority Act 1988 (my emphasis added). Ergo, Goddard appeared to decipher the Crown’s ‘code’.
Where Walter Scott had authored Waverly, the world’s first historical novel, L.P. Goddard was essentially endorsing the narrative set down long ago by Detective Inspector Brian Pearse in May 2000 to justify ratifying the Taranaki Constabulary acting with a gung-ho license to kill, to rescind a raging 23 year-old Māori man’s right to life. And, where the world’s first historical novel is set during the Masonic Jacobite Rebellion of 1745, New Zealand’s first police execution in the new millenium was in essence given a historical novel treatment by the newly-minted Independent Police Conduct Authority. And where Walter Scott’s novel depicts the travels of an English soldier Edward Waverley, amid a war to wrest the throne from the Hanoverian Dynasty and to restore the Stuart Dynasty through Charles Edward Stuart, L. P. Goddard’s report closed a chapter on what was a long-play record for delaying the publication of such independent probes in the nation’s shootings by police.
It may turn out that the ‘Waitara Shooting’ was inflicted to politically capture the new Clark-led Coalition Government, to reset the political trajectory of New Zealand.
It would also appear that Coroner Matenga was a dependable entity for an inquest.
Among the 115 fatalities in the six-story CTV Building, which collapsed and then burned, were 28 Japanese students studying English at a language education school.
Ironically, the 13th anniversary of the ‘Great East Japan Earthquake, which led to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster, was widely reported by newsrooms.
The scale of reporting of this 13th anniversary indicates the ‘brotherhood’ is global.
13 Bankers with Barack Obama Cast as Crisis Manager
Like Luxon, Obama also had a meteoric rise. Obama’s selection was also about optics.
Amid, the Global Financial Crisis of 2007 and 2008, Americans were livid that Wall Street had blown an epic housing bubble that popped, causing millions to lose homes.
On October 30 2008, five days before the US election, The Economist endorsed Obama for the presidency. Featuring the lanky dapper Chicago Senator with the headline, “It’s Time”, The Economist reasoned the merit of Barrack Hussein Obama as president “would salve, if not close, the ugly racial wound left by America’s history and lessen the tendency of American blacks to blame all of their problems on racism.”
The Economist’s owner, the Economist Group is part-owned through a Netherlands-based holding company, Exor, belonging to the Italian Fiat industrialist family, Agnelli, as well as stockholdings owned by the Rothschild, Cadbury, and Schroder dynasties. In effect, Obama was hired as a crisis manager to oversee the Empire.
It is thought Obama attended the 2008 Bilderberger Conference. The Bilderberg Foundation was established in 1952 as a key global-policy shaping group for North Atlantic Western élites, that discusses pressing issues over the coming year.
Few Kiwis know that Luxon’s former employer, Unilever, co-funded the Bilderberg Foundation — along with the CIA — as a global-policy shaping group for Western élites, the agendas of NATO and for propaganda disseminated through the Economist.
It is, therefore, ironic that Obama inherited the watch as ‘crowd manager’ in what was essentially a crisis management role of a Wall Street-created crash. Especially, given that by dining with Luxon, he was endorsing the Air NZ CEO’s pivot to politics.
Particularly, since Luxon may well inherit the deepening crisis that was inflicted upon New Zealand when the Ardern Administration failed to call-out the obvious geopolitical game that underpinned the Great Corona Hostage Crisis, to strategically sabotage households, businesses and public sector services. Oligarchs thrive in crises.
Intriguingly, when thirteen bankers met with Obama at the White House on Friday 27 March 2009, they were told by America’s first black president: “My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.” Obama’s task was to impress on the thirteen Wall Street bankers that they desist from bragging in the public media about their enormous bonuses, following the tax-funded public insurance bail-outs of their banks, as the authors of the 2010 book, 13 Bankers, revealed. The bankers pitched in.
This was not the first time that the financial-political oligarchy symbolically communicated with the prime number thirteen, via Barack Obama. When a $700 billion bailout bill was voted down in the US House of Representatives, Obama was assigned the task of convincing 13 ‘black caucus’ Democrat members of the US Senate, as The Washington Post reported in an article headlined, “Bush enacts historic financial rescue: House passes plan by wide margin, but stocks keep falling”.
Therefore, Luxon’s invitation to a private dinner with former US President Barack Obama with 13 people seated around the table at an exclusive lodge costing $13,000 a night, was a chess play in political grooming to become a ‘rook’ heading New Zealand.
One of New Zealand’s Darkest Days: False Flag Eco-Terrorism?
Conspicuously, there is a data-set that counters the official narrative that the Christchurch Earthquake, and the subsequent Kaikōura Earthquake of November 13 2016, were merely natural disasters. They may have been engineered eco-terrorism.
Prior to both earthquakes, Prime Minister John Key met with at least one American deep state actor, while NZ was set to (or was) host(ing) multinational military flotillas, and also when there was (were) a seismic survey ship(s), in the vicinity of the epicentre.
The day before the Christchurch Earthquake, Mr Key spoke on the first morning of the United States-New Zealand Council’s Partnership Forum in Christchurch City, which was a two-day conference on February 21 and 22 2011. John Key said “Looking ahead at future regional and global challenges, there is no doubt that New Zealand’s future lies in working closer with our friends from the US. Your being here today is another great step forward for our relationship.” This sounds innocuous enough.
Yet, the presence of U.S. government and corporate officials in Christchurch and Wellington at the time of the Christchurch Earthquake of 22.02.2011 becomes more intriguing on examination of their backgrounds, their linkages and their activities.
The US delegation included: Admiral Thad Allen, retired Head of the U.S. Coast Guard; Tim Manning, Deputy Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); Mariko Silver, Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary; and Richard Kirkland, President, South Asia, Lockheed Martin, and a former Vietnam War Special Forces operative, Richard Armitage.
Admiral Thad Allen was the National Incident Commander of the Unified Command for the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Subsequently in October 2010, he became a senior fellow at the RAND Corporation, which is best known for developing the game theory strategy of ‘hostage exchanges’ to stabilize relations between nation states during the Cold War nuclear super-power arms race.
The United States-New Zealand Council’s report noted that Allen recounted his experiences as National Incident Commander of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010 and prior assignments as head of the Coast Guard to deal with the 2005 Hurricane Katrina and the 2010 Haiti Earthquake. The US-NZ Council’s report, “The Power of Partnership: Global Challenges and the Role of the US-NZ Partnership” stated:
“Little did [Admiral Thad] or anyone know how timely his remarks on disaster preparedness and response, and lessons learned from the three disparate disasters far from New Zealand, would be starting the following day shortly after noon in Christchurch”.
But, maybe Admiral Thad did know.
The day after the Christchurch Earthquake, Anadarko’s seismic testing vessel, MV Aquila Explorer Anadarko, began seismic-data acquisition in the Canterbury Basin.
Its application for seismic line tails was informally approved on February 22 just four hours after the Christchurch Earthquake. Were NZ’s Economic Development Ministry (MED) officials shaken and on meds, that they approved the planned seismic testing?
It’s rather ‘coincidental’ that Admiral Thad Allen would speak of his past disaster relief work including the Anadarko-BP-Deep Water Horizon oil spill of 2010, especially given that Anadarko’s seismic testing vessel, MV Aquila Explorer, was off the coast from Christchurch at the time of the earthquake.
Another character at the 2011 US-NZ Partnership Forum was former veteran of America’s War on Vietnam, Richard Armitage, who spoke during the afternoon session. His presentation, entitled “Creating a Platform for Political Engagement and Security in the Asia Pacific Region”, was deeply ironic.
As a former Vietnam War Special Forces operative, he went on to become Deputy Secretary of Defense in the Reagan White-House. In that position, Armitage oversaw the Mujahideen in Afghanistan — along with CIA Director and Vatican Knight of Malta, William Casey — as part of the CIA’s Operation Cyclone, which was designed to drain the resources of the Soviet Empire, to precipitate its collapse.
In short, the Mujahideen War of 1979-1989 was designed to give the Soviets their ‘Vietnam’, or an un-winnable war. The cost of funding, arming, training of the Mujahideen in guerilla terrorism tactics was relatively inexpensive to the mission of breaking the Soviet Empire, since a grand chessboard geopolitical prize is Eurasia.
Thus, for a seemingly small price, a network of radicalized Muslims were manipulated into becoming a force multiplier to topple the Soviet Empire on promises that they would get their lands and mosques back, in accordance with the scheme of Zbigniew Brzezinki’s, the CIA’s pointman as National Security Advisor in the Administration.
Ostensibly, the veteran of America’s War on Vietnam, Richard Armitage, was in Christchurch representing Armitage International, a consultancy whose slogan brags the enterprise is “a force multiplier for international business”. As United States Army Major David S. Powell stated in his 1990 monograph, “Understanding Force Multipliers: The Key to Optimizing Force Capabilities in Peacetime Contingency Operations”, “a force multiplier is a tangible or intangible variable that increases the combat value and overall capability of a military force”. The Mujahideen were a force multiplier in a broader economic war to precipitate the collapse of the Soviet Empire.
Therefore, Armitage International’s brag line is intriguing since he was in Christchurch in his capacity as founder of Armitage International LLC, a consultancy that was also a signatory to a now-defunct neo-conservative-zionist think-tank, called the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). Among its lobbying moves were PNAC’s letters to President Clinton on intervention in Iraq and also against Slobodan Milošević, President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1997 to 2000). This means Armitage was embroiled in machinations to inflict regime changes. The Clinton Administration-supported the NATO War on Kosovo in 1999. And, following the 9/11 Coup D’état, PNAC members lobbied incessantly to have the Hussein Regime ousted.
Saddam Hussein was falsely accused of conspiring with Al Qaeda to inflict 9/11.
Moreover, Armitage — who had been involved in the Iran-Contra Conspiracy — had also in the week prior to 9/11 met with the head of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), General Mahmud Ahmed, who ordered $100,000 to be wired to the 9/11 hijackers. Armitage — who was again Deputy-Secretary of Defence in the Bush II Administration — was named as a key suspect by Kevin Ryan in his book, Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects. Ergo, 9/11 had an ensemble cast.
This ensemble cast stealthily reversed the entrenchment that the US intelligence agencies suffered during the news-worthy Senate investigations in the mid-1970s.
To reforge the Empire in the mid-1970s, the American deep state went on ‘safari’.
A transnational intelligence, terrorism and narcotics network — called the Safari Club — was actually the brainchild of the director of the DGSE’s predecessor agency, the SDECE. The Safari Club was founded by two of the Vatican’s Maltese Knights, Count Alexandre de Marenches, the director of the French Service de Documentation Exterieure et de Contre-Espionnage (SDECE) (1970-1981); and the Jesuit-educated U.S. Army General, Vernon Walters. This alliance — formed between the heads of American, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistani intelligence agencies and bound France, Egypt, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan — became a supranational deep state private intelligence network. The American Empire doubled-down on its expansionism.
Moreover, it was George Herbert Walker Bush who, as CIA Director (1976-77), was tasked with persuading the Saudi Royal Family to join the Safari Club, and take over a large chunk of covert intelligence financing for the American Deep State. This geopolitical chess move marked the exponential rise of Islamic terrorism, which is deeply ironic given that Bush II was president at the time of the 9/11 Coup D’état.
Especially, since the Al Qaeda terrorist network, who morphed out of the Mujahideen, were entirely blamed for the attacks on the potent date of September 11 in 2001, which corresponds to the emergency phone-call number in the United States: 911.
Particularly, since during the Frank Church Senate Committee probes of 1975-77 into the activities of the FBI, CIA and NSA that underpinned Watergate, COINTELPRO, MK-ULTRA, Project Mockingbird and the JFK Assassination — it became evident to the American people that the US National Security State was out-of-control. The credibility of the intelligence, security and criminal investigation agencies ‘suffered’ from the retrenchment that ensued, to reign in their unbridled, unconstitutional and unconscionable plots, practices and powers.
This is the context underpinning how the 9/11 Coup D’état reversed this retrenchment.
In his excellent book, Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects, Kevin Ryan links many of his key suspects to the means to pull off such an epic, brazen exhibition of blockbuster live terror theater. Ryans’ account deftly shows the continuity of ‘the Enterprise’ observed on the surface, in the background and the subsequent cover-ups of structural deep events from the JFK Coup D’état, Watergate, the October Surprise, the Iran-Contra Scandal, BCCI, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and the 9/11 Coup D’état. Professor Ganser, the Swiss historian, lectures that the entire official 9/11 account itself collapses under scrutiny. The Empire is ruthless.
The 9/11 mega-ritual was pure blockbuster terrorism theater to re-set the Empire.
With a storeyed character such as Richard Armitage, you have to ask: why didn’t the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (SIS) issue a security risk certificate?
