Totalitarian Population Control featuring Stealthy Eugenics, a Digital Panopticon and a Defacto World Government — amid the ongoing Third Hundred Years' War on Planet Earth
In this heretical dispatch, the present tectonic shifts are identified as an epic struggle between powerful factions competing to control the territories, treasures and technologies for dominance over the development of the computing chip.
This epic struggle occurs amid the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War that began around 1900 as a fight to control oil. The planet’s current tumultuous trajectory has provable historical precedents of diabolical machinations by Western Élites, who built-up totalitarian regimes: Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany and Communist China.
Since a Hundred Year’s War occurs when the world system is undergoing huge changes driven by the development of technologies, administrative systems and resources that comprise a new instrument of empire expansion, the struggle to consolidate gains from engineered resets, produces data to identify key players. The motive of the ‘Great Reset’, announced by the World Economic Forum in June 2020, is identified as a strategic sabotage of societies with the cover-story of a ‘pandemic’.
Former Māori Television news and current affairs editor Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards, explores the global elites’ taste for eugenics as the thematic ‘glue’ that bonds myriad plans, programs, and plots in this Third Hundred Years’ War. In their diabolical quest to rule the world, the global elite embroil humanity in geopolitical chess ‘games’ that bamboozle populations to divide and conquer, while desired solutions are promoted. Since humanity fails to see that coalitions of super-rich oligarchs are the root cause of the most pressing problems, our quest is emancipatory evolution.
➼ Introducing the Third Hundred Years’ War
Planet Earth is in an epic ongoing global war that began as a struggle over the control of oil in 1899 and now seeks to destroy household autonomy, wreck free enterprise and construct a totalitarian universal empire through domination of the Chip Revolution, which began in 1959. Every empire needs an instrument of expansion. Where the technologies, institutions, and oil resources comprised the instrument of expansion that was fought over in World War I and II by ‘Oilygarchs’, the computing chip is the new instrument of expansion in this ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War.
In 1961, historian Carroll Quigley pointed out that the planet was in an ‘Age of Conflict’; a Third Hundred Years’ War. A Hundred Years’ War occurs when there are tectonic shifts in the world system, brought about by scientific discoveries, technological innovations, and new organizational hierarchies that competing ruling classes fight over — to dominate the trajectory of the structural forces.
These three Ages of Conflict are the Hundred Years’ War (1338-1445), the Second Hundred Years’ War (1650-1815) and the Third Hundred Years’ War (1899-Present).
In his 1961 book, The Evolution of Civilizations, Quigley presented a civilization model to show every empire needs an instrument of expansion. In the classical age, the primary instrument of expansion was slavery. (It re-surfaced during the Colonial Era).
Feudalism became an institutional system when it was created around 970 A.D. and this lasted until 1270 A.D. The medieval knight became the surplus-creating instrument of expansion. Europe’s system of feudalism was an organizing pattern of agricultural units known as manors that were worked by the peasant class or serfs to provide food for the knights, their horses and the rest of the upper class hierarchy of landlords, the monarch and the pope.
The first Hundred Years’ War was ostensibly fought over the Kingdom of France, and marked the decline of feudalism, the rise of nationalism and the commercial revolution, which was enabled by the credit revolution innovated by the Knights Templars. The Templar Knights set up the world’s first international credit system along the pilgrimage routes to a beach-less city: Jerusalem.
The Holy Lands were hotly contested between 1096 and 1271, in which Muslim Saracens were cast as ‘Infidels’, while the Vatican made its foray into asserting a worldwide papal jurisdiction. Credit — issued to the value of jangly bullion coins — could be spent in towns along the pilgrim routes. The Crusades failed.
The core of Western Civilization, the Kingdom of France, was conquered by an imperialist state, Henry V’s England, around 1420 resulting in chivalry being circumvented with commercial capitalism as the new instrument of expansion.
During the Second Hundred Years’ War (1650-1815), France under Napoleon conquered the core area in 1810 establishing mercantilism that was later circumvented with industrial capitalism. In this epic Age of Conflict from 1650 to 1815, a Masonic-driven English, American and French revolutionary dynamic played out — with English Rosicrucian Freemasonry losing control of the British Empire’s peripheral expansion in the American colonies. As a result of the American Masonic Revolutionary War (1776-1783), which was fought between English Rosicrucian Freemasonry and French Templar Freemasonry, the United States was established as a Templar Masonic State. Thus, an epic fight between English Rosicrucians and French Templar Freemasons underpinned the English, American and French revolutions.
In 1815, and with the fall of Napoleon I, the Sionist Congress of Vienna established Switzerland as a neutral state under the protection of other European countries. British Masonic Bankers — then dominated by the House of Rothschild, whom controlled the then-privately-owned Bank of England — would only back the plan if they gained control of Swiss banking. Zurich was established as a Sionist financial headquarters and an enduring hidden Anglo-Swiss Banking Alliance began.
This alliance of ‘undead feudalists’ — as Anton Chaitkin hilariously termed them — were set on destroying the republics of Europe and the Republic of the United States, because they viewed such political jurisdictions as threats to their royal-aristocratic oligarchies. The Rothschild Crime Family were aligned with the Priory of Sion, who were in turn locked in a multi-century fight with the Templars, who favored republics.
During the Columbian Era of Colonial Empires from 1500 to 1900, the credit revolution rose as the primary instrument of expansion to usurp feudalism’s serf-slavery and fund wage-labour and the rise of the machines as instruments of expansion. This era ended with the beginning of the Third Hundred Years’ War.
By commandeering maps as ‘chess boards’, the West’s oligarchies, or coalitions of the super-rich, have been very successful at harnessing an Age of Conflict as a means to enter a new Age of Expansion. Western Oligarchs have periodically moved the centre of operations from the Empire’s core to a peripheral state. In short, the West’s Rulers have staved off total collapse by invading the territories of other Empires.
The repetition of the expansion and conflict stages results from an apparently unique Western belief, claimed Quigley, that truth is constantly unfolding. As a part of its culture, Western Civilization has the dexterity to re-examine its trajectory and its institutions and will change both as it suits the élites.
In addition to technological innovations, the critical structural forces include human cultural patterns, changes in demographics, and the struggles, tensions and impacts of organizing systems to determine whether access to the world’s valued resources is restricted or open. Thus, epic ‘chess games’ are inflicted to re-set the arc of history.
More particularly, this present epic age of conflict began as a fight over the control of gold and diamonds in Southern Africa with the Boer War of 1899-1902, in order to fill a war chest for the new prize, oil. In 1880, Germany had surpassed Britain as an industrial power, and in the 1890s began moves to plan, invest and build the Berlin to Baghdad Railway to transport oil. In response, a British Secret Élite envisaged a diabolical double-global war strategy in an attempt to forge a universal empire.
The British Secret Élite embroiled Europe in war against Germany in order to smash the Russian Empire, since the British Oligarchy feared an alliance between Germany and Russia would led to the Russian Empire dominating the world. Conspicuously, in 1915 amid flak copped by Winston Churchill, as First Lord Admiral of the Royal Navy, for overseeing the military ‘disaster’ at Gallipoli, the 33°Freemason bragged that “Australia and New Zealand [were] smiting down in the last and finest crusade the combined barbarism of Prussia and of Turkey.” The brutal truth is the British Secret Élite devised the Gallipoli Campaign in the Dardanelles to sacrifice Australian and New Zealand men as a ruse to keep the Russians in the war on the Eastern Front.
The Gallipoli Campaign was concocted to make it appear that a serious effort was underway to attack Turkey and win Constantinople for Russia. The Czar had demanded evidence that the war was worthwhile, since the Russians had suffered such vast losses on the Eastern Front — as intended by the British Secret Élite. The Russian Czar failed to realize the British Oligarchy were never going to gift the port city of Constantinople to Russia, since the point of the war was to prevent Russia from rising as a naval power, with a dynamic internal economy, and trading with Germany.
In his book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Professor Anthony Sutton explained the totalitarian socialist state — whether international socialist (communist), or national socialist (fascist) — was the perfect captive market for monopoly capitalists. After the American ‘Robber Barons’ forged cartels, Sutton said Wall Street insiders comprehended by the early 1900s, that the most efficient way to forge a monopoly market without contest, was to “go political” and compel society to work for the monopolists, under conditions of unfettered political power, individual coercion and spellbound by ideological persuasion that their toil benefits society.
In an epic plot with brinkmanship, plot twists, and betrayals, British, German and American bankers, along with other élites, conspired through networks of Freemasonry in their attempts to forge competing utopian visions of universal empire, as readings of Gerry Doherty’s and Jim Macgregor’s Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War, and Anthony Sutton’s Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler and Nicholas Hagger’s The Secret History of the West — together make clear. Plots involved infiltration, bribery and intrigue.
To this end, London, Wall Street and German bankers financed Russia’s Revolutionary Era, albeit with brinkmanship, plot twists, and betrayals. These interests included: Rothschild banking asset Lord Milner (of the British Secret Élite), who supplied $3m to communist Alexander Kerensky to establish a Rosicrucian Masonic Russian State; German banker Max Warburg who supplied $20 million to Leon Trotsky via Nya Bank of Stockholm and $5 to $6 million in gold to Vladimir Lenin to inflict a Masonic Grand Orient Bolshevik Revolution of 1917-1918; J.P. Morgan asset William Boyce Thompson, bank director at the New York Federal Reserve supplied $1 million and as head of the Red Cross Mission, $2 million for a propaganda press to persuade Russia to stay in the First World War as an ally of Britain against Germany. The immediate objective of the Russian Revolution — which received support of the American, German and British governments — was to sabotage Russia’s independence, by gaining control over its banking, oil-fields, and vast industrial combines. Sutton said the long-range strategy was to reduce Russia to the status of a captive technical colony.
The British Secret Élite that had conspired to plot World War I, established a defacto world government called the ‘League of Nations’, which was comprised of the Allied Powers, except the United States. In an era when ‘the American people’ had seen the world map redrawn to capitalize on the vast oil prize of the ‘Middle East, a majority of their Congressman could see that such coalition would rival the United States. The resolution to join the belligerent ‘League of Nations’ failed to pass in the US Congress, as James Perloff explained in his book, The Shadows of Power.
An Anglo-American Fraternity sought to make war against Germany, by bamboozling the NAZIs, in order to strengthen their own ambitions for world domination.
This League of Nations was the forerunner to the United Nations, the present defacto world government, which was forged out of World War II ostensibly to mitigate the the great powers fighting again. The real purpose was to facilitate the accumulation of wealth, power and control of the planet’s Overlords with the assistance of elites.
At the beginning of ‘Act II’ — a ‘Grid’ of international bankers entered a secret pact to forge and conduct a Second Global War, as Guido Preparata recounts in his masterful book, Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich. The Grid’s objective sought “nothing less than to create a world system of financial control, in private hands, able to dominate the political systems of each country and the economy of the world as a whole”, as Carroll Quigley wrote in his 1966 tome, Tragedy and Hope.
Wall Street banks also financed the build-up of the Nazi war machine, including the Chase National Bank (now JP Morgan Chase); the Schroeder-Rockefeller Company; the Manhattan Bank; the National City Bank of New York (now Citibank); the New York Trust Company; V. A. Harriman & Co.; and Dillon & Read, as historian Anthony Sutton showed in, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. This conspiracy also involved the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve.

Additionally, the New York-based Union Banking Corporation acted as a conduit for securities and bonds between Germany and the United States, that were owned by Fritz Thyssen, who funded Hitler’s rise and bailed-out his Nazi Party. The Union Banking Corporation was managed by seven Americans; including Averrill Harriman, George Herbert Walker and Prescott Sheldon Bush (the father of George Herbert Walker Bush and grandfather of George Walker Bush, who were all Skull & Bonesman). A banking and steel magnate Fritz Thyssen, and his brother, Heinrich Thyssen Bonemisza, ultimately owned the Union Banking Corporation (UBC) since they owned the Dutch Bank Voor Handelen Scheepvarrdt, the parent bank to UBC.

These banks were all among the original stock-holders of privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as Eustace Mullins’ seminal book, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve shows. ‘The Grid’ of bankers worked with their counterparts in England, Germany, and Basel, Switzerland to invest in Nazi Germany and its war machine.

American industrialists also conspired with the American ‘Fraternity’ of bankers, to build up the Nazi war machine prior to World War II. Thirteen US industrial firms, who contracted with German corporations prior to and during World War II, were: the Ford Motor Company, General Motors, International Business Machines (IBM), Standard Oil of New Jersey (now Exxon-Mobil), DuPont, Dow Chemical, Alcoa Aluminum Company, American I.G. Chemical Corporation (later renamed General Aniline and Film), American International Telephone and Telegraph (IT&T), Radio Corporation of America (RCA), General Electric; Ozalid, and Agfa-Ansco.
Hitler’s Anglo-Swiss-American-backed Nazi Germany conquered the core area of Western Civilization and held it until 1945, and monopoly capitalism was supplanted with finance capitalism, that was later circumvented by techno-feudalist globalism.
It turns that the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil cartel were among approximately a dozen American industrial corporations that had contracts with German corporations prior to and during World War II. For instance, Rockefellers’ Standard Oil purchased significant stakes in General Electric, General Motors and IBM, whom supplied the Nazis war machine with patents, technologies, and parts.
Cunningly, the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil invested in American I.G. Farben as a means to transfer technologies, patents and investment to Nazi Germany to build up the Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie (I.G. Farben) chemical and pharmaceutical cartel that would manufacture chemicals for explosives, engines to run in freezing temperatures, and the Zyclon B gas to poison spent slave labour. With such material help, the I.G. Farben comprising six companies — BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, Agfa, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, and Chemische Fabrik vorm — were supplied with the most advanced fuels, anti-knocking products, and oil additives vital for Germany to run a viable mechanized air force, army and navy.