Many skeptics of the official narrative have also observed the strange coincidence of FEMA’s presence at a conference ostensibly focussed on trade and security. Tim Manning, who was Deputy Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), previously earned a Master of Letters with distinction in Terrorism and Political Violence from the University of St. Andrews, and a Bachelor of Science in Geology from Eastern Illinois University, and was a graduate of the Center for Homeland Defense and Security Executive Program at the Naval Postgraduate School.
The anomalies extend to the tone-deaf commentary written by Ernest Z. Bower entitled, “Tragedy that Forges Brotherhood” about how some of the VIPs from the US Delegation split to Wellington just ahead of the earthquake. Bower wrote:
“This talented and experienced group of people spent a day and a half probing and exploring an agenda called “the power of partnering,” presented by the host NZ-U.S. and U.S.-NZ Councils. I could feel the relationship moving in a historic direction, building on strength, and beginning to overcome the institutional reticence born of a treaty-busting disagreement over nuclear-related issues in the 1980s.” — Center for Strategic and International Studies
Here, Mr Bower referenced the incremental steps to draw New Zealand back into the American Empire with stronger economic, military and political agreements. But, as coincidence would have it, the “U.S.-New Zealand brotherhood was forged anew in a way none [of] us could have foreseen”. Ergo, emergency management bonded brothers.
The 5-second rupture started from a small fault about 8 to 10 kilometers long located under the Port Hills, near the city. The quake started in hard volcanic rock in short energetic waves and moved to soft sediment rock that reverberated under the city, which increased the amplitude in longer and slower waves that became violent knocks.
Meanwhile, in Wellington, scientist Kelvin Berryman, just finished giving a talk to first responders at a Civil Defence Conference on how the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence was not over. Berryman, who worked at GNS Science — which studies earthquakes, among other things — he said he and all the emergency responders were flown to Christchurch on an Air Force plane the same afternoon. Ergo, all of the nation’s key emergency response leaders were airlifted into the quake-shaking city straight after the Air Force had rehearsed disaster relief operations the previous week.
And meanwhile, New Zealand’s Central Urban Search and Rescue Team were in the midst of a rescue training exercise in Palmerston North when they received a call from their Southern Team counterpart leader, Paul Burns, reporting the earthquake.
But, the Northern Team did not take off from Whenuapai Air Force Base until 8:30pm. The teams did not arrive in Christchurch until around midnight, same time the New South Wales Urban Search and Rescue Team arrived. The Civil Defence and Emergency Management Controller was in charge of activity until the state of emergency was declared on 23 February 2011. Control then formally passed to the Director of the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management. The Minister of Civil Defence, Gerry Brownlee, was also the Minister of Defence. In effect, Christchurch came under martial law amid critical failures in emergency response.
The plan was to pick up the Central Team in Palmerston North, and head to Christchurch in a trip taking about 90 minutes. Meanwhile, Fire Service National Operations Manager, Jim Stewart Black, decided to send the Central Team’s 16 tonnes of equipment from Palmerston North to Christchurch by road, ferry and road. This 12-hour journey meant the rescue gear did not arrive at the disaster zone until 6am February 23rd. The Southern Team’s HQ was a mess, and amid blocked roads and with only half the team of 60 were able to deploy, they needed help, as Stuff reported episode 2 of Collapse, a podcast about the rescue and tragedy at CTV Building.
At the time of the earthquake, the Royal New Zealand Navy’s sea-lift and amphibious support vessel, Her Majesty’s New Zealand Ship Canterbury, was berthed at Lyttleton Port in preparation for the first biannual multinational military war-game, Exercise Southern Katipo. However, due to the earthquake — whose epicentre was in the Port Hills near Lyttleton — HMNZS Canterbury was immediately re-purposed for disaster.
As if by some portentous Shakespearean omen, it had been announced 10 days prior that the HMNZS Canterbury would be the ‘headquarters’ for the Pacific Partnership operations. The Pacific Partnership is a US-led multi-national ‘Indo-Pacific’ humanitarian and civic assistance project that followed the disaster relief of the horrific December 2004 Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami, as Steven Paget noted in his paper, “COMING FULL CIRCLE: The Renaissance of Anzac Amphibiosity”, published in the Spring 2017 edition of Naval War College Review. Paget’s paper traced the incremental re-binding of military ties with the United States following an accommodation period in the aftermath of the ANZUS rift over the NZ Labour Party’s nuclear free zone policy; a rift that widened after the Rainbow Warrior Bombing.
A planning meeting for the 2011 Pacific Partnership occurred in San Diego on February 16 and 17, at the US Navy’s Third Fleet’s headquarter’s compound.
Commodore Jim Gilmour was on the bridge at the time the earthquake struck.
Previously, Gilmour was the Commanding Officer HMNZS Canterbury when it took part in the NZDF’s humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations following the September 2009 Samoa earthquake and tsunami. Later, he was made Rear Admiral and took over as New Zealand’s Commander of the Joint Forces on Halloween in 2018.
The Christchurch Earthquake of 22 February 2011 appears to have been laden with ‘Morse Code’ to signal the magnitude 6.3 aftershock was engineered geo-terrorism, to intimidate its primary target audience: insider élites of the American Empire.
At the time of the magnitude 6.3 Christchurch Earthquake of 22 February 2011, the United States-New Zealand Council’s 4th Partnership Forum was taking place in Christchurch. The Forum was attended by a coterie of élites, foreign and domestic.
The 4th United States-New Zealand Partnership Forum was hosted by the United States-New Zealand Council, with major corporate sponsors including U.S. weapons manufacturer, Lockheed Martin. The Forum had a twin theme of plans to forge the Trans-Pacific Partnership economic bloc and Asia-Pacific security.
My supposition is that these two themes became charged with epic potency — as intended — when the tail-end of this conference collided with the magnitude 6.3 earthquake, which shook Christchurch at 12.51PM and jolted with destructive power from a depth of 5km for 20 seconds. It appears the remaining vestiges of NZ’s ‘isolationist’ anti-nuclear era policy were gone by the end of lunchtime — at least from the National Party’s leadership’s perspective. The phrase ‘gone by lunchtime’ became a cultural meme in 2004, after Foreign Minister Phil Goff, of the Clark Labour-led Coalition Government released notes made by a Foreign Affairs ministry official, who recorded Dr Don Brash saying to two US politicians that the National Party would scrap the ban on nuclear-powered ships “by lunchtime” if elected to power.
It was, therefore, ironic that Phil Goff met with Richard Armitage during the 4th United States-New Zealand Partnership Forum in Christchurch.
Ergo, the last luncheon session of the United States-New Zealand Partnership Forum seemed to be loaded with potency. The question is: can earthquake’s be engineered?
Curiously, in a public meeting in the aftermath of the Christchurch Earthquake, John Key twice referred to the quake as “man-made”, before quickly correcting himself.
As I shall show, the magnitude 6.3 Christchurch Earthquake of 22 February 2011, and the subsequent Kaikōura Earthquake, which struck at 11:02PM on November 13th, 2016 UTC (or 14 November at 12:02AM local time) — both shared ‘coincidences’.
These ‘coincidences’, I contend, are anthropocentric earthquake precursors that need to be added to the civil defence pre-quake alarm systems, among other known pre-earthquake signals, such as: ionospheric disturbances, thermal infrared anomalies; earthquake lights; fog, haze and cloud formation; and last but certainly not least: unusual and uncanny ruling class human animal behaviour.
Both earthquakes struck when American deep state actors were in New Zealand, and when the country was hosting multi-national military flotillas, and also when there was (were) a seismic survey ship(s), in the vicinity of the quake zones. Moreover, the coincidence of preparations for the first biannual multi-national military war-game, Southern Katipo, at the time of the Christchurch Earthquake, is a sign of a black operation, as anyone who read Webster Griffin Tarpley’s book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror knows. Tarpley found that there were 46 exercises, war-games and drills prior to or occurring on September 11 2001 that envisaged aspects of what occurred on 9/11. Some of them appeared to ‘go live’. If the Christchurch Earthquake were engineered, the event would be an innovation in false flag attacks, since the cause was naturalized.
However, it is commonly thought that it was due to the Christchurch Earthquake — whose epicentre was in the Port Hills near Lyttleton — that the HMNZS Canterbury became the ‘headquarters’ for the Pacific Partnership operations, which is a US-led multinational Indo-Pacific humanitarian and civic assistance project that followed the disaster relief of the horrific December 2004 Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami.
Thus, the luncheon session of the United States-New Zealand Partnership Forum, whose themes of Asia Pacific Security and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, ended abruptly and became eerily entwined with the US-led multinational Indo-Pacific humanitarian mission called Pacific Partnership, whose newest headquarters became the HMNZS Canterbury. Naturally, the first iteration of the multi-national military exercise, Exercise Southern Katipo, was cancelled. Did a stealthy coup d’état occur?
The previous week, the No. 40 Squadron of the Royal New Zealand Air Force based at Whenuapai, deployed to the South Island for an exercise that would put personnel through their paces. The exercises involved flights over mountainous terrain, air-dops and off-load procedures for combat, disaster relief, and evacuation.
With the Army, Navy and Air Force preparing for Exercise Southern Katipo, the same week as this RNZAF southern skies exercise, New Zealand’s defence forces personnel, assets and supplies were placed in a prime position when ‘disaster’ struck as if ‘on cue’.
From these patterns, I contend, the ‘Morse Code’ underpinning a possible engineered earthquake appears detectable, as a form of geophysical warfare. This apparent ‘Morse Code’ includes possible anthropocentric earthquake precursors, and curious anthropocentric post-earthquake behaviours of human political animals, that suggest deep state actors behaved like synchronized swimmers, who appear to have weaponized nature to engineer one of New Zealand’s darkest days.
In conventional warfare, a belligerent state conducting a ‘false flag’ terror operation uses another country’s ‘flag’ to carry out an attack with the intention to frame the enemy as the perpetrator. But, what if the belligerent state possesses secret weapons that can wreck the environment, to ruin whole economies, or to discipline allies?
In asymmetric warfare, a state-sponsored terrorist attack is carried out by security services, intelligence agents or special force units, or ex-personnel from such units, and is blamed on a terrorist group or patsies, as historian Daniele Ganser showed in his book, NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe.
Dr. Ganser showed the security services, intelligence agents or special force units, or ex-personnel from such units, from all 16 NATO countries had either directly inflicted, or steered assets to carry out terrorist attacks on their own citizens. In these black operations, the bombings of train stations, buses, and airports, as well as assassinations and coups d’état, would be blamed on a communist group or commie patsies. The CIA, MI6 and the Coordination and Planning Committee (CPC) of NATO’s Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) were key culprits.
Such false flag attacks were a low grade war inflicted to achieve a ‘strategy of tension’ to shift the political ‘center of gravity’ of Western Europe away from socialist governments, by associating peace, freedom and democracy with right wing governments. Operation Gladio was exposed in 1990, but soon forgotten.
If it seems too far fetched to readers that an American deep state would inflict earthquakes — even if the technology existed to amplify environmental conditions — consider that the United States, in particular, has a history of carrying out false flag attacks to trigger assassinations, coups d’état and regime change wars.
In his new book, USA: The Ruthless Empire, historian Daniele Ganser shows that United States has carried numerous false flag attacks to expand its empire.
Pertinently, in a 2016 interview, Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser framed the Rainbow Warrior Bombing as an example of a NATO power conducting terrorism to inflict damage against a defiant environmental group, Greenpeace. Ganser mentions that after the Director of the DGSE was fired over the Rainbow Warrior Bombing, the embittered Admiral Pierre Lacoste stated (in 1990) that the during the time that NATO’s stay-behind network operated in the ’60s and ’70s, terrorist action against then-French President de Gaulle and his Algerian Peace Plan, had been carried out by groups that included, “a limited number of people from the French stay-behind network”. France’s deep state turned against their own President. It was due to this hostile faction’s attempts to assassinate President de Gaulle (1959-1969) that NATO’s headquarters shifted from Paris to Brussels in 1967. De Gaulle said ‘get’ — in French.
But, because the journalists who wrote books in the aftermath — such as Rainbow Warrior: The French Attempt to Sink Greenpeace, The Rainbow Warrior Affair and Sink the Rainbow! An Enquiry into the ‘Greenpeace Affair’ — did not know about NATO’s secret low-grade war inflicted across Western Europe, starting with Italy in 1947, the full dimensions of the Rainbow Warrior Bombing operation remained obscure.
This finding implies that all states in the Western Alliance maintained a contrived ignorance about how commonplace it was for the NATO powers to inflict terrorism on ‘social democracies’ run by super-rich oligarchies and their networked military and intelligence families in Western Europe. The NATO Alliance were smugly confident because they knew the public, as well as most socialist politicians, of Western Civilization did not know about Operation Gladio. The ignorance continues.