As Francis Conolly showed in JFK to 9/11, America’s industrial and banking dynastic families conspired with the wealthy of Europe, including the British and Dutch Royal Families to build up the Nazi War Machine.
The American ‘Fraternity’ — as Charles Higham dubbed them in his seminal book Trading with the Enemy: The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 — conspired to head the world’s dominant military and financial empire, centered on the control of oil. In his documentary, Why Big Oil Conquered the World, James Corbett shows that the ‘Oilygarchs’, whom also control banking, forged an empire to control humanity with eugenics, pharmaceuticals and genetic engineering.
IBM, for its part, not only supplied their computing machines and punch card systems to the Nazis, so that Jewish, gypsy and gay people could be efficiently rounded up, transported across Europe and worked to death in hundreds of concentration camps.

As Edwin Black proves compellingly in his book, IBM and the Holocaust, the solutions company also maintained its own leased machines, constantly redesigned the punch cards in full knowledge of their customers’ purposes, and collected on the profits, as per arrangement, after World War II and the Final Solution. In other words, IBM’s punch card machines were an efficient data collecting mass surveillance tool for storing, organizing and communicating meta-data to prosecute the Holocaust.

The backstory of the rise of American capitalism’s ‘partners’ gets worse.
In studying an eight inch parcel of documents about Yale University’s most infamous fraternity, Skull and Bones, for his 1983 book America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, Sutton realised their game was to spearhead institutions, initiatives and intrigues in order to inflict a ‘managed conflict’ paradigm.
Sutton found that Hegelian social engineering was the dominant philosophical driver stealthily deployed to pit communism against capitalism and dumb-down education systems to undermine Western Civilization. By causing clashes between two opposing ideologically-driven forces, a ‘synthesis’, or a desired final solution, is created.
Dominant capitalist coalitions, or super-rich oligarchies periodically inflict strategic sabotages of industries and public sector institutions by resetting the structural forces in their favor to destabilize societies, rival empires, or a civilization — lest they lose control. The idea is to forge an eventual fusion, by their cunning inventiveness to control populations. This hybrid totalitarian system is, I contend, techno-feudalism.
The rise of China was engineered by top American companies with the blessing of David Rockefeller, of the dynastic banking and oil family before he joined the undead.
In June 1980, Rockefeller met with the chairman of China International Trust and Investment Corporation, Rong Yiren, and senior executives of 300 major US corporations. And from the mid-1990s, Western tech-companies invested in R&D centers, supplied technology transfers, and skilled personnel. Scores of Fortune 500 companies established headquarters in Beijing’s new Central Business District that not only kick-started China’s rise as an AI power, as independent journalist James Corbett laid out in his excellent 2015 report, “Deal With the Devil: How the Global Elite Re-colonized China.” The rise of China as the world’s factory, was not merely about outsourcing of cheap labour. China became the West’s totalitarian test facility.
The brutal truth is that Anglo-American capitalists spawned the worst totalitarian regimes of the 20th Century, to control their development, create vast industrial conglomerates and stoke the conditions for mass genocide, war and arms races.
In Sutton’s America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, the Yale University society was shown to have been dominated by 20 to 30 families, who were all of puritan heritage. Their game was to spearhead institutions, initiatives and intrigues in order to inflict ‘managed conflict’ with the application of a ‘Hegelian Dialectic’ based on the philosophical outlook of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
Sutton found that Hegelian social engineering was the dominant philosophical driver stealthily deployed to pit communism against capitalism and dumb-down education systems to undermine Western Civilization. By causing clashes between two opposing ideologically-driven forces, a ‘synthesis’, or a desired final solution, is created.
This Hegelian Dialetic has relevance for humanity’s present situation. For example, the systems of capitalism and communism have been pitted against one another in countless conflicts, big and small. Yet, the conflicting forces of capitalism and communism are not intended to result in either system being victorious, Sutton said.
Dominant capitalist coalitions, or super-rich oligarchies periodically inflict strategic sabotages of industries and public sector institutions by resetting the structural forces in their favor to destabilize societies, rival empires, or a civilization — lest they lose control. The idea is to forge an eventual fusion, by their cunning inventiveness to control populations. This hybrid totalitarian system is, I contend, techno-feudalism.
Therefore, I locate the present tectonic geo-political shifts to control the world’s territories, treasures and technologies as an epic ‘chess game’ to re-set the arc of history amid the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War, which began in 1899.
In short, the computing chip is the new instrument of expansion in the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War that began as a struggle over the control of oil in 1899.
Therefore, where the credit revolution rose as the primary instrument of expansion from 1500AD to 1900AD, to finance colonial expansion, industrialism and commercial colonialism, it is now the chip revolution that is collectivizing all other instruments of expansion, including oil. And that explains why all options for infrastructure, including transport, as well as security, health, education, housing, and even work across all public and private sectors — are mediated by the computing chip.
➼ The Eugenics Connection to the NAZIs and Planned Parenthood
The term eugenics was coined by Charles Darwin’s cousin, Sir Francis Galton, in his 1883 book, Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development, and was regarded as cutting edge science to improve the breeding of humanity.
Eugenicists — whom regarded themselves, and those that funded them, as thoroughbred humans — believed that through ‘hereditary hygiene’, the human race could be improved by eliminating groups of people considered genetically inferior, while encouraging the growth of groups judged to be genetically superior.
To this repugnant end, the Rockefeller Foundation, Mrs E. H. Harriman, widow of railroad baron E. H. Harriman, and George Eastman of Eastman Kodak, were among the wealthy who bankrolled the Eugenics Records Office in 1910.
The Eugenics Record Office — which was a department of the Carnegie Institute of Washington Station for Experimental Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor New York — came into disrepute in the 1930s for its superintendent’s sterilization laws. These Eugenics sterilization laws were adopted by 33 states across the United States, and were used as the model for Germany’s 1933 sterilization law.
The Vice Chairman of the Eugenics Record Office, William W. Welch, was also the founding director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.
The American Birth Control League in 1921, which had been founded by the rabid eugenicist, Margaret Sanger, was merged in 1939 with the Clinical Research Bureau to form the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA), which changed its named to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942.
It is therefore deeply ironic that amid a depression which had been inflicted upon the United States by an Anglo-American oligarchy, that a year before Eastman joined the undead in 1932, he would receive a letter from eugenicist movement leader, Margaret Sanger. Amid the Great Depression, and following a mass demonstration of unemployed workers in Washington, D.C. in 1931, Sanger wrote with palpable disdain to Eastman. Sanger stated:
“The army of the unemployed massed before the Capitol yesterday morning – reminded one very forcibly that birth control in practice is the only thing that is going to help solve this economic and current problem.”
In 1932, Sanger had called for a Population Congress, to put the “choice of segregation or sterilization” to groups she regarded as degenerate “morons, mental defectives, epileptics, illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, dope-fiends” that together evidently numbered between fifteen and twenty million Americans that she felt could be segregated.

Later, Sanger chose Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, of the soap-manufacturing company Procter and Gamble, to be the BCFA regional director of the South. In a November 1939 memorandum entitled “Suggestions for the Negro Project,” Gamble stated “black leaders might regard birth control as an extermination plot.”
In a December 1939 response letter to Doctor C.J. Gamble, Sanger made suggestions regarding the “Negro Project” for which she advised it was critical to employ a full-time Negro physician because “they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table, which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts.” In other words, white doctors would not be as successful as gleaning the “ignorance, superstitions and doubts” of colored people for the ‘Negro Project’.

With this attitude, it is clear that Sanger’s ‘Negro Project’ was to eradicate African Americans. Sanger’ went on to pitch to Dr Gamble the persuasive power of ministers to dissuade:
“The minister’s work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
— Margaret Sanger, December 10 1939.

In a 1957 interview with Mike Wallace, Sanger claimed she was a humanitarian.
Sanger’s name is now infamous for conceiving of the ‘Negro Project’, whose objective was the eventual extermination of African Americans through family planning birth control technologies, techniques and tactics.

The Eugenics sterilization laws that were spearheaded by William W. Welch — the founding director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and the Vice Chairman of the Eugenics Record Office, and that were adopted by 33 U.S. states — were also used as the model for Germany’s 1933 sterilization law. The horrific scale of the Hitler’s Nazi Regime’s cruel eugenics experiments, sterilizations and murders led to the Nuremberg Code of 1947 which set out a set of principles designed to require informed consent of human subjects for medical research.
In 1952, and after the horrific scale of the Nazi Empire’s cruel eugenics experiments, sterilizations and murders became known, the long-time director of America Eugenics Society Frederick Osborn and John D. Rockefeller III together founded the Population Council. The Population Council pursued a stealthy modus operandi of building a network through grants and fellowships in ex-colonial nations, to spread birth control without foreign populations realizing it was an American effort, lest an imperial design was detected.
Such repugnant sterilizations continued in America under the radar in the post-war period. For instance, between 1970 and 1976 alone, between 25 and 50 percent of Native American women were sterilized.
The American Eugenics Society — which was founded in 1926 and produced the Eugenics Quarterly — was renamed the Journal of Social Biology in 1969, was directed by Alan Frank Guttmacher, who also simultaneously served as head of Planned Parenthood, before William Gates Sr became the chairman in 1974.

In his 2010 book, titled with weaponized irony, Showing up for Life, Bill Gates Senior bragged, “Every corner we turned in the field of global health, we’ve found the Rockefellers were already there and had been there for years.”
The Gates family’s linkages to the Rockefellers are deeply tied to the eugenics agenda of elite population control of the mass of humanity.
David Rockefeller, who was an associate of Bill Gates III’s father, William Henry Gates II – before they both joined the undead — are crucial to comprehending the pivot to dystopia that the Great Corona Reset has unleashed upon the entire world.
When William Gates Sr became chairman of Planned Parenthood in 1974, he succeeded Alan Frank Guttmacher as chairman of Planned Parenthood, who had simultaneously served as director of the American Eugenics Society. Planned Parenthood Federation of America was founded by Margaret Sanger, whose pro-abortion vision was driven by the eugenicist utopian vision to improve the human race through planned breeding based on genetic traits, or ‘hereditary hygiene’. Sanger, who conceived the ‘Negro Project’, which sought the eventual extermination of African Americans, founded the Birth Control Federation of America in 1921, which which was merged with the Clinical Research Bureau to form the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA) in 1939.
The institutionalization of abortions was borne out of the Eugenics Movement, which openly flourished in the United States in the late nineteenth century and early to mid-twentieth centuries, before being adopted by the Nazi Regime.

The dark history of Planned Parenthood and its horrific institutionalization of genocide on America’s African and/or Hispanic communities was laid bare in a 2017 report “The Effects of Abortion on the Black Community”. The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) noted in this report that almost 80% of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities were strategically located within walking distance of African and/or Hispanic communities. CURE estimated that more than 19 million black babies had been aborted since 1973.
In that year, the US Supreme Court ruled in case called Roe v. Wade that laws banning abortion violated the US Constitution. Since that decision, the lives of nearly 57 million pre-born babies have been extinguished in the United States to the year 2020.
In 2020, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America publicly apologized for the racist legacy of its founder Margaret Sanger, amid the attention brought by Black Lives Matter to the impact that mass abortions have wrought on African-Americans. However, Planned Parenthood did not explain exactly the nature of the eugenicist legacy. Therefore, how Bill Gates Senior’s son made his fortune with the computing software company Microsoft is critical to comprehending the hidden eugenics agenda that underpins why the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation came to be at the center of a Global Health Syndicate between 2010 and 2020.
➼ The Global ‘Health’ Syndicate Connection to Eugenics
The back stories of the strategically intertwined Rockefeller and Gates families is crucial for comprehending the connection between eugenics and ‘global health’.
Bill Gates became (in)famous for co-founding Microsoft computing software.
Microsoft’s ‘big break’ was to supply IBM with software to assist its move into the personal computer market occurred as a result of Bill Gates’ mother (nee Mary Ann Maxwell) who asked IBM Chairman and CEO, John Opel, to arrange help for her son.
Mary Maxwell Gates and John Opel were directors on the board of United Way America. In 1959, Opel had been executive assistant to IBM CEO Thomas J. Watson Jr., son of IBM’s founder Thomas J. Watson, whose analogue punch card computing system was instrumental in helping the Vatican-endorsed Teutonic Nazi Empire become an efficient war machine for a brief and horrific time.

Moreover, IBM CEO Thomas J. Watson Jr. was on the board of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1968, which is significant because at this time the Rockefeller’s used their Foundation to recommit to their eugenicist utopian vision.
The Rockefeller Foundation’s 1968 annual report spoke about the ‘need’ for research to produce vaccines with an infertility function as a solution for population control. The Rockefeller President’s Review & Annual Report 1968 blamed the poor for perpetuating their problems by breeding too much, and signalled its commitment to birth control strategies as a necessary condition to improve the conditions of the destitute. According to the Rockefeller Foundation:
❝The unchecked fertility of the indigent (or destitute), does much to perpetuate poverty, undereducation and underemployment, not only in urban slums, but also in depressed rural areas. Social and economic development of this group is impeded — even prevented — by early and uncontrolled fertility, just as economic improvement in many developing countries is hindered by population growth. Although birth control is obviously not a sufficient condition for improvement in either situation, it is a necessary condition. The Foundation is giving continuing consideration to methods by which it can assist with further extension of family planning services.❞
Given such brazen projection of blame on the victims of economic warfare strategies inflicted by America’s oligarchic dynastic families, it’s not surprising to find that John D. Rockefeller III and IV were also on the Rockefeller Foundation Board in 1968.
Therefore, by these moves to support birth control technologies, including funding vaccine sterilization research, the Rockefeller’s recommitment to their multi-generational eugenicist vision was also consistent with their machinations to structurally assist the Nazis, who reigned over Germany from 1933 to 1945.
The Rockefellers’ central role in an epic program to cull populations, embroil the United States in World War II and wreck Europe after investing in war technologies for Nazi Germany and the Allies — belies a repugnant culture of dynastic families.
Such dynastic families that have ruled the Western Empire throughout the present Third Hundred Years’ War, which began with the Boer War in 1899, and have accumulated colossal power, wealth and control — as I have sketched.
In 1972, the World Health Organization teamed-up with the Rockefeller Foundation to establish a task-force on vaccines for fertility regulation. By 1976, WHO researchers had developed a conjugated tetanus toxoid (TT) with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to produced a “birth-control” vaccine. The anti-HGC vaccine prevents women carrying babies to term by stimulating an immune reaction during early pregnancy causing would-be mothers to produce antibodies to attack a hormone that is secreted on the surface of the embryo to assist it to remain in the womb.
Controlling Third World populations is also consistent with the population control policy written by David Rockefeller’s friend and fellow schemer, Henry Kissinger, when he was U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Advisor. In the once-secret National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) of 1974, the logic for controlling Third World population growth was to produce social stability because rising populations would lead to civil disturbances, changes in the world order balance of power, and complicate access to resources that were deemed necessary to sustain the growth of the U.S. economy. ‘The Kissinger Report’ stated:
“The US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries. That fact gives the US enhanced interest in the political, economic and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to economic interests of the United States.”

NSSM named 13 “key countries” that were of “special political and strategic interest” to the United States: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. Kissinger viewed population growth in those nations as problematic, because their rapid growth would translate into pressures on their relative political, economic, and military power. The National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200), also asked “Would food be considered an instrument of national power?” and whether the United States would be willing to restrict food aid “to help people who can’t/won’t control their population growth?”
Twenty years after the Rockefeller Foundation expressed the idea that vaccines could be produced with an infertility function as a solution for population control, the Rockefeller Foundation skited that a contraceptive vaccine called Norplant which had been developed with funding from the Rockefeller-sponsored Population Council, had been approved for marketing in 12 countries in 1988.
In 1993, WHO announced a “birth-control vaccine” for “family planning”. Since the 1993, numerous scandals broke out in developing countries over WHO-sponsored tetanus vaccination programs. The World Health Organization was accused of distributing vaccines laced with HCG to reduce population growth in such places as Mexico in 1993, the Philippines and Nicaragua in 1994, and Peru in 1995.
That same bat-year of 1995, the Journal of Social Science & Medicine published an article titled, “Social Science & Medicine Immunization to regulate fertility: Biological and cultural frameworks”, in which Angeline FayeSchrater observed the disturbing shift in thinking that pathologized pregnancy. Angeline Faye Schrater foresaw the fight that humanity would face when she wrote:
“Many scholars and government officials subscribe to the following logic: the global environmental crisis is due to over-population which necessitates population control programs; thus pregnancy can be considered a disease subject to state control. But pregnancy is not a disease nor is over-population the single major cause of environmental degradation. However, as governments grapple with the economic, social, and ecological consequences of population growth, draconian measures to control fertility will be ever more tempting. The resistance or compliance of individuals (and of populations) will depend greatly upon their social, cultural, economic, and gendered places in society.”
In a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation-sponsored crisis simulation project called, “Scenario For The Future of Technology & International Development” there were four scenarios in this crisis planning and system reset blueprint were: “Lock Step”, “Hack Attack”, “Smart Scramble” and “Clever Together”.
Lock Step was an influenza pandemic scenario that envisaged an outbreak that originated in wild geese in 2012, killing 8 million in seven months, mostly young adults, and infected 20% of the world’s population.
Many independent journalists saw the uncanny similarity in the events foretold, to the unfolding developments that have occurred before our every eyes in 2020 to 2022.
These include: [1] the success of China’s strict mandatory lock-down measures; [2] America’s initial liberal attitude to merely discouraging citizens from travel; [3] national leaders become more authoritarian starting with mandates to wear face masks; [4] temperatures checkpoints at nodes of travel and sources of food; [5] science and innovation became controlled by government; [6] initial conformity to bio-metric identification systems, across the board surveillance and loss of freedom to travel freely, anonymously and without compliance to the bio-security matrix; and [7] by 2025, this submission to authoritarianism switched with push-back from citizens when displeasure with the lose of freedoms became widespread.
Dissident journalist ‘Grace’ pointed out the tone underpinning the writing of the “Lock Step” scenario is that the problem is humans desire to retain freedom, rather than the authoritarian control imposed upon populations.
In the same bat-year of 2010, the pro-vaccine Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced their tax-exempt predatory philanthropy investment vehicle would inject $10 billion to fund a Decade of Vaccines project. This project lead to the creation of a skeleton for a ‘Global Health’ superstructure. Dr Anthony Fauci was appointed to the leadership council to implement the initiative’s Vaccine Action Plan.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccine Initiative, with $750 million in seed funding and has subsequently made $4.1 billion in funding commitments to the umbrella group.
On January 26 2012, the Gates Foundation committed $750 million to the Global Fund which is a public-private finance vehicle for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria programmes. The commitment was in addition to $650 million the Gates Foundation had invested in the Global Fund since its was launch a decade prior at the World Economic Forum. On January 30th 2012, the Gates Foundation pledged $363 million to the London Declaration on Neglected Diseases to fight 10 tropical diseases in collaboration with 13 pharmaceutical companies, the World Bank, other global health organizations and the governments of the U.S., U.K. and United Arab Emirates.

In bat-year of 2012 in London, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored programs for the mass distribution contraceptives such as injectables and implants and IUDs in additions to condoms. This can sound benign.
Except when it is realized the Family Planning Summit, occurred on the 100th anniversary of the First International Eugenics Congress that took place in London.
This was a recommitment to Third World population control, and the planet.
Therefore, the meddling of eugenicist-minded Western oligarchs in Third World counties expected to supply resources becomes apparent by seeing what predatory philanthro-capitalists can’t or won’t fund.
In 2015, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored the Global Financing Facility with $275 million for global health and development women, children and adolescents. In 2017, at the Davos World Economic Forum, the Gates Foundation supplied seeding funding of $100 million to Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) for vaccine development of emergent infectious diseases. In 2019, the Gates Foundation invested $229 million in the World Health Organization, which meant the predatory philanthropy was WHO’s second largest donor, sandwiched between the United States and the United Kingdom. In 2020, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation pledged $250 million to the fight against coronavirus.
The Gates Foundation orbits at the center of a Global Health Syndicate consisting of Big Pharma, billionaire-funded foundations, centers for public health, regulatory institutions and non-profits advocacy groups.
The background of the Global Health Syndicate’s front-man, Bill Gates, his family and their ties to the eugenics movement shows that the Western Empire Syndicate has a stealthy agenda to control the world’s population with a two pronged approach.
➼ The Corona Pathogen Development Connection to Eugenics
During the Great Corona Hostage Crisis, the US Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr Anthony Stephen Fauci — who was also the Chief Medical Advisor to the U.S. President came into his own as a stealthy ‘health czar’.

In interviews following the publication of his book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, said Fauci’s playbook has been to over-hype or fabricate pandemics in order to accelerate implementation of work-shopped militarized response measures, boost Big Pharma profits and set a system of totalitarian control. Kennedy describes Fauci as “the J. Edgar Hoover of public health” for his dominating, conniving and deceiving role as Director of the U.S. National Institutes of Infectious Diseases.

It turns out that Fauci has come to control the public health apparatus of the United States (and across the world) by building a network of federal fund dependent scientists, doctors and medical schools, including having 300 loyal ‘principle investigators’ to fix drug trials. Moreover, because health regulators such as FDA, NIH, CDC and WHO are largely dependent on either Big Pharma, predatory philanthropist foundations and their labyrinthine funding mechanisms, players such as Dr Fauci, Bill Gates and Robert Kadlec (among many others) have constructed a Global Health Cartel, Kennedy finds.
This biocracy, or Medical Industrial Complex, is fused with the intelligence agencies such as the CIA and MI6 through agents working on multiple foundation, university and regulatory boards, planning pandemic exercises, supervising pandemic responses and censoring credible counter-voices.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr found 17 pandemic exercises that involved hundreds of thousands of people, who were programmed to work like automated parts of a machine once a global pandemic was declared. Kennedy stated that all 17 pandemic exercises favored mass vaccinations as the primary solution. These pandemic exercises were, in fact, subversive psychic penetration rituals that served as a staging ground for sowing new hybrid narrative seeds to train (or indoctrinate) witting (or unwitting) players, attendees, and observers, as I showed in Part 3 of my series Corona World Games, entitled — All Techno-Feudalist Roads Lead to ‘Dark Winter’ Amid World’s Third Hundred Years’ War. Like synchronized swimmers, key players made their coordinated parallel chess moves to signal solidairy

Game theory was developed during the Cold War to stabilize the power structures of the Russian Empire and the American Empire. In their paper, “Resolving social conflicts through hostage posting: theoretical and empirical considerations”, Gideon Keren and Werner Raub noted that “tacit communications of threats and promises are two major message strategies used to influence the behaviours of others”.
Game theory strategies such as ‘Hostage Exchanges’ are used by nation states, international syndicates and monopolistic cartels to stabilize power structures while aggressive rivals seek to construct new areas of market dominance by illegal, fraudulent and repugnant means that harm their more dynamic, innovative smaller and peaceful competitors. Although Hostage Posting Rituals can take many forms, the underlying logic is always the same. ‘Posting a hostage’ is a mechanism to construct stability and is predicated on a provisional promise to cooperate if other players post hostages too. The game requires an implied threat, which amounts to defection on the next move if the other player does not post a hostage. Since game theory requires colluding players to issue and respond to threats and rewards to maintain the motivation, discipline and purposes of the cartel (or cartels), their simultaneous actions are political and also betray economic evidence of an unfolding plot.

Kennedy also observed that border shutdowns, business closures and quarantining of the healthy were frequent pandemic script elements. Bobby Kennedy said the scenarios discounted the efficacy of existing therapeutics, avoided mention of the value of exercise, sunshine and healthy diet, or ignored the effectiveness of immunity boosting supplements.
According to Dr David E. Martin — whose company M-CAM tracks patent breaches of treaties, laws and ethics — Dr Fauci and his team of scientists had partnered with a team of Chinese scientists to study bat coronaviruses and their effects on human cells after the first SARS ‘outbreak’ in late 2002.

In the documentary, Plandemic InDoctorNation, produced by Mikki Willis, Dr Martin said the World Health Organization was captured by a ‘Global Health Syndicate’. Dr Martin traced the patents on the coronavirus since 2002 — and believes that life insurers are the dominant group among the Covid Pirates, Privateers and Orchestra.
Dr Martin asserted there were over 1300 patents issued related to the coronavirus and held by recipients of multiple streams of funding through institutions such as the Gates Foundation, EcoHealth Alliance, the Sherlock BioScience through Open Philanthropy — and all have links to Dr Antony Fauci’s NAIAD funding sources.
When the Coronaviris outbreak became world news in January 2020, many dissident voices pointed out that the corona-virus had been patented and questioned whether the outbreak was deliberate. Fact-checking sites such as Snopes, Politi Fact and Fact Check claimed there coronavirus and treatments for the disease were not patented.
Plandemic director Mikki Willis stated that these fact-checking organizations only reviewed three of 4452 patents approved for detection and treatment of corona-virus.
Key U.S.-based public health officials, corporate executives and philantropists have breached anti-trust laws designed to prevent cartel syndicates forming combinations to control markets Dr Martin said in the Mikki Willis documentary, Plandemic Indoctornation, as well as in a follow-up interview with Brian Rose on London Real – “Exposing Moderna; the Star of Plandemic: Indoctornation Reveals the Truth”.
In a lecture entitled, “The Illusion of Knowledge”, Dr Martin pointed out that the mass killing of the elderly under the cover of a pandemic serves to save life insurers from huge payouts on policies by shortening their lives.
At a recent talk in Christchurch, New Zealand, Dr David E. Martin unpacked the racketeering behind the production of the bioweapon called SARS, the global Corona Hostage Crisis and the weaponized injecticides marketed as the ‘solution’.
In numerous talks, Dr Martin tracks conspiracy of a bioweapons’ syndicate in which Dr Ralph Baric of University of North Carolina Chapel Hill campus, was a principal researcher and developer for three decades.
For instance, in a 1992 study entitled, “An experimental model for dilated cardiomyopathy after rabbit coronavirus infection”, New Zealand white rabbits were sourced from vendors in North Carolina for an experiment to test the weaponization of corona as cardiovscular pathogen. The study proved the rabbit coronavirus damaged the hearts of animals when exposed to high quantities.
With titles, links and visuals collages, Dr Martin points out that the between 1987-1992, the corona pathogen had been weaponized with lethal cardiovascular features — with Ralph Baric as a key figure.
Indeed, the Salk Institute’s Salk News reported 30 April 2021 that a paper, published on April 30, 2021, in Circulation Research, “showed conclusively that COVID-19 is a vascular disease, demonstrating exactly how the SARS-CoV-2 virus damages and attacks the vascular system on a cellular level.” Salk News stated the virus spike proteins play a key role in the disease itself in addition to helping the virus infect its host by latching on to healthy cells. Salk also claimed the virus spike proteins behave very differently than those safely encoded by vaccines. The Salk Institute’s researchers corroborated the findings of a paper entitled, “Blood clots and TAM receptor signalling in COVID-19 pathogenesis” published in Nature Reviews Immunology in July 2020, found that high incidences of blood clotting were associated with Covid-19.
Ralph Baric is widely regarded as one of the leading experts on coronaviruses, and is a close associate of Dr Anthony Fauci — who has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984.
For instance, Professor Baric was among three inventors who patented techniques for producing a recombinant coronavirus, after filing for a patent on their work on April 19th 2002. This patent described the creation of helper RNA cells, which allegedly made the replicon RNA infectious because it was said to be able to complete viral replication with a structural protein coding sequence. This patent application was filed seven months before the first ‘SARS-COV epidemic’ emerged in November 2002.
In April 25th 2003, CDC filed patents on the coronavirus transmitted to humans (SARS-CoV) and claim ownership over disease, the virus and detection, all measure of the virus and compositions for immune stimulation and their use. Dr Martin says the CDC saw the opportunity amid the SARS Coronavirus Outbreak of 2002 and 2003, which started in Southern China in November 2002 and migrated to Hong Kong in February 21 2003, and an additional 27 countries, or special administrative regions, killing 774 people.
According to Dr Ralph Baric’s own Curriculum Vitae, he presented a talk entitled “Synthetic Coronaviruses” at a 2005 conference called “Biohacking: Biological Warfare Enabling Technologies”. This conference was co-sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the lead R&D agency of the US Department of Defence, as well as MITRE, a ‘non-profit’ private corporation that operates federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs). Dr. Baric presented on the malleability of CoV as a biological warfare agent, according to Dr David E. Martin, who claims that “Dr. Baric and the U.S. Department of Defense spent over $45 million in amplifying the toxicity of CoV and its chimeric derivatives.”
In May 2007, the CDC filed a petition for confidentially and privacy with the U.S. Patent Office to maintain institutional control over their patent applications on the novel coronavirus isolated from humans beings. The CDC also filed Patent US 7220852 to detect and measure SARS-CoV. This patent meant the CDC could control who was authorized to study coronavirus. Through its patents, the CDC had the means, motive and monetary gain to transform coronavirus from pathogen to profit, says Dr Martin.