As trigger events, engineered false flags always direct the blame elsewhere, and are designed to emotionally hijack mass populaces, politically capture Public State authorities and reset the trajectory of a society onto a fully-fledged Police State path and beyond — as the author of The Spectacle of the False Flag: Parapolitics from JFK to Watergate, Eric Wilson states. This implies a ‘point of no return’ for key conspirators.
The lecturer in international public law at Monash University adds that the spectacular power of a false flag deep event is that the spectacle is unifying, yet totalitarian in nature, and causes a permanent severance between the visible public state and the national security state. Wilson emphasizes the need to identify the battling factions whom wage civil battles beyond the public state’s legal boundaries.
Deep State factions in a Dual State seek to slice up the administrative apparatus, and redirect the accumulated resources in preparation for a looming “season of escalating hostilities”, as the author of Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich, Guido Giamomo Preparata explained in his foreword to Wilson’s The Spectacle of the False Flag. Preparata stated:
“The fictionalizing beauty of the set-up is that while the fight among the clans unfolds ‘deeply’, i.e. entirely hidden from public scrutiny, there concomitantly ‘forms’ on the media stage, as if inevitably bubbling over, a game of theatrics for mass consumption. The game is designed to sway ‘public opinion’ with the final objective topping off the ‘deep’ victory with popular acclaim.”
— Guido Preparata, Foreword to: The Spectacle of the False Flag: Parapolitics from JFK to Watergate
Thus, the covert power of the spectacle exists within this perpetually unstable migratory contest, or double movement, between the visible public state political decision-making and the covert deep state factions. Therefore, the reverberations of deeper machinations between the Public State and Deep State factions may be detectable in clustered events prior to, during and in the aftermath of the earthquakes. After-all, with each ‘disaster’, the armed forces won popular acclaim.
New Zealanders, like so many Westerners, do not comprehend the historical shifts.
In 1961, historian Carroll Quigley pointed out that the planet was in an ‘Age of Conflict’; a Third Hundred Years’ War. A Hundred Years’ War occurs when there are tectonic shifts in the world system, brought about by scientific discoveries, technological innovations, and new organizational hierarchies that competing ruling classes fight over — to dominate the trajectory of the structural forces
The present, and recent, tectonic political shifts are identified as an epic struggle between powerful factions competing to control the territories, treasures and technologies for dominance over the development of the computing chip.
This epic struggle occurs amid the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War that began around 1900 as a fight to control oil. The planet’s current tumultuous trajectory has provable historical precedents of diabolical machinations by Western Élites, who built-up totalitarian regimes: Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany and Communist China.
Since a Hundred Year’s War occurs when the world system is undergoing huge changes driven by the development of technologies, administrative systems and resources that comprise a new instrument of empire expansion, the struggle to consolidate gains from engineered resets, produces data to identify key players.
In short, the computing chip is the new instrument of expansion in the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War that began as a struggle over the control of oil in 1899.
Therefore, where the credit revolution rose as the primary instrument of expansion from 1500AD to 1900AD, to finance colonial expansion, industrialism and commercial colonialism, it is now the chip revolution that is collectivizing all other instruments of expansion, including oil. And that explains why all options for infrastructure, including transport, as well as security, health, education, housing, and even work across all public and private sectors — are mediated by the computing chip.
Dominant capitalist coalitions, or super-rich oligarchies periodically inflict strategic sabotages of industries and public sector institutions by resetting the structural forces in their favor to destabilize societies, rival empires, or a civilization — lest they lose control. The idea is to forge an eventual fusion, by their cunning inventiveness to control populations. This hybrid totalitarian system is, I contend, techno-feudalism.
My supposition is that New Zealand is a closet pivot state; meaning key insiders of the national security state periodically inflict engineered ‘deep events’ — in collaboration with their Western counterparts — to pivot Western-aligned countries deeper into the American Empire’s orbit. This apparent covert role implies a police state trajectory.
The course set by the Christchurch Earthquake appears to be to re-forge NZ as the West’s ‘closet’ pivot state, to act as a codified ‘soft power’ influence multiplier. The role of an ‘influence multiplier’, I contend, is to help transform ‘free’ Western Civilization into totalitarian Techno-Feudal police states, without ‘we, the Tax Herds’, fully grasping how this pivot to dystopia might have really occurred.
Pivot states are states that possess military, economic or ideational strategic assets. that are coveted by great powers. Such pivot states as Iran, Ukraine and Turkey, are caught in the middle of overlapping political ‘tectonic plates’, or spheres of influence, between multiple great powers. (N.B. Power alignments have shifted markedly since “Why are Pivot States so Pivotal?” was published in 2014 by Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, with Turkey playing a balancing act between NATO and Russia).
Because a pivot state’s overlapping spheres of interest can reverberate with regional and global security implications, and be locations where great power interests can collide and also clash, the changes in the role of a pivot state following a ‘false flag event’ can reveal the deeper conflicts among battling factions.
Therefore, if there were theater underpinning the re-integration of New Zealand back into the Western Alliance after the political fallout in the mid-1980s over the Lange Labour Government denying American nuclear-powered vessels to visit, what could be a better metaphor than a reference to political ‘tectonic plates’?
The Accommodation Period: Gone by the End of Lunchtime
Strangely, when an email subject-lined “6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand” was circulated to “OpsAlert” recipients of the State Department, one State Department Official, Jacob Sullivan, wrote in reaction, “And on cue”.
Sullivan was the State Department’s closest international travelling aide to Hillary Clinton, who at the time was U.S. Secretary of the State in the Obama Regime, which marketed ‘hope and change’, but sold hopium instead.
The email became public in March 2016, and was among the WikiLeaks’ release of the “Hillary Clinton Email Archive” of emails, media files and other document caches retrieved from the private server owned by Hillary Clinton, of the Clinton Crime Syndicate. The email, which was sent shortly after the earthquake, and, merely stated, “There was no immediate confirmation of injuries or damage to the city from the quake, according to press”. This email creates the suspicion that Sullivan and a close circle of recipients, including Hillary Clinton’s most loyal aide, Abdein Huma, Phillippe L Reines, and Cheryl D Mills and Hillary Clinton herself, expected the earthquake to strike on 22.02.2011. Indeed, during the email scandal that exploded in 2016, the recipient “H” in numerous emails was revealed to be the abbreviated identifier for Hillary Clinton’s personal email address, used with her private server.
Three months prior to the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake, the ‘Wellington Declaration’ was tabled by the two governments on November 4, 2010, during Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s three-day visit to New Zealand.
The same day, Wellington publicised aims to replace its Lockheed Martin P-3C Orion and C-130H Hercules aircraft as a result of a defence white paper, that was reported to be New Zealand’s first in 13 years to set out its strategic direction out to 2035.
On the surface, the Wellington Declaration signalled a commitment between the United States and New Zealand to forge closer relations. This surface signal occurred because the Western Alliance’s reputation had diminished in the South Pacific archipelago following the staged theatre that underpinned New Zealand’s ‘rejection’ of the guided missile destroyer, USS Buchanan, from Pearl Harbor, in 1985.
An article headlined, “Clinton Accord Ends Nuclear Spat With New Zealand”, published by Bloomberg Business, reported that the U.S. was seeking to repair military and political ties between New Zealand after the South Pacific country introduced legislation in 1984 that banned nuclear-powered and armed ships from entering its ports. “The law, passed by then Prime Minister David Lange (in 1986) damaged and ended New Zealand’s involvement in the ANZUS defense treaty that included Australia,” Bloomberg reported. Clinton remarked that relations are the “strongest and most productive” they have been in 25 years. There was more to the story.
In New Zealand ANZUS/Anti-Nuclear mythology, the so-called ‘rejection’ of the USS Buchanan on February 4 1985 is attributed primary blame for a three decade long rift in the ANZUS military alliance, which comprises Australia, New Zealand and United States. Ostensibly, the rejection occurred because the United States maintained a ‘neither confirm nor deny’ policy over the American Empire’s vessels’ nuclear capability. But, this rejection was part of the theatrical production whose ACT III climax would take the form of a deus ex machina plot device involving two limpet mines to solve an intractable impassé: the Rainbow Warrior Bombing.
The deadlock involved the entangled issues of the ‘unwelcome attention’ that visiting U.S. warships and submarines received from New Zealand’s anti-nuclear movement, as well as their opposition to French nuclear tests in the Pacific, and also legislative moves in the pipeline to make New Zealand a nuclear-free zone.
These conflicting positions strained New Zealand’s role in the ANZUS military alliance, and was viewed as a danger to the maintenance of hard power within the Western Alliance, since six other nations within the American Empire also had anti-nuclear movements. The fear was that activists might become emboldened if there were not a price seen to be paid for their rebellious insubordination — as the former head of the Prime Minister’s Department, Gerald Hensley stated in his book, Friendly Fire: Nuclear Politics and the Collapse of Anzus, 1984-1987.
The ANZUS/anti-nuclear mythology that focusses on the ‘rejection’ of the USS Buchanan, ignores the deus ex machina role of the French state’s occult encoded terrorist attack on Greenpeace’s seahorse, the Rainbow Warrior, on 10/7/1985 — as my investigation, “‘Price of Power’ Themed-Terrorism: Rainbow Warrior Bombing Inflicted to Save the Western Empire from Losing N.Z.”, proves.
The occult ‘Morse Code’ embedded in the Opération Sataniqué mission to bomb Greenpeace’s 130-foot Rainbow Warrior, that supposedly had just had 13 French DGSE agents in New Zealand leaving an ‘orgie of evidence’. But, like all big criminal plots, not everything went according to plan and the French Connection was proven quicker than anticipated. The preservation of the ‘Western Alliance’ was more important, and that is why the United States and United Kingdom and other Western member nations of the United Nations did not condemn the bombing.
Instead, the United Nations brokered a compensation deal of $13 million, which was the moment the world community officially condoned terrorism and endorsed Opération Sataniqué’s ‘price of power’ Morse Code.
For its part, New Zealand’s Security Intelligence Service (SIS) suppressed information for 32 years, that spoke of damage control to limit fallout with the French Government in the aftermath of the Rainbow Warrior Bombing. The Beehive’s Officials Terrorism Committee, chaired by Hensley, decided to merely to seek the prosecution of the two French DGSE agents who were in NZ Police custody, rather than coordinate efforts to uncover the dimensions of the attack to catch other DGSE agents in New Zealand, as well as probe the extent of the French state’s involvement.
Therefore — because the mission went awry when two French DGSE agents were caught, the chairman of New Zealand’s Intelligence Council, Gerald Hensley, who also just happened to be the Chairman of the Officials Terrorism Committee, was very accommodating to constrain the scope of the investigation. Such constraint meant the DGSE combat dive team were able to ski at Mt Cook/Aoraki, and fly out of Auckland on July 26th 1985, without the SIS, the Police or the Aviation Security Service (AVSEC) catching them — in spite of the PM’s assurance that no effort would be spared.
This damage control also involved a cover-up of how the plot was designed to signal to other Western Alliance states to get their domestic activist movements back under control. In my heretical dispatch headlined, “10/7: DGSE Terrorism Unit Arrived at Job”, Snoopman made the case that the timing of the attack on 10 July in 1985, was to symbolically signal, that because the Rainbow Warrior had been taken out of service at the Port of Auckland, the Lange Government was sent ‘Morse Code’, that read: New Zealand not immune to terrorism. At the time of the attack, the date of 10/7 corresponded to New Zealand Police national radio code for ‘now engaged in job’.
While internationally, the 10-7 code means ‘Out of Service’ and is called in when an officer goes off duty. Therefore, I contend the date, 10/7, was potent.
After all, the order for the three hour delay set on the timing devices used to trigger the explosions on two limpet mines — that sank the Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior, shortly before midnight on July 10 1985 — actually resulted in the two French DGSE agents being caught. For such black operations, it is ‘usual’ for a 24-hour or 48-hour bomb timer delay to be afforded to agents to give them time to skip the country. In 2015, French DGSE diver, Colonel Jean-Luc Kister, who set the two limpet mines, said the reason for the shortened bomb countdown still perplexed him. Consequently, the damage control orchestrated by the Beehive’s Officials Terrorism Committee was necessary to avert more French DGSE agents being caught in the aftermath.
In other words, while it has become more commonly known that New Zealand is used as a test lab for new technologies, social engineering and political strategies, Kiwis haven’t imagined the nation’s potential as a test bed for innovating terrorism.