According to Dr Martin, either the coronavirus transmitted to humans (SARS-CoV) is naturally occurring and cannot be patented, or its a manufactured invention and is eligible for patenting. However, Dr Martin also cites American statutory law Title 35 U.S. Code Section 101, which makes it illegal to patent products of nature and simply isolating DNA, genes and cells does not make them patent eligible.
Meanwhile, In Africa, vaccine injuries from the oral polio vaccine have caused paralysis and polio outbreaks, reported NBC in 2007. In the developing world, the cheap oral vaccine was given to children by volunteers with little training, whereas in the developed West an injectable polio vaccine with inactivated virus is used, to avoid the known problems with the oral vaccine.

In 2009, the Good Morning America program on ABC News reported on a ‘secret’ meeting between billionaires Bill Gates Warren Buffet, David Rockefeller Sr, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, George Soros and Oprah Winfrey. ABC reporter John Berman depicted the “Secret Billionaires’ Club” as being like the Super Friends cartoon superheroes meeting to save then world. But, ABC News failed to report the objective of the meeting was “to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population.”
The same bat-year of 2009, the Gates Foundation inflicted a mass Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination program on numerous villages in India that injured almost half a million girls and killed seven. India’s Parliament found that 24,000 girls were told they were being ‘wellness shots’ and that they would never get cancer. A Senior Counsel at the Supreme Court of India, Dr Colin Gonsalves pushed for a parlimentary inquiry. He stated the resulting report, “Alleged Irregularities in the Conduct of Studies using Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine by Path in India”, was probably the most scathing that the Parliament of India had ever produced, which he said was surprising because it’s unusual for an inquiry to excoriate those who abuse power in defence of poor people. The vaccine program was conducted with gross violations of consent, failure to report adverse effects experienced by the vaccine recipients. The parliamentary health committee found that Gates Foundation PATH was embroiled on a scheme to develop markets for Merck and Glaxo Smith Kline. Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines were also supplied to the PATH trial. Evidently, India officials said they were not going to allow the Gates Foundation back.

However, India’s first Covid-19 ‘indigenous vaccine’ was set to trial in July of 2020.
Dr Colin Gonsalves says the worst thing is that Bill and Melinda Gates are considered philanthropists, but says what is really underway is “the acquisition of political and financial power. The second most populous country with 1.3 billion people is going to be a good base for the pharmaceutical companies to make a killing and also kill a lot of people in the process.” A 2018 scientific study, “Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India” showed a significant increase in paralysis in India children following another Gates Foundation supported vaccine program in India for polio. An estimated 491,000 children were paralyzed after being administered with oral tablets between 2000 and 2017.

In 2013, the NIH appeared to become concerned that it was facilitating the production of Potential Pandemic Pathogens and would be in breach of the Biological Weapons Convention. At this time, the NIH Federal funding for Gain of Function research into coronavirus was suspended. But, in letters to recipients of NIH grants monies for Gain of Function research, the NIH stated the pause in research was voluntary, with the excuse given that the research was already funded.
This research was occurring at Harvard University, Emery University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
If the SARS coronavirus was manufactured, Dr Martin says it breached the ban on the possession of biological and chemical weapons treaties and laws. Indeed, individuals who are responsible for the maintenance of biological weapons agents of his or her government can be liable for prosecution even if the country is not a party to the Biological Weapons Convention.
This view is supported for instance, by a September 2015 article — “Supreme Court to Myriad Genetics: Synthetic DNA is Patentable but Isolated Genes Are Not. Illuminating the Art of Medicine” — published in the AMA Journal of Ethics, in which the authors concluded that the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Myriad Genetics case gave those “working on the cutting edge of genetics and medicine a clearer idea of which ideas can merely be lauded for their public good and which can also be pursued for private gain.”

In 2014, the closet-eugenicists suffered a set-back.
President Barack Hussein Obama banned ‘Gain of Function’ research on potential pandemic viruses such as avian flu, SARS and MERS amid concerns from scientists. This research could be dual purposed, to make vaccines or to weaponize pathogens, as Dr David Martin pointed out in Plandemic InDoctorNation.

Dr Fauci doubled down. Fauci used the National Institute of Health (NIH) to fund biological ‘Gain of Function’ research at China’s first level 4 biological military lab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is administered by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, located in Jiangxia District, Wuhan, Hubei Province. Wuhan’s Bioweapons Lab is located about 30 kilometers from the Huanan Seafood Market, and is one of 54 known BSL-4 laboratories worldwide.
Dr Fauci funded this ‘Gain of Function’ research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in two installments of $3.7 million for three year terms, the first beginning in 2014 under Obama’s watch, and the second in 2017 under Trump’s watch.
Thus, in 2014 and 2015, when public debate over the riskiness of engineered coronavirus, the research was off-shored to Wuhan China. It turns out, the NIH developed a policy to facilitate a single ‘Institutional Review Board for Multi-Site Research’ to assist with this move, by outsourcing the approval processes. On the U.S. side, this single ‘Institutional Review Board for Multi-Site Research’ entity was The Hummingbird Institutional Review Board (IRB) based in Massachusetts.
For instance, China’s Wuhan Institute of Viriology Institutional Review Board and the Hummingbird Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved a study titled, “Seriological evidence of Bats-SARS-related coronavirus infection in Humans, China”. Ironically, in late 2014, Hummingbird IRB LLC President Michael Rothman, MD bragged that “Hummingbird IRB was founded with the express purpose that it could be a successful ‘hybrid IRB’ “with the efficiency of the private sector but with the judicious eyes of academia.” Rothman stated that Hummingbird was funded by academics including the MIT’s Chair of the Department of chemistry at MIT Tim Swager, and MIT chemist Steve Buchwald, and physicians such as Burt Adelman, and its review boards comprised of specialists from the Boston medical community.
The Hummingbird IRB group gained accreditation for its business in September 2014 from the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) within a year, when usually the process took two years. This accreditation was awarded two months before the NIH’s window for public comments on a single ‘Institutional Review Board for Multi-Site Research’ began and came at a time when the NIH was nervous about the Gain of Function research.
Ironically, Professor Curtis Meinert of the Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, advised the NIH that the “go for broke approach to implementation seems ill-advised especially when, all too often in government, something is implemented not even God can undo it.” Professor Curtis Meinert said the current system had been in place for over 40 years and that it was risky to centralize approval for research into a single institution because no single IRB can have the coverage and breadth of knowledge as with a collective body of IRBs”. He also stated that research projects would be become more vulnerable to failure if a single centralized IRB entity failed to approve renewal grants.
Hummingbird IRB LLC was sold in early 2018.
While Dr Fauci had diverted the U.S. National Institute of Health’s funds for the banned ‘gain of function’ biological research to take place in Wuhan, Bill Gates was lobbying for ‘germ games’, including his 2015 Tedtalk, “We’re Not Ready? The Next Outbreak”, which the predatory philanthropist performed as a subversive Penetration Spinfluence Ritual.
Meanwhile, at a 2015 ‘workshop’ — “Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases” — zoologist Dr Peter Daszak talked about how the “media hype” in the next ‘disease outbreak’ could be used to convince the public of the need for a pan-global vaccine. Such media hype, Daszak added, would create the market and attract investors to fund the mass development of vaccines, as the favoured medical countermeasure (MCM). In other words, Daszak was grooming his audience to gaslight mass populations in order to forge a global vaccine market for Big Pharma.

At the time, Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance — had become the funding conduit for ‘gain of function’ research for biological pathogens between Dr Anthony Fauci’s NAIID and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China’s first level 4 biological military lab.
Dr Martin says that a joint U.S.-Chinese science paper of November 2015, that reported on the creation of a chimearic virus created from the surface proteins of a horseshoe bat virus called SHC014 virus and the backbone of the SARS virus – actually anticipated the variations that appear in SARS-Coronavirus-2.

EcoHealth Alliance was awarded $3.3 million for the project, “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence” between 2014 and 2019 – according to data supplied by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Federal Drug Agency (FDA).

It turns out Dr Daszak was such a well-connected zoologist that he was not only credited with ‘discovering’ the ‘natural’ origins of the first ‘coronavirus outbreak’ after a ‘SARS-COV epidemic’ emerged in November 2002. This ‘discovery’ occurred in spite of the fact that Professor Ralph S. Baric of the Chapel Hill Campus at the University of North Carolina, was among three inventors who patented techniques for producing a recombinant coronavirus, after filing for a patent on their work on April 19th 2002.
This patent application was filed seven months before the first ‘SARS-COV epidemic’.
Therefore, while Daszak, Fauci and Baric were at the epicenter of research to alter the coronavirus, the world was being gaslighted to believe that only a natural origin narrative was plausible. Meanwhile, an architecture of asymmetric pandemic preparededness was sponsored by a Global Health Syndicate that included the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and many other billionaire funded foundations, as well as corporations, think-tanks, universities and governments playing their parts.

In Plandemic Indoctornation, Doctor David Martin asserted that there is not a single person at the forefront of promoting the official health warnings, mitigation measures, and solutions under the rubric of Covid-19 who is not tied to an interlocking web of corporate board directorships including: the U.N.s’ World Health Organization; the Centres for Disease Control (CDC); the Department of Human Services and Health’s subsidiary organizations, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID); or the philanthrophic cover organizations that fund them.
Publicly and privately funded public health institutions conducting medical research, education and development, health-care and regulatory oversight are inter-woven through sponsorship, patents, and licensing deals with billionaire-funded foundations, corporatized charities and the cartelized transnational pharmaceutical industry. From 2003 to 2018, the CDC, Dr Fauci and Ralph Baric and others who took “credit for inventing coronavirus … controlled 100% of the cash-flow that built the empire around the industrial complex of coronavirus”, Dr Martin stated.
On March 28th 2019, Moderna filed a U.S. patent application for a SARS-beta coronavirus. Dr Martin says somebody saw the coronavirus outbreak coming. He emphasized the wording used in the patent application to justify vaccine development research already undertaken. Dr Martin quoted:
“Because of a concern for re-emergence or a deliberate release of SAARS coronavirus, vaccine development was initiated.”
Dr Martin pointed out to Ben Swann at ISE Media, that Moderna’s patent applications track record is dubious. Moderna’s patent applications on the corona virus have been rejected since 2015, including Patent application No. 16368270 of March 28th 2019. In late July 2020, an administrative court run by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office rejected arguments by Moderna that a patent owned by Arbutus Biopharma Corp should be revoked. The dispute relates to lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology that allows the human body to make its own therapeutic proteins.
Key U.S.-based public health officials, corporate executives and philantropists have breached anti-trust laws designed to prevent cartel syndicates forming combinations to control markets Dr Martin said in the Mikki Willis documentary, Plandemic Indoctornation, as well as in a follow-up interview with Brian Rose on London Real – “Exposing Moderna; the Star of Plandemic: Indoctornation Reveals the Truth”.
The United Nations was founded by a criminal syndicate that emerged as the dominant power faction following World War II. This elite network of racketeering bandits forged a defacto World Government — and conferred to themselves and their representatives sovereign immunity protection — so that they could act with impunity, Dr Martin stated at a talk entitled, “Permanent Neutrality in an Era of Biological Weapons for Hire”, presented in Christchurch (September 28 2023).
Pandemic Preppers Connection to Eugenics
In a 2015 TedTalk titled, “The Next Outbreak? We’re Not Ready”, Bill Gates projected a 33 million toll death threat. At this TedTalk, the centi-billionaire predatory philanthropist lobbied for ‘germ games’ not more war games, after showing his model projecting 33 million deaths. He referenced the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic which started toward the end of World War I, a conflict that was engineered by a Secret British Elite. As I show, Gates was signalling the number 33 would be used in key metadata at the onset of the planned pandemic in 2020, to codify coordinated moves.