Prior to the Auckland High Court deposition hearing of November 4 1985, New Zealand’s Government capitulated to French Government coercion. The preservation of the American Empire’s ‘Western Alliance’ was more important, and that is why the United States and United Kingdom and other Western member nations of the United Nations did not condemn the bombing. Even the date of the bombing, 10/7 in 1985, was potent as I showed in my article, “10/7: DGSE Terrorism Unit Arrived at Job”.
After Lange’s 1984 election, the U.S. Secretary of State, George Schultz flew into Ohakea Air Force Base to discuss the ANZUS military alliance with him. The Prime Minister-elect evidently told Mr Schultz that he needed six months to resolve the issues to everyone’s satisfaction. The ‘rejection’ of the USS Buchanan on February 4 1985 essentially collided with Greenpeace’s plans to send the Rainbow Warrior to Moruroa Atoll. America had accommodated France’s tricky domestic relationship after President Charles De Gaul expelled NATO’s HQ from Paris in 1966 after he discovered the attempts to assassinate him came from NATO’s clandestine forces.
Moreover, David Lange had been very accommodating of the French DGSE, which has an economic intelligence section. The two French DGSE agents who were caught, DGSE agent Major Alain Mafart and his fake wife, Captain Dominique Prieur, stayed in the unit of Hinemoa Motel, in Parakai owned by Mr Lange — three times. The fake Swiss married couple, who posed as ‘Alain and Sophie Turenge’ when they returned the rented Newman’s campervan, transferred the explosives, diving equipment and the Zodiac to the French attack team who were staying at the Hinemoa Motel.
In spite of the PM’s assurance that no effort would be spared, the Beehive Officials Terrorism Committee, was very accommodating of the need to limit fallout with France.
It is commonly thought that the rejection of USS Buchanan visit led to the collapse of ANZUS. However, Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating said that following the Rainbow Warrior attack “the centre of gravity had shifted” and the perceived need for anti-nuclear legislation became inevitable. This ‘centre of gravity’ terminology is the language of geopolitics, which is the struggle for space and power.
In other words, Keating showed an awareness of how terrorism can shift the political ‘center of gravity’. This awareness begs the question: how informed are Western leaders about the variety of low grade wars inflicted to achieve a ‘strategy of tension’?
The people responsible for drawing up the blueprint and orchestrating the planning for the mission — codenamed ‘Opération Sataniqué’ — was Colonel Jean-Claude Lesquer, the head of DGSE’s Action Service, which specializes in covert operations — and the Defense Minister’s Cabinet, reported Libération journalist, Jean Guisnel.
Col. Lesquer seems to have cast himself as a wizard practicing symbol sorcery.
The camper-van’s corporate logo featured a Greek mythical flying horse logo, the Pegasus symbol, a mythical winged divine horse from Greek mythology that celestial cartographers portray as half of a horse, rising out of the ocean. The Greek God, Zeus, is said to have transformed Pegasus into the constellation visible in the northern sky, with the brightest star being an orange super-giant, Epsilon Pegasi.
Narratively, the dive team rode on a Zodiac, set the big bomb on the starboard hull and the Rainbow Warrior became a seahorse sinking into the ocean. Then a van bearing the Pegasus logo picked up the Zodiac pilot. The bomb team drove to the capital in a Horizon campervan, and crossed the horizon on a ferry to the South Island to lay low.
Meanwhile, the trail of clues led police to the Commodore hired by the skipper of a sloop, but they slipped out of a neighbouring British Commonwealth jurisdiction.
As I mentioned previously NZ’s Aviation Security Service (AVSEC), applied to Buckingham Palace in 1993 to have the mythical Pegasus as its insignia. AVSEC gushed in its 40th anniversary publication that the mythological flying horse is surrounded by the blue waters of the Pacific and the stars of the Southern Cross.
Yet, AVSEC omitted its failure in the mid-1980s to catch any French speaking ‘tourists’, despite the DGSE screwing up all the practicalities of the French subversion nouns that permeate into English usage, such as: incognito, reconnaissance, espionage, subterfuge, rendezvous, sabotage and terrorist. As Jean Luc-Kister admitted in part three of the documentary series Murder in the Pacific, he had a close call at Auckland Airport when a flight desk clerk called her manager, who let the French DGSE agent board. Ergo, AVSEC’s security was lite like a ‘diet’ fizzy drink.
In his 2013 book, Friendly Fire: Nuclear Politics and the Collapse of Anzus, 1984-1987, Hensley neglected to mention that the Officials Terrorism Committee that he chaired constrained the investigations into the Rainbow Warrior Bombing as damage control to limit fall-out with the Western Alliance. The SIS’s sanitized and moderately redacted 1996 report, entitled Rainbow Warrior – An SIS Perspective, was not declassified until May 2017. The ‘top secret’ SIS report, which was authored by a New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (SIS) executive, stated that as the intrigue unravelled an attitude to limit the scope of the investigation developed once Mafart and Prieur were in custody. Rather than coordinate efforts to uncover the dimensions of the attack, to catch other DGSE agents in New Zealand, as well as probe the extent of the French state’s involvement, this constriction over the investigation, afforded the DGSE dive team, to lay low in the South Island and skip the country.
Therefore, with this ‘deep history’ of the Rainbow Warrior Bombing, the Clinton Connection to the magnitude 6.3 aftershock on 22 February 2011, may be more significant than the good people of Christchurch realized, even though some smelt rabbit droppings but were unable to find the rabbit holes amid the rubble.
Because, if the devastating 6.3 Christchurch Aftershock were an engineered earthquake timed to occur with the tail-end of the United States-New Zealand Council’s summit, then the potency of the Trans-Pacific economic super-bloc being tied to Obama’s Asia-Pacific security pivot would have become symbolically amplified among Western élites privy to this potential geo-physical warfare capacity.
The signing of the declaration officially ended the ANZUS dispute of the previous three decades, although it was later revealed by WikiLeaks that the U.S. and New Zealand had resumed military co-operation in eight areas in 2007, during the Bush-Clark Administrations. As part of 13-day Asia-Pacific regional trip, Clinton’s stopover to New Zealand between November 3 to 5 in 2010 was also consistent with game theory. Élite criminal groups, whom intend to gain from engineered crises, post themselves as hostages. Such hostage exchanges stabilize the power relations as power structures undergo major changes. Failure to defection.
The November 4 date that the ‘Wellington Declaration’ was tabled in 2010 is potent, because on that day in 1985, the New Zealand Government publicly capitulated to French Government coercion when the Solicitor General announced reduced charges against the two French DGSE agents in the Auckland High Court. Precisely two years later, David Lange approved purchase and building of the GCSB’s Waihopai spy base.
A month later, Lange announced the Waihopai spy base with the justification that the Government Communication Security Bureau facility was needed to secure New Zealand’s independence in satellite communications interception due to the ANZUS military alliance rift. Yet, the planning for a new satellite interception station had been proceeding “in tandem” with the Geraldton Station in Western Australia for “some years … in secret” by the time Lange approved the purchase of the Waihopai site on November 4th 1987, as Nicky Hager observed in his seminal 1996 book on the GCSB, Secret Power: New Zealand’s Role in the International Spy Network.
Thus, November 4 is a potent date since it has been constructed as the anniversary of the date that the NZ Crown capitulated in the High Court to French state terrorism; as well as date when the NZ PM David Lange signed off on an expansion of the GCSB’s surveillance apparatus on the justification that the nation needed to develop ‘intelligence independence’; and also that date of NZ’s re-integration into ANZUS.
Since the GCSB was secretly authorized by Prime Minister Robert Muldoon on 15 March (or the Ides of March) in 1977, this meant that this Wellington Declaration was a potently timed US-NZ political-military agreement. The Wellington Declaration was officially signed in the 33rd year after Muldoon secretly established the GCSB.
To be more precise, the signing occurred 33 years, 33 weeks and 3 days after the GCSB was established. It would appear the Americans were teaching Kiwis ‘Morse Code’.
At the end of the Bloomberg article headlined, “Clinton Accord Ends Nuclear Spat With New Zealand” (cited previously), it stated the Secretary of State’s “trip to New Zealand will also include Christchurch, the South Island city recovering from the nation’s largest earthquake in more than 80 years on Sept. 4”. This may seem perfunctory for a politician to visit a disaster location to appear relatable.
However, because this event belongs to another event cluster — since the Darfield Earthquake sequence (which began on September 4 2010) — information about Clinton’s visit to Christchurch can go to the ‘meta-level’ for analysis.
The EMF Connection in an Electric Universe
The February 22 2011 magnitude 6.3 Christchurch Aftershock followed a magnitude 7.1 Darfield Earthquake in Canterbury, New Zealand, that occurred on 4 September 2010. Despite hundreds of aftershocks that happened between the 7.1 Darfield Earthquake and the M6.3 Christchurch Aftershock, the good people of Christchurch were lulled into a false sense of security following the September 4 2010 earthquake.
The epicenter of the M6.3 aftershock was below Heathcote Valley in the Port Hills, right on the sub-surface fault structure. The Cracroft Caverns Laboratory in Cashmere were but a ‘stone’s throw’ distance from the Port Hills fault.
Rather than this false sense of security being the result of ignorance, complacency, incompetence, it may be that a sinister agenda underpinned a ‘forged reality’.
In 1995, the Christchurch City Council took ownership of the Cashmere Caverns (also known as the Cracroft Caverns) located under Christchurch Port Hills. In the following year, the University of Canterbury installed the CII ring laser. The ring laser research group was a collaboration between the University of Canterbury Physics and Astronomy Department, who operated the Cashmere Cavern Laboratory, and the Technical University of Munich and the Forschungsgruppe Satelliengeodäsie (German Federal Institute for Cartography and Geodesy) who operate the Gross Ring Facility.
The university continued to use the caverns as their laboratory. Moreover, the University of Canterbury built a new ring-laser gyroscope in the Cashmere Cavern with three quarters of a million dollars, awarded by the Marsden Fund in 2010.
This project grant, worth NZ$756,000, envisaged a ring laser gyroscope that would be tilted to face the south celestial pole, to measure the drag of the earth’s rotation compared to the distant astronomical objects in collaboration with a Geodetic Observatory Wettzell station in Germany, which operates a G-ring gyroscope.
These technologies appeared to be an addition to an array of radio sounding equipment known as ionosondes, set-out in a triangulated positioning located at Godley Head at the entrance to Lyttleton Harbour, at Eyrewell (about 30km northwest of Christchurch) and at Birdlings Flat (Akaroa Radio Array) situated on the southern end of Banks Peninsula on Kaitorete Spit about 45km south of Christchurch, ostensibly constructed to measure the ionosphere. Eyrewell is considered a geomagnetic observatory, along with Scott Base, which were operated by the Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of Canterbury. The suspicion is that these facilities were hacked as part of an operation to trigger the Canterbury Earthquakes. Eyrewell is now operated by GNS, who boasted in 2015 that earthquake science in NZ was 150 years old; the New Zealand Geological Survey began in 1865.
The ionosphere varies in thickness on a daily basis, known as the di-ernal effect.
The ionosphere becomes engorged with the morning glory of the sun, expands downward from the exosphere, deeper into the thermosphere, to penetrate the mesosphere. At night, the ionosphere shrinks back. The ionosphere is a wall-less lab.
Yet, it is well-known in the science community that disturbances in the ionosphere can sometimes precede earthquakes. This phenomena has been an area of earthquake forecasting research, and a growing field of podcasts tracking earthquakes.
For example, a 1997 study entitled, “A Possible Generation Mechanism of Acoustic-Gravity Waves in the Ionosphere before Strong Earthquakes”, explored the possibility that Acoustic Gravity Waves (AGW) were generated by a ‘Joule heating’ in a localized region of the ionosphere above the epicentre of earthquakes. ‘Joule heating’ occurs when a current passes through an electrical conductor to produce thermal energy, which causes the temperature of the conductor to rise. The origin of the ‘Joule heating’ was theorized to be an electric field of seismic origin, which implied that the ionosphere can become a medium for amplifying the transmission of thermal energy back to earth, as a result of disturbances originating from seismic activity.
A 2006 study “The Ionospheric Effect of Atmospheric Gravity Waves Excited Prior to Strong Earthquake”, found that heating of a local region of the ionosphere above the epicentral zone of an imminent earthquake appeared to be caused by a disturbance in the vertical atmospheric electrostatic field on the Earth’s surface in the epicentral zone of a forthcoming earthquake. This finding corroborated the 1997 study just mentioned, and stated research of the localised region of the ionosphere above the epicentral zone that underwent heating prior to earthquakes, needed to be ‘widened’.
In 2007, a joint Russian-Japanese science team studied atmospheric and ionospheric ‘preparation periods’ leading to earthquakes. In their study, entitled, “A Pilot Project on the Comparative Diagnosis Earthquake Precursors on Sakhalin Island: Experiments Results from 2007”, the scientists found that variations of atmosphere and ionosphere parameters before the August 2007 Sakhalin Island Earthquake completely corresponded to the indications revealed for strong earthquakes around the world in prior studies. However, the scientists added that trans-boundary access to data needed to be overcome by more trans-jurisdiction cooperation to learn more.
In July 2011, the China University of Mining and Technology made observations of ionospheric earthquake precursor events to the magnitude 7.1 Darfield Earthquake in Canterbury New Zealand. The China University study, entitled, “Satellite Thermal Anomalies before the M S 7.1 New Zealand Earthquake 2010”, found the local thermal anomalies that occurred about one month before the earthquake, “most likely resulted from underground heat”. This finding was said to be consistent with hot material upwelling from Earth’s mantle, which “leads to abundant geothermal activity such as hot springs and volcanoes.” Perhaps the Chinese team looked in the wrong direction.
Ironically, in another December 2011 paper entitled “Measuring Gravito-magnetic Effects by Multi Ring-Laser Gyroscope”, the authors proposed an under-ground experiment to detect the general relativistic effects due to the curvature of space-time around the Earth (de Sitter effect) and to rotation of the planet (dragging of the inertial frames or Lense-Thirring effect). The research group included scientists, technicians and engineers from Italy, and Germany, as well as a team lead by Jon-Paul Wells of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Canterbury, Christchurch. This research proposal was a development on their project to build a new ring-laser gyroscope in the Cashmere Cavern, for which the University received $756,000 dollars from the Marsden Fund in 2010. But, their lab became too shaky.
Ergo, the plucky scientists lead by Dr Wells at the Canterbury University’s Department of Physics and Astronomy, were proposing an under-ground experiment elsewhere. The subtle general relativistic effects due to the Earth’s curvature of space-time still needed to be compared to the planet’s rotational drag — amid the Darfield Earthquake Sequence that would eventually surpass 13,0000 aftershocks.
In their April 2015 study, “Ionospheric Earthquake Precursors”, New Zealand’s Geological and Nuclear Sciences Institute (GNS) reached the conclusion that there were no ionospheric disturbances prior to four major earthquakes in the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence, which started with the magnitude 7.1 Darfield Earthquake on September 4 2010. The ECQ’s GNS study measured the Total Electron Content (TEC) in the ionosphere in a spatial grid above Canterbury, and New Zealand, for the periods preceding and following the Darfield Earthquake of 4 September 2010 and three major aftershocks, including the Christchurch Earthquake of 22 February 2011.
According to the GNS study, the most pronounced Total Electron Content (TEC) variation occurred on 18 February 2011 (Central Time Zone), or 19 February (NZT).
Coincidentally, a pod of 107 whales were found stranded at Mason Bay, Stewart Island on Saturday 19 February 2011. The documentary Sonic Sea shows the shipping noise, submarine sonar and seismic testing causes whale strandings, because the mammals try to get away from horrific incessant sound pollution.
It is perhaps critical to note that there is a high frequency (HF) radar facility, called the Unwin Radar array, which is located at Awarua, near Invercargill, South Island.
The Unwin Radar array is one 35 such high frequency (HF) radars located in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It is part of an international scientific radar network known as the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN). Bursts of shortwave radio pulses are transmitted from the radar in a southern arc that includes the South Magnetic Pole. The ensuing reflections from micrometeorites, the ionosphere, ocean and aurora are detected and recorded at the station.
The GNS study drew upon specialized GPS software from the Space and Geophysics Laboratory with the Applied Research Laboratories at the University of Texas, Austin.
Thus, at approximately 72 hours out from the Christchurch Earthquake, the greatest anomaly occurred. But, D. A. Rhoades et al said they had no explanation for the spatial distribution of the anomaly, which occurred to the east and west of the South Island about 750 kilometres apart. A TEC spike also occurred on 15 February (CST), or 16 February (NZT), at six days preceding the Christchurch Earthquake.
The GNS scientists said the anomalies in the data were more likely due to solar or geomagnetic effects, despite admitting they had “no explanation for the spatial distribution of the anomaly”. Tellingly, the scientists observed short-term heat released from the surface rocks prior to the four major earthquakes in the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence. New Zealand’s GNS was behind in the science.
Indeed, this 2015 GNS study missed a 2009 white paper in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics entitled, “Air Ionization at Rock Surface and Pre-Earthquake Signals” that determined the pre-earthquake “thermal anomalies” could not be caused by Joule heat rising from a source below and heating the rocks at the Earth’s surface, since the rapidity of the heat appearing and disappearing had to be by another cause. They believed massive air ionization occurs at the surface of rocks, which are being stressed at one end. The authors went on to state:
“The build-up of stress within the Earth’s crust prior to major earthquakes may likewise lead to processes at the Earth’s surface, including massive air ionization, which can be expected to cause ionospheric disturbances and a host of other phenomena.”
— Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics entitled, “Air Ionization at Rock Surface and Pre-Earthquake Signals”
In their December 2011 paper entitled, “Atmosphere-ionosphere response to the M9 Tohoku earthquake revealed by multiinstrument space-borne and ground observations: Preliminary results”, and published in Earthquake Science Journal, Dimitar Ouzounov et al found that before the M9 earthquake of March 11, 2011, the total electron content of the ionosphere increased dramatically over the epicentre, reaching a maximum three days before the quake struck causing a huge tsunami off the coast of Japan. The scientists used four measurement techniques characterizing the state of the atmosphere/ionosphere during the periods before and after the event.
Ouzounov et al analysed data from: (1) Outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) measured at the top of the atmosphere; (2) GPS/TEC (Total Electron Content) ionospheric variability; (3) Low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellite ionospheric tomography; and (4) variations in ionosphere F2 layer at the critical foF2 frequency (the highest frequency at which the ionosphere is transparent) from four Japanese ionosonde stations.
The collaborative Tōhoku Earthquake study between NASA and Moscow found:
“the existence of an atmosphere/ionosphere response triggered by the coupling processes between lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere preceding the M9 Tohoku earthquake of March 11, 2011.” — Dimitar Ouzounov et al, Earthquake Science Journal, December 2011
Two geomagnetic storms took place on the first and eleventh of March respectively, (Figure 4, marked in blue), while a precursor anomaly in geomagnetic disturbance preceded the earthquake. This “strong and very unusual increase of TEC was registered on March 8” marked by red in Figure 4 below. The TEC anomalous signals were registered between two minor and moderate geomagnetic storms, but the major increase of DTEC on March 8 was registered during a geomagnetically quiet period.
Ouzounov et al stated in their December 2011 Earthquake Science Journal article:
“A sharp increase in the electron concentration from the Japanese ionospheric stations (Figure 7) were observed with a maximum on March 8 and then returned to normal a few days after the main earthquake of March 11.”
As enlightening as these studies are, they exclude a phenomenon that I call Scientifically Obtuse Scientists Syndrome (or SOSS) that results from a ‘partitioning wall’, which severs publicly viewable science from research and development in transnational deep state complexes protected in the interests of ‘national security’.
This problem remains unstated in the science literature, as far as I can tell.
Because, many such studies of ionospheric earthquake precursors ignore the potential to weaponize a network of ionosphere heaters around the globe.
Ionosphere heaters — euphemistically-termed atmospheric ‘testing’ facilities — are installations of radio antennas knitted together to heat particles in the upper atmosphere with pulsed electromagnetic waves to rip holes in the ozone layer, lift and stretch the ionosphere, and bounce radiated energy downward to the Earth’s surface.
The idea is that phased-array radio antennas laid in a grid connected by underground copper cables can produce a focussed standing sky wave that can be steered as an ‘echo’ back to earth as a standing ground wave to achieve military purposes.
The ionized electrons in the ionosphere can be moved as ‘invisible’ beams to gather tomographic data of mineral, oil and gas deposits, or to gather and transmit communications, and locate and track subterannean military structures. The ionized electrons can also amplify or shift weather systems, and perhaps even generate earthquakes by antagonizing seismic plates. Scientists appear to be holding back.
The most well known of the known ionosphere heaters — euphemistically-termed atmospheric ‘testing’ facilities — is the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is located in Gokona Alaska. Construction for the HAARP facility began in 1992 and became fully operational in 1994. It was developed as a joint project between the US Navy, Air Force and Phillips Laboratories, under the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). The University of Alaska came to own the facility in 2015 after the US Air Force, the US Navy and Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) had all conducted projects at the remote site.
It is constructed of 180 radio antennas interlaced to fire powerful beams of electromagnetic energy into the ionosphere. The antennas were installed by a subsidiary of British Aerospace Systems (BAES) using a patent owned by Advanced Power Technologies Inc. (APTI), a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Corporation (ARCO). It is the most powerful of its kind. The Akaroa Radio Array at Birdlings Flat about 45km south of Christchurch, was also constructed to measure the ionosphere.
In 1994, ARCO sold its APTI subsidiary, including the patents in the strategic weather warfare technology and the second phase construction contract to E-Systems, which specializes in electronic warfare equipment, spying devices, and navigation and reconnaissance machinery. In 1995, Raytheon paid $2.3 billion in cash for E-Systems Inc., with finance from two Rockefeller-controlled banks, Chase Manhattan Bank and Chemical Bank, as well as Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association.
In 2003, British Aerospace Systems Advanced Technologies Inc. outsourced its contract to build and install 132 antennas for HAARP to Phazar Corp., a specialist in wireless antennas for military applications. British Aerospace Systems also sub-contracted its work, awarded by the Office of Naval Research, to ‘defense’ contractor DRS Technologies to manufacture 60 transmitters that would compliment the antennas at the HAARP facility. The DRS Technologies’ unit that produced the transmitters is called C4I, short for Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence, which is a common systems configuration within the military-industrial complex. Between 1999 and 2012, Raytheon was contracted by the National Science Foundation to provide logistics, supplies and development of technologies for scientific research, which included weather prediction capabilities.
In 2012, a larger weapons industry consortium — Lockheed Martin — succeeded Raytheon Polar Services, which now conducts weather research in Antarctica. Raytheon, which has an office in the International Antarctica Centre in New Zealand, describes “[t]he U.S. Antarctic Program” as a “national program for scientific research and geopolitical presence.” The term ‘geopolitical’ refers to global power politics, and the struggle for territorial space. In 2015, the Operation of the HAARP research facility was transferred from the US Air Force to the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
On March 26 2014, the deputy assistant secretary of the US Air Force for science, technology and engineering, Dr David Walker told the House Armed Services Committee’s subcommittee on Intelligence, Emerging Threat and Capabilities, in Washington D.C., that the HAARP facility was designed to manage the ionosphere by injecting energy into this region of the Earth’s atmosphere and control the ionosphere. This admission was included in the documentary Frankenskies to demonstrate what had long been derided as conspiracy theory. Dr Walker added that the US Air Force had managed the HAARP facility for a few years after taking over from the Navy. The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was their last government customer. The ionosphere had been weaponized.
In 2015, the HAARP facility operation was transferred from the United States Air Force to the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Did ionospheres become mobile?
In this 2010 slide presentation entitled “On the Viability and Requirements of a Barge Based ELF System”, Dennis Papadopoulos of the University of Maryland, made the case for barges, floating platforms, and ships to be vehicles for mobile high frequency ionospheric heaters. The transmission of extremely low frequency waves to ‘communicate’ between satellites, ships, barges, platforms, and submarines may seem benign. Mr Papadopoulos suggested the effects could be scaled upward by locating such submarines, barges, ships or platforms at the ‘equatorial dip’ and bouncing such signals off the ionosphere. However, Papadopoulos also appeared to be presenting the utility of high frequency heaters located on ships and barges to drive alternating currents at the ionospheric region and control the ionosphere from marine vehicles.
This proof of concept was presented in collaboration with the US Navy.
After-all, Dr David Walker disclosed to the House Armed Services Committee’s hearing on March 26 2014, that the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility, located in Gakona, Alaska, was designed to manage and control ionosphere by injecting energy into this region of the Earth’s atmosphere.
The Christchurch New Zealand and Tohoku Japan earthquakes of February 22 and March 11 2011, respectively, lead to suspicions that the phased array High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), located in Gakona Alaska, was activated to inflict the earthquakes. Insiders of the American Empire may have inflicted the earthquakes to signal to Western élites there was a stiff price to pay for membership.
The University of Alaska’s HAARP website posted a sequence of time-frequency spectogram images recorded by the HAARP Induction Magnetometer on the days preceding, during and following the Tohoku Earthquake in Japan. The instrument, the HAARP website stated, was provided by the University of Tokyo and measures temporal variations, or disturbances, in the geomagnetic field in the ULF (ultra-low frequency) range of 0-5 Hz in Earth’s upper atmosphere. The spectogram image for 11 March 2011 appears to show directed energy at the 2.5 hertz frequency level, as if the HAARP facility was used to leverage a magnetic storm that occurred around the time.