Gates promoted the idea of combining the military’s logistical capacity with medical field professionals to create a medical corps. In other words, Gates was calling for a medical-martial merger between the health systems and military systems.
At the widely reported 2018 Shattuck Lecture at the Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center, Boston, Gates again ‘warned’ that in the next pandemic, 33 million people could die worldwide after six months. The insertion of this number 33 into the public psyche was, in fact, Bill Gates signalling he was advancing the Global Health Syndicate’s plans to take their germ games ‘live’ — and which eventuated with Covid-19 — as I show in the subsection, “Dropped Covid Bag of Illuminati: 33’s in 1st & 2nd Waves, 2nd Exercise”. In effect, Gates was performing a subversive penetration ritual.
The subversive media hype idea tabled by EcoHealth Alliance CEO, Dr Daszak, at the 2015 ‘workshop’ — “Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases” penetrated the Global Health Security ‘community’ prior to Corona’s starring role.
On October 18 2019, the UN’s first global pandemic exercise, Event 201, took place in New York one month before the coronavirus outbreak was attributed to Wuhan City.
The Event 201 tabletop exercise involved the corny scenario of a natural outbreak of a species jumping, jet-setting zoonotic bat-pig coronavirus. The players in this simulation exercise discussed a ‘flood the zone’ media strategy to drown-out dissenting voices by dismissing out-of-hand any counter-evidence as rumours, disinformation and conspiring theories. Thus, Daszak’s subversive penetration ritual became a ‘flood the zone’ media strategy three years later in Gotham.
The central irony was that simulated newscasts were played at Event 201 that prepared participants to shut-down whole economies. Yet, the Event 201 tabletop exercise attributed blame for financial market crashes, widespread business failures and mass unemployment, to the coronavirus pandemic called Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome (CAPS). Meanwhile, the Pandemic Emergency Board discussed the need to get vaccine stockpiles, supply chains and other medical infrastructure financed, built and pandemic ready to mitigate economic mayhem!
In effect, Event 201 was a pandemic preppers drill for the Corona Bandits.

Meanwhile, the Pandemic Emergency Board discussed the need to get vaccine stockpiles, supply chains and other medical infrastructure financed, built and pandemic ready to mitigate economic mayhem!

Yet, the Event 201 tabletop exercise attributed blame for financial market crashes, widespread business failures and mass unemployment, to the coronavirus pandemic called Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome (CAPS).
While this pandemic exercise was acknowledged in the public media after the onset of Covid-19 — and often with disparaging headlines about conspiracy theories — news reportage omitted the fact that Event 201 was the U.N.’s first global pandemic exercise.
This omission is crucial, because if the world’s public had become widely aware that the U.N. had issued a directive for a global pandemic exercise, and it had taken place prior to Covid-19 — the narrative about a lack of preparedness would have become shaky. If such an admission had occurred, the shakiness of this narrative would have quickly intensified because the U.N. had actually called for at least two pandemic exercises to occur by September 2020. Intense questions might have been leveled at the U.N. because the pandemic preparedness appears to have been asymmetric.
Indeed, among the many omissions of key evidence in the pandemic rhetoric of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO’s Director-General, the most glaring one is a ‘failure’ to mention the U.N.’s directive for a global pandemic exercise simulating the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen — before September 2020.

Moreover, because Event 201 involved a natural outbreak of a species jumping, jet-setting zoonotic bat-pig coronavirus, it could not be counted as a pandemic exercise involving the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.
The ‘flood the zone’ media strategy was also detectable in the public communications of the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 Advisory Group, One Health Aotearoa, and NZ Doctors. These three groups avoided pointing out that the Event 201 corona-virus outbreak simulation of October 2019 in Gotham was the first such global pandemic exercise. On their Public health Expert blog, Otago University professors Michael Baker and Nick Wilson and Dr Matt Boyd emphasized the new Global Health Security Index, while failing to point out that U.N’s new Global Preparedness Monitoring Boards’ seventh recommendation included the directive for at least two global pandemic exercises to be conducted by September 2020.

Curiously, while the three academics pointed out that this U.N. board was set up in response to the Ebola outbreak of 2014-16, and that it urged political action in seven recommendations because the world was deemed to be at risk — Baker, Wilson and Boyd failed to say spell out the crucial last recommendation. This seventh recommendation, titled “The United Nations must strengthen coordination mechanisms” was the crucial one that outlined four “Progress indicator(s) by September 2020” that evidently needed to occur.
The seventh recommendation of this Global Health Syndicate-aligned board called for: (1) the Secretary-General of the United Nations, with the Director-General of WHO and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs “identify … timely triggers for a coordinated United Nations systemwide response for health emergencies”; (2) the United Nations (including WHO) to conduct at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen; (3) WHO to develop intermediate triggers to mobilize national, international and multilateral action early in outbreaks, to compliment existing mechanisms developed under the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) of 2005; and (4) the Secretary General of the United Nations to convene a high-level dialogue with health, security and foreign affairs officials to meet the threat of a lethal respiratory pathogen pandemic, among other disease outbreaks in complex, insecure contexts.

These omissions were crucial because the ‘public health experts’ emphasized the new Global Health Security (GHS) Index as if it were an objective tool of analysis, instead of presenting skepticism about the vested interests behind the funding, architecture and biases of this project. Indeed, if Otago University’s ‘public health experts’ had have pointed out that the Global Health Security Index was funded by the Open Philanthropy Project, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Robertson Foundation, and delved into the the web of ‘global health’ funding grants, New Zealand public might have been more skeptical about the unfolding events.
By doing so, they appeared to take at face value the obvious coordinated moves taken by the World Health Organization. Yet, the WHO is an institution well-known in the medical field to be entwined with Big Pharma, and by the funders and contributors to Global Health Security Index (GHS) Index project.
In 2017, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation were ranked as the WHO’s second largest funder between the United States and the United Kingdom, meaning that a tech-billionaire who forged his fortune developing software for IBM (whom in turn made their fortune supplying demographic metadata to the Nazis) — was in a central position to influence WHO to declare Covid-19 a pandemic two days after gifting another $50 million to the conflicted U.N. institution headed by ‘Dr Tedros’.
Among Open Philanthrophy’s backers is billionaire, Dustin Morkowitz, who supposedly helped Mark Zuckerberg launch Facebook from his Harvard dorm in 2004 — according to heart-warming tech-billionaire mythology. Founding Facebook investor, Peter Thiel, who initially stumped up $500,000, in turn, received $2 million from the CIA’s investment arm In-Q-Tel in 2005, for his big data start-up, Palantir, to build a surveillance computer called Gotham.
Therefore, the ‘Public Health Experts’ of Otago University, professors Michael Baker and Nick Wilson, failed to inform the Ministry of Health that the Covid-19 pandemic coincided with a call for at least two pandemic exercises to occur across the U.N. system by September 2020. Their report “Supporting the Covid-19 pandemic response: Surveillance and Outbreak Analytics”, failed to model for patented pathogens making the leap from ‘petri dish’ to planetary distributions networks.
The Global Health Security (GHS) Index was a three year project and was launched by the Center for Health Security (JHU) of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health on October 23 2019. The Global Health Security (GHS) Index provides a public benchmarking of health security and related capabilities across the 195 countries that make up the States Parties to International Health Regulations.
The project was developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), with research by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), of the Economist Group, whose flagship publication is The Economist magazine, which is a mouthpiece for the Bilderberg Foundation, a key global-policy shaping group for the Western Empire Syndicate. Crucially, the Economist Group is part-owned through a Netherlands-based holding company, Exor, belonging to the Italian Fiat industrialist family, Agnelli, as well as stock-holdings owned by the Rothschild, Cadbury, and Schroder dynasties.
Despite his failure to communicate to New Zealanders that this little known United Nations’ body called for at least one of these global pandemic exercises to include the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen, Professor Michael Baker was awarded the Prime Minister’s Science Communication Prize in April of 2021.
This failure is crucial, because level-headed New Zealanders might have asked as the pandemic alert levels were rising in March of 2020 whether Covid-19 was treated as a live exercise for fulfil the pre-Wuhan outbreak directive issued by the United Nations.
Crucially, in 2020, the public health association, One Health Aotearoa, became the leading conduit for supplying its members from various disciplines of science to contributed expert opinion in news media coronavirus pandemic coverage.

One Health Aotearoa displays a long-list across 2020 of Covid-19 news coverage that bragged that its science experts had been highly sought after as opinion leaders on the COVID-19 pandemic by various authorities and the media. Among the members of One Health Aotearoa is Professor Michael Baker, who was a member of the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 Expert Advisory Group throughout the ‘pandemic’.

The narrative seeds sown by the public health experts who wrote the article “New Zealand’s Poor Pandemic Preparedness According to the Health Security Index” became a cluster of news stories in late April and early May of 2020, claiming NZ was not pandemic prepared. The stories were a smokescreen for an asymmetric biological warfare preparedness that had caught many frontline health workers off-guard.
This media case cluster included: “Coronavirus: Government adviser says NZ wasn’t ready for Covid-19”; (21 April, Radio NZ); “Coronavirus: New Zealand wasn’t ready for a pandemic (Stuff, 29 April); “NZ wasn’t ready for a pandemic” published on April 29th 2020 (Newsroom, 29 April); “Covid 19 coronavirus: Top academic says, “NZ wasn’t ready for Covid-19 and was caught ‘with our pants down’” (NZ Herald, 29 April); and followed up by a story featuring Professor Michael Baker, head-lined, “Epidemiologist says New Zealand isn’t ready for COVID-19 alert level 2” (8 May, Newshub). This cluster followed an earlier report by TVNZ’s One News “PM says NZ was prepared for Covid-19 despite Kiwi expert saying world wasn’t taking pandemic threat seriously”. Because the media deferred to ‘in-group’ experts amid a a carefully work-shopped contagion of fearporn, newsrooms became vectors for gas-lighting.

This Pandemic Ill-Preparedness News Cluster meant that the news outlets across television, print, radio and the internet had, in effect, tested positive to the Covid Pandemic official narrative. The essential element of flak was limited to the ‘error’ of a lack of preparedness, as if the world should have listened to the infallibly wise, scientifically robust and corruption-free voices of the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. National Institutes of Health (among other public health organizations) — as well as the Global Health Syndicate that has captured them in conspiracy with assorted biosecurity centers.
This same Pandemic Ill-Preparedness framing was produced by Dr Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, which was key funding conduit for weaponizing the coronavirus.
The EcoHealth Alliance’s extensive partners include: the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), John Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, the United Nations (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization and Johnson & Johnson. Among the science advisors to the EcoHealth Alliance are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Deputy Director for Surveillance and Epidemiology, Dr. Scott Dowell, and Biosurveillance Coordinator, Captain Jason Thomas at the CDC’s Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (CSELS).
Conspicuously, on April 12 2020, Bill Gates told the BBC there was no simulation or practice to deal with a global pandemic, adding the world was in unchartered territory. Gates said:
“Very few countries are going to get an A grade for that scrambling. And now here we are, we didn’t simulate this, we didn’t practice, so both the health policies and the economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory.”

Whereas most news outlets avoided challenging Gates, in early May 2020, Indian newspaper, The National Herald, ran the headline, “Why is Bill Gates denying Event 201?”. Strange — because Doctor Chris Elias, who is President of Global Development at the Gates Foundation, is not only a director on the U.N’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. Dr Elias was also a player at a Gates Foundation-sponsored ‘global pandemic exercise’, called Event 201, that took place in Gotham City on October 18th, at the Gates Foundation-sponsored John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health Security. The linkage of Dr Chris Elias is crucial because the reach of the Gates Foundation into ‘Global Health’ is extensive. Indeed, it turns that the Gates Foundation had supplied over $870 million in funding to John Hopkins University.

It turns out that Dr Anthony Fauci — who has been the Director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, and who became moderately famous as a member of the Washington’s White House COVID-19 Task Force — was among the members of the U.N.’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board.

One critical conduit for the transmission of worst case scenarios was the Imperial College of London’s Covid-19 Research Team, led by Professor Neil Ferguson. The Imperial College Covid-19 Research Team was one of two research groups that were instrumental in providing the ‘scientific’ propaganda to convince the world that subjecting whole societies to house arrest or ‘lock-downs’ were necessary to avoid worse case scenarios manifesting. The Imperial College and the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle were funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

On March 16th 2020, the Imperial College published its 18-month periodic ‘social distancing lock-down’ models, along with its projected worst-case death tolls that were used by many governments to justify society-wide house arrest regimes. Professor ‘Lockdown’ — as Dr Ferguson came to be called — estimated that up to 510,000 people could die in the United Kingdom and as many as 2.2 million people in the United States, if drastic shutdowns of those countries did not occur.
On 25 March 2020, Carrot Land’s University of Auckland used the Imperial College’s modelling and projected that New Zealanders — 80,000 — would die if a system-wide ‘lock-down’ of the nation, with so-called ‘social distancing’, were not followed.
Ferguson’s sketchy track record suggests the British Establishment were moving in unison with their American counterparts.
Queen Elizabeth II made Professor Ferguson a Knight of the Order of the British Empire in 2002 for advising Her Majesty’s Blair Administration Government to instigate a major livestock cull for the Foot and Mouth outbreak. Eleven million cattle, sheep and pigs were slaughtered, after Professor Ferguson projected that 150,000 people would die in the United Kingdom. Yet, only 177 people died from mad cow disease. In 2005, Professor Ferguson estimated that up to 200 million worldwide could die from the bird flu. Only 282 died by 2009. In 2009, Ferguson projected that 65,000 people could die from the swine flu the United Kingdom, and in the end, 457 people died from this pig virus.

Under fire from doctors and scientists to release the data upon which he based his models, Dr Ferguson tweeted on 22 March 2020 that his lock-down modelling was based on 13-year old computer code to model flu pandemics and he admitted this information was undocumented. Ferguson’s lack of transparency would appear to breach the fundamental tenet of the scientific method since modelling, testing and experimental methods are supposed to be able to withstand audits by ones’ peers.
Between 2002 and 2020, Imperial College of London received $263m from the pro-mass vaccine Gates Foundation for ‘global health’ projects. The other research group funded by the Gates Foundation, the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle also projected high death toll estimates when it modelled for a regime to corral the world’s Tax Cattle from ‘social distancing’ to ‘contact tracing’ – a model that effectively sought to cast human resources as covid pre-crime suspects. The IHME received $279 million from the Gates Foundation in 2017 to produce models and collect health data.
These models were widely used by officials worldwide, particularly in the U.S. and the U.K., to advocate a blunt system of periodic house arrests for healthy people rather than proportionate, targetted healthcare for the medically vulnerable. This imperial-scale imposition of biosecurity tyranny emotionally hijacked whole populations who have been robbed of their livelihoods, meagre savings and freedoms in broad daylight.
Among the key players in the Corona World Games captured by the Global Health Syndicate, is WHO’s director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. In early 2017, his nomination for the director-general position of the United Nation’s public health agency drew a scathing report titled – “International Organizations Leadership Recruitment Policies: the Failed Experiment of Dr. Tedros A. Ghebreyesus Candidacy for WHO Director General Position” – from the Amhara Professionals Union.
Tedros Ghebreyesus covered up a cholera outbreak spread in 2007, when he was Ethiopia’s Health Minister by renaming this Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD), while simultaneously coercing international agencies not to call the outbreak cholera. Meanwhile, as Ethiopia’s Health Minister, Tedros Adhanom, pressured government employees to keep the data of the numbers infected a state secret.

In October 2013, in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, and at a time when Tedros Adhanom was Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister, he protected African leaders from the International Criminal Court’s attempts to prosecute for crimes. Reuters reported on the ministerial meeting of the 54-member African Union, where Tedros stated, “sitting heads of state and governments should not be prosecuted while in office.” Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy, William Ruto, were facing charges for allegedly orchestrating a “killing spree” after a disputed 2007 election, in which 1300 people died.
Furthermore, when Tedros Adhanom was Foreign Minister, it is alleged that Ethiopia’s Police or Army are alleged to have opened fire at a mass demonstration in opposition to a 1000 square mile land-grab earmarked for development, which involved dislocating 15,000 people of Oromia. Human Rights Watch estimated 500 people died from gun shots, and the resultant stampede and drownings at the Ireecha Cultural Festival in the town of Bishoftu on Octber 2nd 2016. The Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed the “police were unarmed”, yet the Army was clearly armed, as this Gettys photograph shows. The government arrested 70,000 under the rubric of a state of emergency.

These three examples reveal a pattern that Tedros Adhanom gained a taste for masking-over outbreaks, covering-up massacres and protecting genocidal dictators during his career as a Minister in Ethiopia’s Government and minister of the African Union Parliament.
Clearly, since Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister defended the imposition of a state of emergency in a crisis of his government’s own making, Tedros Adhanom was a good fit for the World Health Organization to set in motion lock-step nationwide house arrests around the world.
Moreover, the Amhara Professionals Union say the Amhara region was targetted as a top priority for “family planning” which resulted in many Amhara women being administered with injectable “contraceptives” that made them barren. Evidently, Ghebreyesus’ membership in the Ethopian political party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), blurred the current WHO director’s judgment when he was Ethiopia’s Health Minister. Ghebreyesus is accused of implementing preferential treatment of “Tigray region” at the expense of other “Regions”, especially “Amhara region” resulting in significant disparities in health coverage and results between “Tigray region” and “Amhara region”, the report of the Amhara Professionals Union states. The report’s authors also claimed that “Historically, the TPLF have labelled the Amharas as the historical enemy of the Tigray people”. Resentment among the Tigray people against the Amhara – a major enthnic group – appears to have built during the Mengistu regime, which the Tigray overthrew in 1991; a regime that comprised support of the Amhara people.

One of Tedros Adhanom’s first moves at a high-level meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Uruguay October 2017, was to appoint Zimbabwe’s former genocidal dictator, Robert Mugabe, as Goodwill Ambassador for Non-Communicable Diseases to the WHO. Under Mugabe’s rule, an estimated 20,000 people were murdered by Zimbabwe’s Army, whom were trained by the North Korean Fifth Brigade, during the early 1980s. Mugabe, who was either president or prime minister for 37 years, was ousted in 2017. It would appear then that Robert Mugabe’s appointment as Goodwill Ambassador for Non-Communicable Diseases in Africa by Tedros Adhanom at the meeting on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Uruguay was a hostage posting ritual designed to communicate that a more effective, stealthy weapon was being manoeuvered into position.
Because, by re-inventing a former client dictator of the U.S. NATO Military Empire as a goodwill ambassador of WHO, Tedros Adhanom seems to have been signalling that weaponized pandemic exercises, weaponized pathogens and weaponized institutional systems were to become a vector for bio-terrorism. Out of this three-pronged vector for bio-terrorism could be constructed an enduring bio-security matrix with far more persuasiveness, pervasiveness, and invasiveness than anything the Vatican-supported 12-year Teutonic Nazi Empire could sustainably develop – if this Thunk Evil idea had occurred to a well-reourced, highly organized supranational deep state managing an invisible global empire. Therefore, this move by Tedros Adhanom begs the question – ‘who’ exactly had Tedros Adhanom proved himself worthy to fill the vacancy as director-general of WHO?
Ergo, Tedros Adhanom had exquisite credentials to lead the eugencists’ premiere Trojan Horse institution to gaslight the world with a straight game face.
As I showed in my “Corona World Games” series, the United Nations, including the World Health Organization, pursued a tiered, asymmetric information dissemination strategy to control the Covid narrative to coerce community capitulation, economic collusion, and political conspiracy — in coordinated moves.
In Part 1, “Four Horsemen of the Great Corona Apocalypse & the U.N.’s 1st Global Pandemic Exercise”, I showed how four high profile leaders made synchronized moves in September and October of 2019 to commence, in what I identified as the ‘Corona World Games’. In coordinated moves, Four Horsemen of the Great Corona Apocalypse, in effect, performed the function of ‘Starter Pistol Men’ to signal everything was in place to commence the ‘World Pandemic Games’.
These Four Horsemen were: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the U.N.’s World Health Organization; Jamie Dimon, the Chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase bank; Pope Francis I, the Vatican’s first acknowledged Jesuit pope, and Xi Jinping, President of the Chinese Communist Party.
On September 17th 2019, the Director-General of the U.N.’s World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, addressed a two-day scientific forum that occurred at the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) headquarters in Vienna, Austria.
The very next bat-day, a little-known U.N. board issued the directive for at least two global pandemic exercises to occur by September 2020. One of those exercises had to involve the deliberate release of a respiratory pathogen. The same bat-day, three more Horsemen of the Great Corona Apocalypse made their chess moves, that acted as the trigger events for a financial system reset under the cover of a pandemic.

On this same bat-Wednesday of September 18th, in Gotham City, the privately-owned New York Federal Reserve Bank announced it would bail-out the Repo inter-bank market, which supplies overnight financing between banks to fund firms’ payments for payroll, bills and purchases. This ‘rescue’ occurred on the 11th anniversary of U.S. Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, announcing a $700 billion rescue package, on September 18th 2008, following the take-down of the Lehman’s Brothers, when $400 billion had exited the same Repo Market in four days.
In its 2018 annual report, JP Morgan Chase had signalled a financial reset was in the horizon with an anniversary brag-piece titled, “10 Years After The Financial Crisis”, Jamie Dimon stated it was time to “open up the rule book” because banking regulations imposed after the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and Global Bank Bail-outs (GBB) had evidently hurt the U.S. economy.
The following year, between late August and mid-September 2019, JP Morgan Chase, had pulled $130 billion out of the Repo Market, which caused interest rates in this market to jump from 2% to 10% per annum.
In short, the date of September 18th 2019 is bat-day that the Great Reset was triggered.
On this same bat-day — the Jesuit Papal Monarch, Pope Francis I delivered a symbol-laden speech at Vatican City. Pope Francis, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, bragged that Christianity had endured, where empires, dictatorships and other political projects had crumbled because they did not bear the signature of God, and therefore could not withstand ‘the test of time’.
Menawhile, the very same bat-day, Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is also the chairman of the Central Military Commission, addressed a symposium on the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River in Zhengzhou, capital of central China’s Henan Province. The Chinese President, who chaired the symposium said, “The protection of the Yellow River is critical to the great rejuvenation and sustainable development of the Chinese nation.”
During this same September 18th bat-day, an Emergency Response Exercise took place at Tianhe Airport, Wuhan City in preparation for the Military World Games that was due to open in the mega city of Wuhan exactly one month later. One of two scenarios involved a domestic traveller infected with a novel corona virus. (China’s Covid-19 “Patient Zero” in Wuhan is attributed to the date, November 17th 2019).
Thus, the exquisite bat-synchronicity continued into October 2019.

Exactly one month after the Yellow River symposium, Chinese President Xi Jinping, opened the Military World Games in Wuhan, a city which the Japanese Army invaded during the 1938 Battle of Wuhan. At that time, Wuhan was the temporary seat of the Chinese Government, meaning the Japanese Empire had made a bold move to wrest control strategic resources in the so-called ‘Inter-War Period’.
The same day as the opening of the 7th Military World Games in Wuhan City, the U.N.’s 1st Global Pandemic Game, Event 201, took place in Gotham City. This Event 201 table-top simulation of October 18th 2019, was the United Nations’ first global pandemic exercise to meet the Global Preparedness Monitoring Boards’ directive.

Meanwhile, Pope Francis I opened the Vatican’s first Ethnological Museum exhibition titled, Mater Amazonia, which translates to “the Breath of the World”.
The very same bat-day, at a conference hosted by the Institute of International Finance, in Washington,the CEO of JP Morgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, and the CEO of Morgan Stanley Bank, James Gorman, figuratively strode in to the Magnificent 7 theme-tune. Poignantly, Dimon said America’s unfunded medical liabilities,as well as the debt of U.S. cities were like watching a train-wreck.

In part 2, “Dropped Bag of Covid Illuminati – 33’s in U.N.’s 2nd Pandemic Exercise”, I showed that the ‘Great Corona Hostage Crisis’ was treated as a ‘live exercise’ by the United Nations, including the World Health Organization, and the world’s major and significant states. The meta-data of Covid cases, death tolls and key associated events of the Covid-19 Pandemic were encoded with numbers, especially 33, between January 22 and 30 August 30, 2020. This metadata early in the ‘plandemic’ was like a go-signal.
Officials deployed the number 33 to signal collusion in the U.N.’s Corona World Games by chalking up this milestone number — as weird as it sounds.
The Covid meta-data points to a blueprint designed by a supranational deep state network, or synarchy. This centralized supreme group inflicted the ‘Covid PlanPanic Health Emergency’ as a covert form of bio-terrorism to reset the world with a bio-security system.Indeed, on March 20th 2020, ex-CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Secretary of State said at a White House Press Conference, “we’re in a live exercise here”. Although Pompeo was speaking to the media, regarding how the Chinese Communist Party needed to share their corona-virus outbreak data so that the ‘pandemic’ could be analyzed — there was more underpinning this exchange.
Whereas in Part 1 of this “Corona World Games” series, Four Horsemen of the Great Corona Apocalypse, explores the synchronistic moves that led to and surrounded the U.N.’s 1st Pandemic Exercise, in this part, Dropped Bag of Covid Illuminati — I show how the recurrence of this number 33 was cast as a milestone figure to communicate advancement of the Corona World Games across multiple territories — as game theory modelling could predict.
The planning for this epic reset to re-assert dominance over the world was workshopped as ‘pandemic exercises’ as I showed in Part 3: “All Techno-Feudalist Roads Lead to ‘Dark Winter’ Amid World’s Third Hundred Years’ War”. The pandemic exercises designed by Johns Hopkins University worked as agenda-setting forums and were staged to assist with forging a US-NATO Military Empire-led Techno-Feudal World Order. Each pandemic exercise — Dark Winter of June 2001, Atlantic Storm of January 2005, Clade X of May 2018 and Event 201 of October 2019 — that had been designed, scripted and hosted by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, was supposedly geared toward better preparedness.
The track record of John Hopkins’ Center for Health Security for scripting, casting, and hosting pandemic exercises reveals a pattern of ties to the American Deep State, conflicts of interest and intrigue.

For instance, when Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security hosted the first U.S. biological weapons viral outbreak exercise called ‘Dark Winter’, in June 2001, aspects of its fictional scenarios were used as propaganda by its participants to justify inflicting the 9/11 Wars — as The Last American Vagabond reported in All Roads Lead to Dark Winter. One such Dark Winter participant was James Woolsey who was a former CIA Director from 1993 to 1995. In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, military-grade anthrax outbreaks were inflicted upon Florida and New York. Woolsey flew to London to “firm up” the ‘evidence’ that Iraq was involved in 9/11, as The Guardian newspaper reported in “Iraq ‘behind anthrax outbreaks’ ” on 14 October 2001.
Indeed, ‘Dark Winter’ included a sub-script scenario that imagined Saddam Hussein’s Iraq threatening to release a weaponized anthrax virus and speculated Iraq was involved in providing technology for the biological attacks to terrorist groups based in Afghanistan. In other words, Woolsey, who played the Director of Central Intelligence, mimicked his real life stint as CIA Director and, in effect, took the anthrax narrative beyond the confines of simulation and made it a ‘live exercise’.

This biowarfare simulation took place at Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland, and was one of 45 exercises, drills and war-games that occurred either in the months, days and hours prior to the ‘9/11 Live Blockbuster Terror Theater’ of September 11 2001 — and that envisaged aspects of the 9/11 Coup D’état.

Robert Kadlec – who co-authored the script with Thomas Inglesby and Tara O’Toole of John Hopkins Center for Health Security – got to speak the line that lent the exercise its bleak name. In a mock news report, ‘Biodefense Expert’ Kadlec stated that the lack of smallpox vaccines for the U.S. populace meant that “it could be a very dark winter for America” – as citizen journalist James Corbett’s report, COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity, deftly shows.