These 11 spectogram images recorded by the HAARP Induction Magnetometer from March 2 to March 12 appear to demonstrate the 2.5 hertz frequency level was used to trigger the Tohoku Earthquake in Japan 5:46am (UTC) on March 11 2011.
According to Michael Janitch of St. Louis Missouri, he posted a report on 9 March 2011 on his earthquake forecast podcast, DutchSinse, about a 7.2M in Japan, two days before the M9.1 megaquake, stating the escalation in seismic activity was global.
Janitch mentioned there had been 10 quakes in the magnitude 5 range since the 7.2 magnitude quake struck. He also displayed the HAARP Induction Magnometer, indicating he suspected the planet was being hit, and he warned for civil preparedness.
In their 2015 paper entitled, “Generation of Artificial Acoustic-Gravity Waves and Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in HF Heating Experiments”, published in the Springe Journal of Earth Moon Planets, Pradipta et al demonstrated that acoustic gravity waves and travelling ionospheric disturbances can be artificially generated by the High Frequenccy Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility in Gakona.
Acoustic-gravity waves (AGW) — which are a special type of sound wave that can cut through the deep ocean at the speed of sound — can also be generated by underwater earthquakes, explosions, and landslides, as well as by surface waves and meteorites. A single one of these waves can stretch tens or hundreds of kilometers, and travel at depths of hundreds or thousands of meters below the ocean surface, transferring energy from the upper surface to the seafloor, and across the oceans, MIT News said.
This AGW finding has particular significance for New Zealand, given that there is an abundance of aquifiers below the bedrock, especially in the Canterbury region. According to StatsNZ, Canterbury held 519 billion cubic metres or 73.2 percent of New Zealand’s total volume of groundwater, estimated to be 711 billion cubic metres.
The picture of earnest scientists beavering away to supply seismic and ionospheric data for military applications to weaponize the forces of nature gets more intriguing.
In 2004, and 2007, experiments with magnetospheric amplification and emission triggering using ELF and VLF waves took place in waters south east of New Zealand.
The experiments involved Stanford University in collaboration with HAARP facility at Gakona, and the research vessel, RV Tangaroa, owned by New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), a state-funded agency.
If anything, Golkowski et al’s paper entitled, “Magnetospheric amplification and emission triggering by ELF and VLF waves injected by the 3.6 MW HAARP ionospheric heater”, appears to demonstrate the precision of aiming the HAARP HF beam at various positions of the ionosphere to produce magnetospheric ELF/VLF wave-injections that might cause disturbances in the Southern Hemisphere.
This 2008 HAARP study has relevance for the question of whether such knowledge — in addition to other studies on producing gravity waves — could have been exploited by the US military to trigger the Darfield Earthquake Sequence, beginning on Sept 4 2010, including the Christchurch Earthquake. A subsequent 2011 study by Golwowski et al, based on the same data, shows echos that were sensed by the RV Tangaroa, as well as the Chistochina station in Alaska, which used to be a gold mining district .
In his 2008 PhD dissertation entitled, “Magnetospheric Wave Injection by Modulated HF Heating of the Auroral Electroject”, Mark Golwowski showed techniques to produce high frequency line, sweep and beam painting with the HAARP technology.
The patterned beams correspond with echoes picked up by the Chistochina station.
Therefore, it would appear that the ionospheric earthquake precursor anomalies that were most attenuated on 18 February 2011 (Central Time Zone), or 19 February (NZT) , — which was three days before the February 22nd 2011 Christchurch Earthquake — bear resemblance to magnetospheric wave amplifications amid emissions caused by the HAARP HF ionospheric heater. After all, the square and rectangular shapes in the heat signatures indicate an artificial source for the anomalies observed.
Crucially, Jim Lee, a South Carolina geo-engineering podcaster warned on his Climate Viewer podcast that the technologies to create artificial ionospheric mirrors have been advanced for military purposes; not just for scientific understanding.
Lee points out that the energy of the sun could be leveraged to use the ionospheric mirrors as lens, to heat or burn targetted areas and thereby cause earthquakes, wildfires or crop failures. Thus, an undeclared geophysical war could wreck household, business and community autonomy without populations being aware.
Therefore, the logic of U.S. weapons manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, being among the sponsors of the United States-New Zealand Council’s Partnership Forum in Christchurch at the time of February 22 2011 Christchurch Earthquake also becomes potent. Particularly, since the participants visited the International Antarctica Centre.
At 98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting in January 2018, Robert McCoy of the University of Alaska’s Geophysical Institute gave a presentation on the HAARP phased array facility at Gakona. McCoy said by focusing gigawatt of energy into a localized F-region of ionosphere, scientists can form beams, create currents, ducts, low frequency waves, trigger instabilities and cause electrons to precipitate.
Therefore, should we be surprised that a 1996 paper on weather weaponization presented future situations/scenarios containing ‘fictional representations’, via a circuitous route from within the Department of Defense (DOD) ‘school environment’?
The concepts white paper entitled, “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025”, was presented as a study “designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future”. Although the paper claimed it was not official policy of the US DOD, the disclaimer noted it was written in the DOD school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. It was eventually uploaded to the US Air Force’s website where upon in June 2006 it was scanned to the internet’s famous archive portal, the Way-Back Machine.
“Weather as a Force Multiplier” actually envisaged making clouds with ‘smart’ nano-particles to deny surveillance capabilities to enemies, storm modification to provide advantage to war-fighters, and developing the capacity to modify precipitation in volatile parts of the world where water is scarce. Also envisaged was a global network of Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors (AIM) that could reflect electromagnetic beams targeted to create weather effects to clear clouds prior to air attacks, or impoverish nations. Therefore, this concepts white paper envisaged militarized weather systems.
However, because such ionospheric radio antennas are classified as research and communications facilities, their role as weapons projects fall outside the perusal of the U.N. “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques” or ENMOD, a United Nations Treaty that was ratified by President Carter in 1979. The ionospheric radio stations have dual purpose functions as communication and research facilities to gather data on substrata rock formations, resources and underground installations.
Therefore, the magnitude 7.1 Darfield Earthquake in Canterbury, New Zealand of September 4th 2010 may have been a pre-emptive strike ahead of the impending publication of the U.S. Congressional Report, “Engineering the Climate: Research Needs and Strategies for International Coordination” the following month. The report made the case for getting on board with ‘research’ to safely practice climate geo-engineering, rather than waiting for a time of emergency. Ergo, hack the planet.
In her books — Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth and Under an Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown — Elana Freeland argues that the real reason for geo-engineering the atmosphere is to achieve militaristic world domination objectives. Freeland states that the Earth’s overlords are forging rivalrous space-faring empires. The inherent diabolical logic ‘requires’ humanity to be permanently contained in ‘lockdown’, meaning a sustainably developed curfew of permissible behaviours. In such a dystopian sci-fi world, every relationship, transaction and process is tracked, tabled and ticketed, so that there is no longer the freewill to evolve humanity along alternate trajectories.
Freeland asserts that the lower atmosphere has been transformed into strategic geographic areas with an engineered plasma for not only weather engineering, but also for extending telecommunications coverage, 3D radar surveillance, ‘Star Wars’ Strategic Defense Initiative reach, including Directed Energy Weapons systems, integrated with artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and robotics.
The University of Canterbury’s Physics and Astronomy Department is also one of five dozen partner institutions with the Icecube Neutrino Observatory, designed to observe the cosmos from deep within the South Pole ice. Encompassing a cubic kilometer of ice, IceCube supposedly searches for nearly massless subatomic particles called neutrinos. Evidently, these high-energy astronomical messengers provide information to probe the most violent astrophysical sources: events like exploding stars, gamma-ray bursts, and cataclysmic phenomena involving black holes and neutron stars. IceCube is said to also observe cosmic rays that interact with the Earth’s atmosphere. The IceCube was fully completed in December 2010 after six years of construction, with over 5000 optical sensors drilled one kilometer into the ice, to sense charge particles from neutrinos exploding in collisions with the ice.
The question arises as to whether the Icecube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica has a dual role as a powerful directed energy weapon (DEW) capable of triggering earthquakes. In other words, the Icecube facility may be a gargantuan beam gun.
Icecube’s collaboration with University of Canterbury’s Physics and Astronomy Department is intriguing, given that the Cashmere Caverns Laboratory received a cash injection in 2010 for a ring-laser gyroscope upgrade that would be pointed at the southern polar region. Especially, given that primary funding for the construction of the Icecube Neutrino Observatory came from the US National Science Foundation, which is an ‘independent’ agency of the US federal government established in 1950 and which has been complicit in weather hacking projects since the mid-1960s.
My supposition about the earthquakes in New Zealand being engineered as part of a broader geophysical war, to signal compliance to the alliance may seem bat-shit mad.
However, a 1968 book edited by a young Nigel Calder (featured in The Great Global Warming Swindle), titled Unless Peace Comes: A Scientific Forecast of New Weapons there is an ominous chapter, “Geophysical warfare: how to wreck the environment”, written by a member of President Lyndon Johnson’s Science Advisory Committee. Professor Gordon J.F. MacDonald, who was also an associate director of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of California, Los Angeles, stated:
“As economic competition among many advanced nations heightens, it may be to a country’s advantage to ensure a peaceful natural environment for itself and a disturbed environment for its competitors. Operations producing such conditions might be carried out covertly, since nature’s great irregularity permits storms, floods, droughts, earthquakes and tidal waves to be viewed as unusual but not unexpected. Such a ‘secret war’ need never be declared or even known by the affected populations. It could go on for years with only the security forces involved being aware of it. The years of drought and storm would be attributed to unkindly nature and only after a nation were thoroughly drained would an armed take-over be attempted.”
MacDonald went on state:
“The key to geophysical warfare is the identification of the environmental instabilities to which the addition of a small amount of energy would release vastly greater amounts of energy. Environmental instability is a situation in which nature has stored energy in some part of the Earth or its surroundings far in excess of that which is usual. To trigger this instability, the required energy might be introduced violently by explosions or gently by small bits of material able to induce rapid changes by acting as catalysts or nucleating agents. The mechanism for energy storage might be the accumulation of strain over hundreds of millions of years in the solid Earth, or the super-cooling of water vapour in the atmosphere by updraughts taking place over a few tens of minutes. Effects of releasing this energy could be world-wide, as in the case of altering climate, or regional, as in the case of locally excited earthquakes or enhanced precipitation.
As far as military applications are concerned, … [a] nation possessing superior technology in environmental manipulation could damage an adversary without revealing its intent. [N]evertheless, the long-term possibility of developing and applying such techniques under the cover of nature’s irregularities presents a disquieting prospect.”
Dr. Gordon J. F. MacDonald was of course, also the chair of the Panel on Weather and Climate Modification appointed in March 1963, to review the then-present status and activities in weather and climate modification and its potential and limitations.
Thus, while the general community of American scientists were beavering away in the fields of atmospheric sciences, as well as earth sciences, ostensibly to comprehend the drivers of weather systems, climate, and even earthquakes — key insiders were developing knowledge, technologies and networks to weaponize the planet.
Kaikōura Earthquake: M7.8, 13 November 2016, 11:02:56 UTC
On November 13th 2016, then-US Secretary of State John Kerry (72) met with NZ PM John Key (55), after visiting Antarctica. The pair supposedly met for bilateral trade talks. Within a month, Key would announce his was quitting the PM’s post.
While thanking the Secretary of State Key remarked, “You can’t have a relationship which continues to go from strength to strength by accident. Like a marriage, you have to work at it, and I think both sides have been active and fully engaged.”
Senator Kerry was reported to be the highest ranking US politician to ever visit the Antarctic Continent, and the first to travel to all seven continents while clocking up over 1.3 million miles. He visited the historic Shackleton Hut, dedicated to polar explorer Ernest Shackleton, near McMurdo Station in view of Mt Erebus, the scene of perhaps New Zealand’s ‘darkest day’, where 257 fatalities occurred when an Air New Zealand DC-10 slammed into the lower slopes amid white-out conditions in 1979.
As a global élite marionette puppet, Kerry, is not only a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Bilderberg Group attendee. He is also a Skull and Bonesman, which is a Yale University brotherhood that selects 15 new members each year, who are bonded to support one another as they fill key posts in government, corporations and foundations. In studying an eight inch parcel of documents about Yale University’s most infamous fraternity, Skull and Bones, for his 1983 book America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, Professor Anthony Sutton realised their game was to spearhead institutions, initiatives and intrigues in order to inflict a ‘managed conflict’ paradigm. Sutton found monopoly capitalists bankrolled totalitarian communist and fascist regimes snce they were captive markets.
Just as the Christchurch Earthquake coincided with a multi-national naval, army and air force exercise, Southern Katipo, that was derailed, the Kaikōura Earthquake also coincided with a multi-national Naval Review to celebrate the Royal New Zealand Navy’s 75th Anniversary. Among the vessels present in NZ, was the guided-missile destroyer USS Sampson, which became the first US warship to visit NZ in 33 years.
The USS Sampson (DDG-102) is an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer in the United States Navy equipped with the SPY-1D passive electronically scanned array radar. The USS Sampson is the U.S. Navy’s 52nd Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, and is named in honor of Rear Admiral William Thomas Sampson (1840-1902), a naval hero in the Spanish-American War, who led the destruction of the Spanish Fleet in the harbor of Santiago, Cuba. Poignantly, the trigger for the Spanish-American War was the sinking of the USS Maine, which was blamed on Spain but was a false flag attack.
When John Key spoke to stranded whale-watching tourists, he quipped, “We’re not quite as earthquake prone as it sounds. We’re just having a very bad run at the moment. Thanks for coming to New Zealand!” Cue satirist, Steve Braunias.
Stuff reporter Philip Matthews noted that Key had lost enthusiasm to be the country’s top Chief Minister before Kaikōura, while the Herald’s Claire Trevett observed Key waivering at times from his ‘messaging’. Key himself claimed at the time he resigned that he had made the decision when he was in New York in September 2016. It’s possible Key may have been given his orders to step aside to allow for the ship of state to list to the ‘political left’ at the 2017 general election. After all, to ‘come full circle’ with the American Empire, it would have to be on a Labour Government’s watch.
Ergo, to ‘come full circle’, an engineered black operation would need to be inflicted in order to compromise the competing political faction, since it was on the watch of Lange’s Labour Government that the ANZUS/Anti-Nuclear Rift became a chasm.
Meanwhile, anthropocentric of earthquake precursors continued — by ‘coincidence’.
For instance, five days prior to the Kaikōura Earthquake, the owner of the Amazon Warrior, Schlumberger New Zealand, announced its Pegasus Basin 3D Seismic Survey would begin in November 2016 and run until June 2017. The Pegasus basin intersects with the Kaikōura Coast. Thus, the presence of a seismic testing ship in the vicinity of the epicentre was like a re-run of the February 22 2011 Christchurch Earthquake.
Predictably whale strandings ensued on Friday 10 February 2017. With Shakespearean tragic irony, 416 whales stranded at Farewell Spit. Whales make mistakes, evidently.
Auckland University marine biologist Rochelle Constantine claimed there was no strong evidence between earthquakes and whale strandings, despite what social media commentary said, Agence France-Presse reported. Constantine seemed to be unaware that the world’s largest seismic testing ship, the Amazon Warrior, was facilitating a Marine Mammal Impact Assessment, while carrying out seismic testing, off the coast of the Hawke’s Bay. The Operational Area reached from Hastings, North Island, south to Kaikōura, South Island, and 20 kilometres to the west of the Kaikōura Whale Sanctuary, the “Marine Mammal Impact Assessment” stated. The application for a seismic survey was dated 13 November 2016. The Kaikōura quake struck on November 14, at two minutes past midnight. The connection was dismissed out of hand.
Professor Liz Slooton, of the University of Otago’s department of zoology, told the Herald there was a wide range of causes for whale strandings. Whales may beach themselves because they were sick, dying, giving birth or disoriented. Because whales have “very strong social bonds”, the rest of the pod often do not leave the area.
The Herald reported Slooton also said natural causes such as earthquakes and storms could be a factor, human causes, including noise, may lead to a whale beaching itself.
Slooton earlier told the Herald it was “remotely possible, but unlikely” seismic testing had caused the mass stranding. The Amazon Warrior, was at the time in the Hawke’s Bay, according to marine tracking data, the Herald reported. However, Slooten noted whales do pass through the Cook Straight. Schlumberger weren’t contacted by media.
Andrew Lamason, the department of conservation regional conservation manager, said Golden Bay is “almost a perfect trap for whales” because of its geography. Whales frequently make their way into the shallow, hook-shaped bay and can get disoriented, Newshub reported. He appeared to be mocking the theories. National News reported Lamason estimated 666 whales beached themselves. Pilot whales were normally swam in water hundred of metres deep, and often more than 1000m deep, Slooton added.
Schlumberger claimed the purpose of the survey was to conduct a “Marine Mammal Impact Assessment”. This apparent concern for marine mammals appeared to be a cover-story to carry out seismic testing of the Pegasus Basin. In 2013, Simon Bridges came under fire for a proposal by Anadarko to conduct seismic testing off Kaikōura, where Ngāi Tahu proudly promote whale-watching tourism as a feature of the area.
Buried in the back of “Marine Mammal Impact Assessment” document on page 154, was an outline for the “Pegasus Geophysical Survey” stated the projected survey was expected to start in November 2016 and go through to May 2017. The purpose was to conduct a seismic survey of 16,000 square kilometers off the coast of Hastings down to Cape Palliser (parallel with the bottom edge of the North Island) with a view to “unlocking the area’s petroleum potential”. Schlumberger disclosed they had acquired initial survey data of the Pegasus Basin in 2014, which indicates the company may have gleaned vital data to exploit, that could be extracted for earthquake engineering.
Schlumberger New Zealand (Schlumberger) planned to undertake a 3-Dimensional (3D) marine seismic survey (MSS) located in the East Coast and Pegasus Basin, off the central east coast of New Zealand. The survey would be carried out by WesternGeco, the seismic survey business of Schlumeberger, which is incorporated in Willemstad, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles, a tax haven according to the Tax Justice Network.
Evidently, Pegasus Basin Seismic Survey planned to determine the acoustic impact of seismic surveys on the Clifford and Cloudy Bay Marine Mammal Sanctuary and Kaikōura Whale Sanctuary. Ironically, since this work would occur in parallel with the Pegasus Geological Survey, these details were migrated to the back end of the report.
Spookily, the subsequent Kaikōura Earthquake Sequence, which struck at Kaikōura 11:02, November 13th, UTC, boasted its achievements with a tally of 13,000 aftershocks, just like its predecessor, the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence.
Aurecon was picked to lead the $1.3 billion Kaikōura Earthquake Recovery projects.
If the Kaikōura Earthquake was engineered, then the weaponized irony certainly played through in the choice of location, since the headlines showed how such a disaster can transform whale-watching tourists into stranded human mammals.
Poetically they required rescuing from the New Zealand Navy and their visiting guests.
It’s like the NZ Navy had trained for a rescue mission — under another scenario.
Recall, the HMNZS Canterbury was at port in Lyttleton preparing for the inaugural 2011 Southern Katipo, but the exercise was cancelled due to the Christchurch Earthquake? And, coincidentally, the Canterbury had been selected a fortnight prior to be the headquarters for the 2011 Pacific Partnership disaster relief operations?
In 2015, Exercise Southern Katipo was, designed to simulate a real crisis situation either in New Zealand or one of New Zealand’s Pacific neighbours. Prince Charles visited the military exercise at Westport, near the Buller River mouth on the West Coast of the South Island. Prince Charles stated the joint exercises to practice responses to threats including “disasters that seem to occur so often now”. The future King Charles III of the House of Saxe Coburg and Gotha added that climate change was a “threat multiplier” since the threat would come from “mass migration, conflict over scarce resources, sea level rise, drought, floods, every kind of other thing”.
The billionaire prince said that as he had been given a title in Royal navy he was able to finally get to attend exercise in New Zealand. Evidently, it was rare for royalty to attend an exercise in the South Pacific archipelago. NZ’s Government announced August 3 2015, that Charles was made honorary head of the New Zealand Defence Forces, specifically Admiral of the Fleet, of the Royal New Zealand Navy, Field Marshal of the Army, and Marshal of the Air Force. The titles were approved by the Queen. His new honorary appointments were to be formally recognised by the Defence Force at his planned New Zealand visit in November, the press release said.
One of Southern Katipo’s scenarios, which was to prepare for the aftermath of a natural disaster, saw a small group of US Army planners from the 25th Infantry Division training with the New Zealand Defense Force for contingency readiness.
The 2015 military exercise involved scenarios including dealing with protests over an offshore oil-drilling operation that takes place in a South West Pacific island countries called Becara and Alpira. This scenario bears an uncanny resemblance to plans in the pipeline to create ‘special economic zones’ for mining and oil drilling concessions off the southern West Coast of the South Island. The new scenario, wrote Barbara Creswell in a guestpost on The Daily Blog:
“bears an uncanny resemblance to the southern West Coast, where the former National Government was working hard to implement ‘special economic zones’ which would allow them to bypass existing regulations in order to speed up the issuance of mining and oil exploration permits.”
As I mentioned previously, back when Anadarko was conducting seismic testing off the Kaikōura coast, locals were vocal about the harm to the whales in the sanctuary. Energy and Resources Minister Simon Bridges downplayed the risks and dismissed TV3’s John Campbell attitude as simply being “nimbyism”, or a ‘not in my back yarder’.
Anadarko’s proposal to drill for oil off Kaikōura’s coast may have been about constructing a strategic concession, which is political tactic whereby a plan is tabled that contains a really unpalatable idea to provoke a backlash. When the proposal is watered down, the resistors believe they’ve gained a win because they don’t realize the tactic is taught in political science, commerce and communications courses.
Meanwhile, the contrived controversy manufactures consent because such penetration rituals shift the governed masses to get used to a subversion of the status quo, as Nick McFarlane laid out in his book, Spinfluence: The Hardcore Propaganda Manual.
Back in April 2013, Simon Bridges entered a Supplementary Standing Order in Parliament, as away to railroad through the Crown Minerals (Permitting and Crown Land) Bill, which contained a provision to create specially protected economic zones around oil platforms, seismic survey vessels and other marine structures, associated with petroleum prospecting, drilling or transportation. Ergo, Southern Katipo 2015 was an exercise to drill to pitch the military against demonstrations, non-violent direct actions protestors and the gathering of imagery to publicize dissenting actions.
In 2013, the Southern Katipo scenario envisaged escalating tensions wherein Mainlandia was “teetering on the brink of an ethnic-fuelled civil war” between the Bekarans and the Alpirians. According to the New Zealand Defence Force’s press release, the conflict had arisen following a recent election, because the prime minister of Mainlandia refused to step down. The recalcitrant government is supported by a militia, comprising the population situated in the fictional Bekaran region. The Timaru Herald reported in mid-October that the militia’s stronghold is located in the small city of Timaru, the capital of the Bekaran. Securing Timaru’s seaport and airport was the initial priority. The New Zealand government haf formed a coalition of forces to remove Mainlandia’s government, under the auspices of an organization called the International Stability Mission for Mainlandia (INSTAMM). Thus, the New Zealand coalition was comprised of the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, France, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, and Tonga for Southern Katipo 2013.
Thanks to the Kaikōura Earthquake, the image of the New Zealand Navy, and their guests, including the US Navy after 33 years absence — were restored. Thus, the next stage of integration would see another Southern Katipo, this time with 33 US drones
Cue, the French Foreign Legion. Or, a post-l’affaire Greenpeace re-integration.
It turns out that an airborne unit of the French Foreign Legion, were active in an amphibious stability and security exercise held in New Zealand during October 2nd and November of 2017. The legionnaires of the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment.
In an interview with Joint Forces News, Lieutenant Colonel Martin Dransfield, the exercise director, noted, “Exercise SOUTHERN KATIPO 17 was designed to build on the objectives and lessons identified in 2015 in order to further enhance New Zealand and the NZDF’s ability to lead a Combined, Joint and Inter-agency Task Force in a challenging operational environment.” Col. Dransfield speaks emailese — evidently.
Meanwhile, the infrastructure upgrades for Kaikōura were ongoing.
State Highway One finally reopened December 15 2017, or after 13 months of “unprecedented” repair work. The New Zealand Land Transport Agency reported there were 15 September 2017, that KiwiRail had moved more than 180,000 tonnes of freight on the Main North Line, meaning at least 13,000 fewer truck journeys.
And when insurance conglomerate, Lloyd’s, reported in its 2018 City Risk Index that New Zealand had clocked up 13 natural disasters, which have cost insurers more than $60 million ‘in today’s terms’ — was Lloyd’s covering-up systemic collusion with the New Zealand Brotherhood in the way the insurance industry handles reimbursements, records losses and recovers from disasters?
Ergo, the meta-data in the Kaikōura Earthquake and its aftermath reveals the recidivist prime number, 13, returned with its at-large evil twin, Thirteen.