In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, military-grade anthrax outbreaks were inflicted upon Florida and New York. Kadlec led the Department of Health and Human Services response and contributed to the FBI’s investigation of the anthrax attacks.
Kadlec, who had been a physician with the U.S. Air Force, also helped draft the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act 2006 (aka the Prep Act), which among other things, created the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, an office that Trump appointed Kadlec to lead in 2017. According to Dr Martin, the anthrax attacks were inflicted to justify the Prep Act, which was needed to confer the Big Pharma cartel immunity from liability from vaccine injuries caused to adults.
Immunity from liability for injuring children had been gained in Reagan’s time.
In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which was sponosored by California Democrat Henry Waxman, and was passed by the U.S. Congress, and signed into law by Reagan following pressure from pharmaceutical industry – provided protection from liabilities for injuries and deaths caused by their vaccines. This had meant parents are forced to petition the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and if the HHS refuses compensation, the case has to be taken to the U.S. Claims Court, dubbed the ‘Vaccine Court’. Pharmaceutical are shielded from participating in proceedings at the Vaccine Court.
The U.S. Department of Justice acts the lawyer for the HHS, meaning the U.S. footing the bill for the defence of the HHS and any payouts awarded to families.

Kadlec was also on hand to lead the Trump Administration’s 2019 Crimson Contagion exercise, which involved the Department of Homeland Security, the National Security Council, and the Pentagon. Like Dark Winter, Crimson Contagion simulated an outbreak scenario months before it played out in the Make Real World. Uncannily, Crimson Contagion envisaged a pandemic influenza outbreak in the U.S. that originated in China and spread rapidly around the globe.
But, Crimson Contagion was not the only pandemic exercise to occur with uncanny timing, as I showed in Part 3 of my Corona World Games — All Techno-Feudalist Roads Lead to ‘Dark Winter’ Amid World’s Third Hundred Years’ War.
These pandemic exercises served as a staging ground for sowing new hybrid narrative seeds to gaslight mass populaces into Stockholm Syndrome-esque compliance.
However, each pandemic exercise just happened to include players who were embedded in the American Deep State, and were either well-placed to take aspects of the scenarios ‘live’. Or, by their casting, signal the underlying intention to mobilize resources to inflict future bio-terrorist plots for the preservation of the US-NATO Military Empire. The pandemic exercises of Johns Hopkins University, as well as its futuristic coronavirus SPARS pandemic scenario of 2025 to 2028, reveal an underlying plan to cement a totalitarian global health infrastructure by orchestrating over-hyped pandemics as a Trojan Horse to up-end nation states, destabilize households and destroy free enterprises.
The subversive theme of these pandemic scenarios was that they served as a staging ground for sowing new hybrid narrative seeds that penetrated the psyches of unwitting players, attendees, and observers.
The record shows that Johns Hopkins University lacked the capacity to be circumspect about its casting of players following it very first pandemic exercise, Dark Winter, when one of its players, a former CIA Director, took aspects of the pre-9/11 bio-terrorist scenario ‘live’.
Indeed, the linkages between this pandemic exercise and America’s subsequent invasion of Iraq and the hawkish calls of a ‘Wolfowitz Cabal’ to wage a Hundred Years’ War to rid the world of the virus of terrorism — suggest these subversive pandemic exercises were penetration rituals to capture public health, destabilize liberal democracies and weaponize ‘the news’.
An imperial mindset underpins the casting in all four simulations reviewed, wherein the spectacle of a pandemic was work-shopped to streamline the designs of Trojan Horses to politically capture public health systems, destabilize liberal democracies and weaponize ‘the news’.
The pandemic exercises occurred simultaneous to developments in bio-engineering elements of the coronavirus to make it pathogenic to humans. Yet, the corny graphic novel-like pandemic scenarios of Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security either cast blame to hype the treat of rogue states, or fundamentalist jihadists or well-resourced doomsday cults, or magical evolutionary powers.

As such, the corny graphic novel-like pandemic scenarios of Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security — along with their inclusion of the American Deep State’s officials in four simulations — belied an over-arching strategy to transform newsrooms into vectorized environments to globally spread emotional contagions.
The subversive theme of these pandemic exercises was that they served as a staging ground for sowing new hybrid narrative seeds that penetrated the psyches of unwitting players, attendees, and observers.
The subversive pandemic scenarios were performed as penetration rituals to set-up the capture of public health, destabilize liberal democracies and weaponize ‘the news’. Some players’ extra-curricular activities implicates them in a Third Hundred Years’ War plot.

Therefore, in this three-part series, I show a transnational elite criminal group who forged the super-structure for a ‘pandemic’ cover-story to distract from a global heist of power — featuring a financial reset — made synchronistic moves. The trigger events for the so-called ‘Great Reset‘ occurred on September 18 2019, with the publication in Gotham of the World at Risk Report and the New York Fed’s rescue of the Repo Market. The first Corona World Games formally commenced one month later with the synchronized Event 201, the world’s first global ‘pandemic’ exercise, which was timed to occur with the opening of the the 7th World Military Games in Wuhan, China.
The track record of John Hopkins University for scripting, casting and hosting pandemic exercises is shown to be sketchy, since each simulation has included actors from the American deep state.
In part 3, the member states of the United Nations treated the ‘covid-19 pandemic‘ as a live exercise, and in essence, inflicted the Great Corona Hostage Crisis to achieve far-reaching geopolitical objectives — amid the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War. A reset of structural forces with favored solutions occurred.

These glimpses behind the ‘Covid-Curtain’ open an intriguing passage to a parallel universe. This timing of these exercises were crucial to the Corona Bandits, since they were forging a new hegemonic block necessary to gain buy-in from the mass publics for the construction of their desired solutions. If most of the citizens across the UN system of nations came to believe that the alleged coronavirus outbreak was possibly the result of a lab-breach — let alone a novel bioterrorist plot — the Corona Bandits’ desired solutions would have faced major scepticism, and therefore, tough obstacles.

These totalitarian glimpses behind the ‘Covid Curtain’ reveal a ‘PlanPanic’, meaning that key players in the world’s leading health regulatory institutions such as the World Health Organization, the U.S. National Institutes of Health and the U.S. and China Centers for Disease Control were well-prepared to reproduce élite-mass hysteria when a coronavirus outbreak occurred right on cue.

The weird ‘lock step’ group-think by which the world’s visible political, military, corporate and religious leaders imposed or complied with Medical Martial Law restrictions — such as nationwide house arrests, closed borders, and economic shutdowns — during the Covid-19 pandemic revealed an unprecedented and unseemly unity. Indeed, many hospitals, nursing homes and retirement villages became mechanisms of state-sanctioned mass murder, or democide, from the beginning of the so-called Covid-19 pandemic. Across numerous jurisdictions of the UN member state system, the disproportionate lockdown measures included the shutting down of hospital services for all but those in critical care, the curtailment of clinic visits and the widespread shutdown of economic activity.
Predictably, these malicious measures resulted in the mass deaths of the elderly, the sick and the most economically vulnerable. An initial Covid-Deaths Peak in April and May of 2020 has been identified as ‘lockdown deaths’, as Dr Denis Rancourt found. The former professor of physics at the University of Ottawa, interrogated All Cause Mortality data, which measures the total number of deaths by place, time and demographic, across numerous jurisdictions. Rancourt discovered that there was a striking peak in deaths that occurred in places where central, state or county governments had imposed draconian ‘pandemic’ measures immediately after the World Health Organization’s pandemic declaration.
As Rancourt et al showed in a comprehensive study, published in October 2021, that focussed on the United States, entitled, “Nature of the COVID Era Public Health Disaster in the USA: From All-cause Mortality and Socio-geo-economic and Climatic Data”, such measures continue to impact society’s most vulnerable, in a global program of democide.
Democide is defined by R.J Rummel in his 1994 book, Death by Government, as state-sanctioned murder of any domestic person or civilian people by government officials, who act with the approval of the highest officials or state policy, whether explicitly or implicitly, and includes genocide, politicide and mass murder.
Rancourt et al concluded there was no pandemic and blamed “large-scale medical and government responses” for causing one million excess deaths in most vulnerable and underprivileged residents of the USA in the COVID‑era.
This program of democide to elevate the Covid Deaths statistics was also achieved in the United States by the state-sanctioned deployment of Gilead Bioscience’s newly branded Remdesivir drug, Veklury. Dr Bryan Ardis found that Remdesivir was used to mass murder vulnerable Americans from May 2020. Remdesivir causes multiple organ failure, including kidney (renal) failure, which results in the body’s waste water flooding the lungs, causing pulmonary edema.
Additionally, a mass cull of the elderly, the sick and the vulnerable saves the state the burden of finding tax revenues to meet unfunded liabilities of public healthcare, veteran and old-age pensions and other welfare services, as journalist Jacqui Deevoy’s documentary A Good Death? presents in the context of the United Kingdom’s treatment of the elderly during the ‘Corona Pandemic’.
This systemic program of medical democide occurring in the United Kingdom under the rubric of a global Covid-19 pandemic supports the argument of Dr Bryan Ardis, that a similar mass murder program was inflicted on unwitting patients in the United States by a stealthy transnational network of eugenicists. Indeed, I proved in Pharmageddon — Part 1: How masked bandits in the US FDA, NIH & CDC used Gilead’s Remdesivir to democide ‘Covid-19 patients’ that US health officials and the drug’s manufacturer, Gilead Pharmaceuticals, knew that remdesivir caused multiple organ failure, including impairing kidney function, before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization of May 1 2020.
This degenerate program of medical democide was also achieved in the United Kingdom, where health authorities used a drug called Midazolam in combination with Morphine to kill the elderly of Britain from the beginning of the so-called global pandemic. Because the drugs suppress breathing, patients are unable to respire air and water vapor, causing a build-up of water vapor on the lungs. Hence, the symptoms of pneumonia were attributed to Covid, which is described as a highly transmissible coronavirus respiratory disease that mostly affects the elderly with co-morbidities.

Thus, both the UK and US Health authorities have maliciously implemented health protocols using the medicines — Midazolam and Remedesivir — respectively, as lethal toxins, knowing that many doctors would misdiagnose the phenomena that has become known as ‘Covid Pneumonia’.
Therefore, this ‘grandmothers in peril’ narrative was a manipulative propaganda tactic known as emotional hijacking — which is widely used by the public relations industry — and was deployed to pass the political hygiene test, and thereby to bypass critical thinking processes. As such, the ‘save the grandmothers’ meme was an early example of weaponized ironic humor that only narcissistic ruling class functional psychopaths would conjure as an idea to inflict on humanity.
This weaponization of language is a central component to the so-called Global Corona Pandemic, which turns out be cover-story for a reset of the world’s structural forces to achieve the global élites’ desired solutions to re-assert dominance over the planet. Indeed, this global reset bears the hallmarks of a sophisticated bio-terrorism plot authorized by a ‘supreme group’ at the head of a supranational deep state network operating at a level well above the pay-grades of the world’s visible political, military, corporate and religious leaders.
➼ The Population Control Connection to Eugenics
The background of the Covid bandit, Bill Gates, his family and their ties to the Eugenics Movement shows that the Western Empire Syndicate has a stealthy agenda to control the world’s population with a two pronged approach.
One prong of this eugenicist vision is limiting general population growth through vaccines, compounds in foods and nanotechnology with stealthy sterility functions — as their track record indicates.
The Corona Coup D’état of March 11th 2020 in effect flicked the switched for trigger mechanisms across the UN system. These bio-security mechanisms were set in place with a series of bio-terrorism scares, outbreaks and much media hype starting with the anthrax scare in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 Coup D’état — as James Corbett chronicled in his video report, COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity, on the 19th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks of 2001.

The second prong of population control is about maintaining social control on a permanent basis through investment in a technological super-structure of global governance, SMART-Grid infrastructure and mega-cities. These projects, which are hardly on the public’s radar as looming threats to the liberty of open and free societies, are marketed to appear to be apolitical because the ‘sustainable development’ rhetoric seems to have buy-in from all walks of life, age groups and political segments. The roll-out of a Techno-Feudal system with chipped immunity passports, mass biometric data collection and the deployment of 5G telecommunications technologies are crucial infrastructure to trace, track and ticket everyone on the planet. The technological superstructure needed to make the development of a Techno-Feudalists’ utopia sustainable, is actually being fast-tracked amid the ‘Great Corona Reset’, as The New Normal documentary made clear.

The Techno-Feudalist trajectory that humanity is presently travelling upon is very much a consequence of the accumulation of power that has resulted from the ongoing Third Hundred Years’ War. This epic global war now seeks to destroy household autonomy, wreck free enterprise and construct a universal totalitarian empire through domination of the Chip Revolution, which began in 1959.
Under the rubric of a Fourth Industrial Revolution, the development of computing technologies are drawing all processes, transactions and relationships into digitally-mediated protocols. The rhetoric that emerged in June 2020 from the billionaire-funded World Economic Forum — about Covid-19 opening up an opportunity for a ‘Great Reset’ to accelerate this ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ — is really about a Techno-Feudalist conquest of humanity.
Key players in the World Economic Forum, which is a front-group for the degenerate global élite, seek nothing less than to re-purpose the bio-functionality of all life — including humans. Therefore, the global élites’ plans to debase humanity even further, literally involves subsuming the beautiful life-giving capacity of the human female to a future techno-dependency treadmill, and therefore making humans superfluous.
The Global Health Syndicate’s primary target market for uptake of its bio-security operating system is ‘Western Civilization’, or the liberal democracies of the world, and their prize is America. The perceived need to overhaul the U.S. economy with a hi-tech operating matrix in the near-future, to avoid America losing its hi-tech edge to China, was presented in May 2019, at the US National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, chaired by Eric Schmidt.
This plan was outlined in a presentation titled, “Chinese Tech Landscape Overview”, to overhaul the U.S. economy onto a hi-tech trajectory, would see people living in denser environments and travelling in organized transport, in order to better compete with China, which has a faster and larger adoption rate for hi-tech products — as Whitney Webb’ showed in her article –“Techno-Tyranny: How The US National Security State Is Using Coronavirus To Fulfill An Orwellian Vision”.