The director of GeoNet, Dr Ken Gledhill, announced 14 February 2017, there had nearly 13,000 tremors as part of the Kaikōura aftershocks. With such signalling, it is amazing that establishment scientists such as Victoria University geophysicist and Associate Professor Simon Lamb, viewed the complex plate tectonics to be the sole cause of the Kaikōura earthquake, as reported by Phys.Org in October 2018.
As with the Canterbury (Christchurch) Earthquake sequence, the Kaikōura Earthquake coincided with an international military presence in the form of ‘Naval Review’ to commemorate the New Zealand Royal Navy’s 75th Anniversary.
Remarkably, this coincidence meant that not only was it the first time in 33 years that a US warship had officially visited New Zealand. It also meant that HMNZS Canterbury — as the Royal New Zealand Navy’s sea-lift and amphibious support vessel — was once again sprung into the role lead rescue ship amid preparing for a naval exercise.
And whale strandings occurred while seismic testing ships were in coastal waters, awaiting the state to sign off over lucrative seismic surveys to find oil fields.
The Zealandia Connection
In 1995, Bruce Luyendyk, a geologist from the University of California Santa Barbara, referred to New Zealand, New Caledonia and the underwater sections of the continent that he named “Zealandia”, which he described as having broken off from a much larger and ancient super-continent called Gondwana.
The discovery that New Zealand is located atop the submerged continent, Zealandia, fueled a drive to chart expanded maritime boundaries, survey for minerals, oil and gas, and lodge claims to expand New Zealand’s territorial boundaries. Cue seismic surveys.
The University of Victoria’s SAHKE Seismic Experiment involved a seismic testing ship blasting energy pulses in the Pegasus Basin off the lower North Island coast between November 2009 and April 2010. In phase II, 12 500 kilo dynamite charges were detonated at a depth of 50 meters at 12 sites from the Waiarapa Coast to the Kapiti Coast, between May 10-13 2011 using 1300 Texan seisometers to measure the locking and movement between the surface and subsurface. Collaboration with Japanese and American scientists in later experiments measured the transmission of the energy through the boundary of the Australian and Pacific Plates.
Moreover, because the Victoria University of Wellington had conducted earthquake experiments, called the SAHKE Seismic Experiment, between 2009 and 2011 — New Zealand has the academic experience to model for the possible hidden transmission mechanisms via earthquakes and tremors; that was the aim of SAHKE.
In early November of 2009, the Otago Daily Times reported in an article headlined “Government spending $10 million on ocean oil exploration” of a planned seismic survey by the MV Bergen Resolution of the basins around New Zealand’s coastline.
These were to include the Great South Basin, Bounty Trough, Pegasus Basin, Challenger Plateau, Bellona Trough, Outer Taranaki Basin and the Northland East Slope Basin, which were outside the area permits held by ExxonMobil and OMV.
After fracking was found to be causally linked to earthquakes of smaller magnitude, this 2012 New Zealand Parliament Fracking Report displayed areas of petroleum permits within the vast areas of petroleum basins of Zealandia.
In a 2011 news report, Christchurch’s Press newspaper stated that most scientists were of the opinion that seismic testing ships were not capable of causing earthquakes.
Conclusions to Christchurch Earthquake 13th Anniversary
A Christchurch Construction Cartel codified their communications to signify unity, caution and cues for scape-goating to resolve the inevitable scandals with a prime number — 13 — as weird and woo-woo conspiracy theory as that sounds.
By encoding ‘Thirteen’ and its multiples and variants into the key figures of rebuild projects, associated dates and economic data, New Zealand’s Old Boys’ Network and their international counterparts were able to locate one another across public and private sector institutions, communicate the advancement of ‘the game’. Together, an élite criminal group inflicted a Shock Doctrine cartel business model — with impunity, as my “Codified Collusion by Christchurch Construction Cartel” revealed.
At the end of 2017, Key was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Commerce during graduation ceremonies that began on December 13th with about 1300 graduating students from the University of Canterbury, where he earned an under-graduate Commerce Degree in 1983. Evidently, shock doctrine economic warfare is honorable.
The Christchurch Earthquake, as well as the Kaikōura Earthquake, also worked to manufacture consent of the New Zealand public for large infrastructure spending. In the early stages of these projects, the recidivist ‘Thirteen’ lurked like a creepy high-functioning figure, who presented well with the charming charisma of a narcissist.
By exploiting the emotional energy, ‘Thirteen and Associates’, was able to deftly gain consent for lucrative infrastructure projects, new public and private buildings and civic facilities, funded with borrowing, taxes, and bond issues, or a debt monetary system, while corporate insurance clients received preferential treatment from a crony cartel. Yet, the frequency of this meta-data did not appear to trigger the Commerce Commission to investigate the phenomena as cartel behaviour.
I have also presented prima facie evidence that the Canterbury (Christchurch) Earthquake sequence, as well as the Kaikōura Earthquake sequence, may have both been engineered eco-terrorism within a broader geophysical warfare paradigm.
Since Canterbury (Christchurch) Earthquake sequence, as well as the Kaikōura Earthquake sequence coincided with the presence of American deep state actors in New Zealand, and when the country was hosting multi-national military flotillas, and also when there was (were) a seismic survey ship(s), in the vicinity of the epicentre — the mention of these coincidences in reports associated with the earthquakes can be analysed at the ‘meta-level’. They reveal, I believe, the meta-conflict: empire games.
Both of these earthquake sequences were also widely reported to have surpassed 13,000 aftershocks. They may have been engineered and inflicted as aggressive events re-integrate New Zealand into the American Empire after three decades of cooled relations over the ANZUS military alliance rift, and the Rainbow Warrior Bombing.
This dispatch has explored my supposition that New Zealand is a closet pivot state; meaning key insiders of the national security state periodically inflict engineered ‘deep events’ — in collaboration with their Western counterparts — to pivot Western-aligned countries deeper into the American Empire’s orbit. This apparent covert role implies a police state trajectory and indicates a deep state includes corporate actors.
Thus, it is crucial to identify the battling factions who move seamlessly between the Public State and Deep State, since it seems that with each ‘disaster’, it was intended that the armed forces won popular acclaim. Ergo, the re-integration of New Zealand into the American Empire appeared to have a sinister subtext that passed over most Kiwis’ heads. Yet, if my terrorism thesis is correct, this integration on John Key’s watch implied that key insiders of Labour-branded faction would also have to be drawn into a ‘darkest day’ plot that would cause that faction to be permanently severed from the visible Public State. Ergo, once a Labour-led Government regained power, the national security state could win popular acclaim amid a black operation.
Curiously, the University of Canterbury, including its Physics and Astronomy Department — who operated the Cashmere Cavern Laboratory under the Port Hills — haven’t shown any interest in investigating the associated coincidences.
A vital research question to answer is: how precisely does the Earth not only inflict New Zealand’s two most devastating earthquakes on the watch of the same prime minister, while both earthquake events coincided with a multi-national military presence, visits by American VIPs, and seismic survey ships awaiting sign-off to test in oil-rich basins? Moreover, how did both earthquakes ensure that the meta-data of 13,000 aftershocks were recorded in numerous news bulletins, government reports, science papers, corporate newsletters and museum exhibits — for years afterward?
Further research, as well as whistle-blowing, subpoenas and prosecutions are required to determine by what transmission mechanisms can earthquakes and the aftershocks wield both destructive forces as well as release creative energies with such exacting precision. Such groundbreaking research, investigations and criminal proceedings may yield earth-shattering results. Robust scientific investigative parameters imply a control to test the data. It is ‘fortunate’, given the dark circumstances, that New Zealand is the planet’s premiere test lab to experiment with new technologies, social engineering pilot studies and political stratagems. Its isolated location atop the submerged continent of Zealandia, means this South Pacific archipelago can be neatly cast as both a test subject and the experiment’s control. Kiwis have chosen to be the control before, such as by declaring New Zealand to be a nuclear free zone.
But, it may turn out that the American deep state inflicted two earthquake sequences as a covert price to New Zealand’s élites, and a warning to Western élites attuned to such spectacular shocks. If my supposition is correct, geophysical warfare is a horrific addition to the geopolitical tool-kit requiring vigilant watchers to detect its signs.
After all, in his investigation, “‘Price of Power’ Themed-Terrorism: Rainbow Warrior Bombing Inflicted to Save the Western Empire from Losing N.Z.”, Snoopman proved the Beehive’s Officials Terrorism Committee managed damage control in the aftermath of the French bombing of Greenpeace’s Pacific flagship in Auckland.
The damage control also involved a cover-up of how the plot was designed to signal to other Western Alliance states to get their domestic activist movements back under control. And in his heretical dispatch headlined, “10/7: DGSE Terrorism Unit Arrived at Job”, Snoopman made the case that the timing of the attack on 10 July in 1985, was to symbolically signal, that because the Rainbow Warrior had been taken out of service at the Port of Auckland, the Lange Government was sent ‘Morse Code’, that read: New Zealand not immune to terrorism. At the time of the attack, the date of 10/7 corresponded to New Zealand Police national radio code for ‘now engaged in job’. While internationally, the 10-7 code means ‘Out of Service’ and is called in when an officer goes off duty. Therefore, I contend the date, 10/7, was potent.
Critically, the ANZUS/anti-nuclear rift mythology focusses on the ‘rejection’ of the USS Buchanan, but ignores the fact that French state’s occult encoded terrorist attack on Greenpeace’s 130-foot seahorse, the Rainbow Warrior, widened the rift into a chasm. The exposure of the Opération Sataniqué bomb mission, which was widely reported to have involved 13 DGSE agents, resulted in a $13 million deal awarded to the NZ Government, and which bought the convicted agents’ passage to Hao Atoll.
The re-integration of the NZ into the ANZUS military alliance was, in effect, ‘book-ended’ by the two earthquake sequences, Canterbury and Kaikōura. The Wellington Declaration, which was signed in Wellington exactly two months after the Darfield Earthquake of September 4 2010, meant that this US-NZ political-military agreement was officially ratified on the 33rd year after Prime Minister Robert Muldoon secretly establishing the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB).
Reading the runes, a clandestine cadre, or brotherhood, appear to have inflicted the Christchurch and Kaikōura earthquakes to re-bind New Zealand to the American Empire after three decades of cooled relations over the ANZUS military alliance rift.
And New Zealanders appeared to have been consigned to a politically deaf community.
Reports that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remarked on her visit to the capital city, at the signing of the Wellington Declaration, that it was “warmest relations” in 25 years between the US and NZ — actually referred to the ANZUS rift, which deepened following the Rainbow Warrior Bombing. However those reports also mentioned that Clinton would visit Christchurch, following the September 4 2010 Darfield Earthquake. Rhetoric by NZ’s PM John Key on 22 February 2011 about witnessing a new contender for New Zealand’s “darkest day” — also referred to events unrelated to the Christchurch Earthquake. And remarks by Ernest Z. Bower, a member of a Washington based think-tank, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, that the Christchurch Earthquake forged a brotherhood that had convened a trade and security conference to end a “treaty-busting disagreement over nuclear-related issues in the 1980s” — was, in effect, a collision of catalytic events. And in the aftermath of the Kaikōura earthquake, the reports that the USS Sampson was the first US warship to visit NZ in 33 years and it was able to assist with the disaster relief, and thereby win public acclaim for the American Navy — was a striking coincidence.
These unrelated events to the then-current catalytic clustered events indicate that key insiders associated with those events, had one eye on the resolving meta-conflict: re-integrated US-NZ imperial ties amid the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War.
In any case, the cooperative decision to host the 13th memorial anniversary of the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake, reveals detectable ghoulish signalling of a group game.
Luxon’s National-led Coalition Government, in cahoots with the Christchurch City Council, continued this creepy tradition of encoding public events with the prime number 13 to communication cooperation among clandestine cadres.
As New Zealand’s Chief Minister, Chris Luxon, is signalling brotherhood pedigree.
Fact Verifying Note: If you’d like to check, for instance, the Christchurch Rebuild meta-data to see where Snoopman obtained the ‘13 in the numbers’, copy the specific data descriptor in the text, say, “130 projects overseen by CERA during its lifespan”, click the link, and in the webpage or PDF, search to find by control-F (or command-F) and paste the copied text “130 projects” into the search box, and then hit enter.
Steve Snoopman worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news and current affairs. He forged his superpower to ‘Thunk Evil Without Being Evil’ while writing a thesis on the Global Financial Crisis. Upon quipping that Batman had failed to bust any Gotham banker balls — since his ass is owned by DC Comics — he consequently realised New Zealand needed a Snoopman.
Editor’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]
Steve Snoopman also posts on Snoopman News [at]
First commentary I've seen that actually mentions the CFR. -- even shows John Key speaking to them. Nobody else seems to know about that extremely influential US organization at all. Good job, Steve!
Thanks for your fantastic research Steve. Still working my way through this one. Intriguing, the numbers!