At least 10 emergent mega-regions are earmarked to be forged in the United States, which would be governed by mega-cities, and would be built out by the dystopian year of 2050, as envisaged in 2006 by a project called “America 2050”.

The “America 2050” project — that was originally sponsored by the foundations of two of America’s leading dynastic families, the Rockefellers and the Fords — has been incorporated into the U.S. Federal Highways Administration’s plans, which feature these 10 mega-regions.

This plan will destroy the concept of the nation state, by devolving control into mega-city states governing mega-regions, thereby breaking county, city and state borders, as the author of Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, Rosa Koire explained to dissident journalist, Spiros Skouras in mid-June 2020.
Koire stated that the United Nations’ blueprint called Agenda 21, is an action plan for the 21st Century to inventory and control all lands, minerals, plants, animals, water, food, energy, production, humans, money, and data. Koire went onto explain, that the year 2050 is one of global élites’ milestone years within the 100 year plan of Agenda 21. By 2050, they expect to have their blueprint completed and locked in place.
With this plan implemented, the global élite plan to destroy representative government, wreck free enterprise and independent households, and control populations with unreachable technocratic governance systems.
Such emergent super-states will be characterized by a displacement of democratic administrative systems with technocracy, which is a totalitarian form of government managed by technicians, engineers and scientists brainwashed to believe they are building unbiased equality-enhancing governance infrastructure, as the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, Patrick Wood, described to Skouras. When, in fact, technocracy transforms imperfect mechanisms of social control into turn-key totalitarianism for the benefit of unseen, super-rich oligarchies.
Reading the runes, to achieve this brazen plan, the prize — the United States and the rest of Western Civilization — has to be destabilized. The idea of hi-tech mega-cities sprawling across USA America implies a demise of the mangled Remnant 1st Republic, despite the rhetoric that the United States Constitution would remain intact.
Therefore, this dystopian Techno-Feudal future envisages a hi-tech overhaul of the U.S. economy under the rubric of a bio-security operating matrix with 10 mega-regions and mega-cities, and with Western Civilization transformed to be more like totalitarian China. By these geo-political chess moves to re-assert control over the structural forces of the planet, the global élites are planning the eventual fusion of humans with machine as an enslaved workforce, data-mined, mind-controlled and shelled-out to perform tasks in vast hi-tech mega-cities ruled by technocracy.
Such structural forces include technological innovations, human cultural patterns, changes in demographics, and the struggles, tensions and impacts of hierarchical control systems to restrict access to the world’s valued resources. Such resources — including land, dominant institutions and strategic technologies — underpin the structural forces that both bind civilizations and have the potential to free humanity.
If ruling élites lose control over the componentry that comprise the structural forces, then humanity gains autonomy or independence, while the rulers’ hierarchical systems become irrelevant. Yet, the global elite claim concern about climate change caused by the three previous industrial revolutions, particularly CO₂ emissions.
The logical fallacy can be un-braided in one sentence. If the global power elite had emphasized resource plunder as the primary environmental problem, this would have caused problems for the preferred solution: human herds corralled into mega cities.
Investment tallied at a whopping $200 trillion to $270 trillion is claimed to be needed for the planet to meet net-zero emissions by 2050. The sums will fund the exponential growth curve of the so-called ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’. Such an enterprise would make the three previous industrial revolutions look like a bunch of garage inventors tinkering away with their technological gadgets at a world fair. The ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ is code for a totalitarian universal empire with Techno-Feudalism.
The price-tag global élite’s utopian vision of ‘sustainable development’ was a few years ago required either $50 trillion, $90 trillion or $100 trillion. Now it is either $200 trillion, or even a colossal $270 trillion, depending on whose estimates you take.
This proposed build-out of a SMART-chipped green global economy implies epic-scale plunder, mass dislocation and wars. This ruse is about sustainable management of poverty, continuous behaviour modification and permanent enslavement.
Presently, there are nine mega projects that exceed $100 billion. A construction software company called 1Build estimates that before the end of the decade, the world will see the first construction megaproject with a cost estimation exceeding $1 trillion.
A technocratic scientism cult now pervades the group-mind of communist and capitalist countries, despite the secular postures of such jurisdictions. This cult masks the underlying trajectory to techno-feudalism. The course has a blueprint.
Global mega cities, SMART Resilient Cities, and 15-Minute cities are an excellent way to train humans to live in closed or limited environments of the kind needed to forge a space-faring civilization. Such long-term behaviour modification would condition humanity to become compliant goal-seeking human monkeys working in space.
Numerous celebrity actors, activists and autarchs such as Leonardo DiCapario, Greta Tintin Thunberg and Elon Musk, respectively, have become Trojan Horses for techno-feudalism. Without intending to become useful idiot elite puppets, they mask over the cracks in logic that would otherwise reveal the ‘bricks’ of a universal empire.
The ‘bricks’ of a universal empire not only include military interventions of the united fraternal evil twins — the United States and United Kingdom — since WWII. These embarrassing ‘bricks’ also include the fact that the US Department of Defense is excluded from the carbon emissions system. Dissident journalist Abby Martin claims in her upcoming documentary, Earth Greatest Enemy, the DOD is not only the world’s single biggest polluter. But, since it is an institutional military machine running an empire, which operates a 1000 bases around the world, and in addition to constantly conducting huge exercises, it also incessantly inflicts wars, regime changes, and other de-stabilizing operations, to gain resources for rapacious corporations.
Schwab has said “We have to decarbonize the economy in the short window still remaining and bring our thinking and behaviour once more into harmony with nature.” Schwab is techno-marionette puppet of the techno-feudalist global oligarchy.

In other words, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is a euphemistic label for a Techno-Feudalist World Order where the vast majority are being set-up to etch out a living as techno-serfs, continually retrain, compete with AI, robotics and automation, and to work ultimately for unseen super-rich oligarchs, who plan to own everything.
In the documentary — “MONOPOLY: Who Owns the World?” — Tim Gielen presents his thesis that Vanguard and Blackrock are at the zenith of ownership stakes across every major industry that dominate the Western Empire. Earlier, a 2018 book, Giants: The Global Power Elite, by Peter Phillips, a professor of political sociology at Sonoma State University in the USA, identified twenty asset management firms and banks at the center of global capital: BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, J.P Morgan Chase, Credit Suisse, UBS, Goldman Sachs, Bank of NY Mellon, Bank of America, Barclays, Allianz, Capital Group, Morgan Stanley, AXA, Prudential, Amundi, FMR, Wellington Capital Management, Northern Trust and BNP Paribas.
This accelerated pivot to computer chip-mediated processes, transactions and relationships occurs at a time when central banks seek to introduce privacy-destroying central bank digital currencies as a new mechanism of social control.
Critics of the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) system warn that intrinsic to their design, is programmable money. Central Banks will gain the power to mediate what is permissible for individuals as classes of consuming humans. Where presently, cash makes anonymous transacting possible, and digital transactions are tracked by commercial banks, credit card companies or cooperative banks — a CBDC currency confers the capacity for the central banks to collect the meta-data of every transaction.
This means the algorithms can be programmed to instill compliance in mass populations, to limit consumption, travel and association. US financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts has stated that over time, the balance of power has shifted in favour of the central banks and the dynastic bankers calling the shots from the shadows, such that governments no longer possess or exercise the sovereign power to determine economic policies. In his documentary, The Secret of Oz, Bill Still explores the stealthy siege of America’s economy by an international banking fraternity that led to the United States Congress giving away its sovereign money power in 1913.
This sovereign power has been progressively lost across the world to the dynastic banking families and the subservient central banks who have financed wars, inflicted financial crises and economic warfare to accumulate wealth, power and control.
In an interview recorded in April 2021, Nazi Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav sketched the continuity of corporations, banking interests and dynastic families embroiled in the buildup of the Nazi war machine, and the present industrial-philanthropy-media complex that has planned the Corona Reset for decades.
Sharav also mentions the overturning of moral norms by eugenicists and erosion of social conscience by fear spread through all-pervasive propaganda in the Nazi era, as a way to compare the present machinations to gas-light the world in Medical Martial Law. relates the similarities between the casting of Jewish population as disease carriers and today’s targetting of the unvaccinated as dangers to public health.

Therefore, the rhetoric that emerged in June 2020 from the billionaire-funded World Economic Forum — about Covid-19 opening up an opportunity for a ‘Great Reset’ to accelerate the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ — is indeed a Techno-Feudalist attempt to conquest humanity. Key players in the World Economic Forum, which is a front-group for the degenerate global power élite, do actually seek nothing less than to re-purpose the bio-functionality of all life — including humans.
To be super-clear, I’m not blaming Klaus Schwab, or the present global oligarchy, as the cause of all of human dramas. Humanity also needs to find the resolve to evolve.
Because — oligarchies inflict wars as wealth defense and offense strategies to transform their hold over resources into more economic, political or military power.
One legacy of the attempts to sustain civilizations since 3600 B.C. is that there have been over 14,500 major wars, which have abruptly ended the lives of nearly four billion people, as The New Internationalist reported in April 1999. In other words, the planet’s populations are the survivors of a horrific legacy of warfare, which has shaped “the historic relationships of the world’s nations and in the creation and destruction of states”, as Field-Marshal Lord Carver wrote in the 1995 edition of Collins Dictionary of Wars. In other words, humanity’s evolutionary development has been retarded because we are a war traumatized species. The human heart is key to our evolution.
Over time, war as a means of empire expansion forges larger political units. Historian Carroll Quigley observed in his 1966 tome, Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, that by 1940 it was clear the new super-states of continental scope required an ideological, rather than national basis of allegiance. In this way, national loyalties began to be replaced by ideological blocs, as totalitarian structures were formed.
In The Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt wrote, “Totalitarianism strives not to achieve despotic rule over men, but toward a system in which men are superfluous.”
In other words, this totalitarian system — technocracy — seeks to make humans pointless, unnecessary and worthless. This corporatized totalitarianism can be hard to detect, perceive or comprehend because the marketing is so slick, the rhetoric is manipulative and the imagery is alluring. The chip is key to geopolitical chess plays.
It appears the Global Élite are manipulating the major powers into forging three or more super-states, or perhaps a thousand cities unable to challenge the Overlords, on the other side of another epic global war. A global conflict where precious areas remain intact, while target locations face apocalyptic horrors. Doomed areas will likely be ear-marked for re-development or mass dislocation, to open access to strategic geographical features, resources and skill-sets. Or, to attack symbolic locations to activate their emotional potential as Talismans to escalate hostilities.
Oligarchs transform economic wealth into political power. Oligarchies forge empires.

A three-pronged approach of resistance, resilience and rejuvenation to re-imagine the world, thrive in our swagger and participate in humanity’s emancipatory evolution.
Key to our emancipation is inspiring humanity to create parallel structures of education, innovation, and enterprise to out-play the Overlords and their loyal elites.
Our emancipatory evolution will make the planet’s rulers irrelevant.
Steve Snoopman is a dissident journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news and current affairs. He forged his ‘Thunk Evil Without Being Evil’ super-power while writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled — “It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid” — to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy. Steve Snoopman also posts Snoopman News.
Editor’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]
Great essay. Very interesting historical perspective. I've also been writing about this Globalist "Great Reset" for the better part of 34 years now. I think the antidote for this collectivist nightmare is a global awakening uniting behind what I call the "Put People First" agenda. Let me briefly explain the PPF agenda. Love to hear what "Snoopman" thinks of it. Great work.
In my version of the Garden of Eden one should always be encouraged to eat from the tree of knowledge but should never meddle with the tree of life as that is above the pay grade of ANY human: past, present or future. Think of the sorcerers apprentice and all the unanticipated problems his meddling created. Those of us that understand the complexity of the global ecosystem tend to abide by the precautionary principle. The globalists have the audacity to think they can meddle with the Tree of Life with no consequence. They they seem to abide by the "Let's just do shit and see what happens" principle. I can't seem to find an antonym for the Precautionary Principle.
Our globalist corporations have obviously ignored this warning as GMO farming began/expanded in the early 1990's. Using CRISPR and other cutting edge technologies they have meddled with the tree of life: terminator seeds, plants that produce insecticides (which we eat), spraying plants with Glyphosate etc. Already it is clear these technologies are causing harm to human health. Then we have fluoride in the water supply, endocrine disruptors, PFAS chemicals etc., in or food and water. None of this makes sense and represents a willful refusal to consider what our collective knowledge (e.g., the tree of knowledge) should be telling us about the harm these substances unleash on the human population. But is goes on unabated because global corporations can profit in the short run.
Then came the Plandemic and the mRNA vaccines the did not prevent infection/transmission but did cause considerable harm and death. Worse yet there is growing evidence that these mRNA injections may actually be modifying our DNA and the consequences are just beginning to be understood. Of course this has all been ignored by globalist corporate media. And over the past year I have read numerous papers about self assembly nanobots within the vaccines and much more. I've yet to write about this subject as, at first, I was a skeptic. But perhaps it is time to cover the subject because there is plenty of evidence/papers etc. which suggest the globalists want to use mRNA concoctions in conjunction with 5G EMF radiation to control our moods and literally allow the government to get inside our heads. And thanks to the author for detailing the programs that are already underway.
It is now obvious that the WEF, UN, WHO etc. want full control of humanity. They aren't even shy about their plans: a Great Reset where you will own nothing (and really won't be happy at all). And it is all spelled out in Agenda21, Agenda2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). They have very complex plans to exert control of every human on planet Earth. Their goal is a fully controlled global population -- which will relegate every human to the status of a slave on a globalist plantation.
WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:
* No Lockdowns EVER again
* No forced masking ANYWHERE
* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance
* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency
* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers
* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.
* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.
* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.
* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations
* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.
* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.
* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.
* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs
* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.
* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.
* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.
* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.
* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF
Comment on this essay::
Mr Edwards, you are a national treasure. I now understand why I used to think Maori the best channel on NZ television.