Darkest Day Deception: Part 2
Cover-up of Training Exercises Occurring Simultaneously to 2019 ‘Ides of March’ Mosques Mass Shooting
This heretical exposé shows how police and army paramilitary training exercises that occurred concurrently to the shooting, exacerbated the slow emergency response inside the Government’s HQ.
Moreover, the slow emergency response escalated a failure to integrate multi-agency emergency planning that had taken place in the US to deal with highly mobile, well-armed mass shooters.
Furthermore, former Māori Television news and current affairs editor, Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards, shows how the Police seeded an exemplary emergency response myth in the days after the horrific slaughter, to deflect attention not only from the emergency response failure.
But also, he draws upon several examples of high-profile mass shootings, bombings and hijackings, that occurred concurrent to training scenarios that appear to have been hacked, hijacked and taken ‘live’. The horrendous truth is that the gunman’s uncanny timing shifted the political centre of gravity far-beyond New Zealand — in keeping with the modus operandi of NATO’s history of inflicting terrorism.
Predictably, the news media — who were also recipients of the shooter’s emailed ‘manifesto’ — failed to be skeptical about claims by the NZ Police that the training exercises occurring simultaneously to the mass shooting had helped with the emergency response. Newsrooms fell for the PR spin.
Key Finding: The Christchurch Mosques Massacre shares the consistent pattern of officialdom downplaying the ‘coincidences’ of training exercises occurring simultaneously, despite this common characteristic with the 2001 9/11 Coup D’état, the 2005 London 7/7 Bombings, the 2011 Oslo Bombing/Massacre, the 2012 Colorado “Batman” Shooting, and the 2013 Boston Marathon Attack.
Key Sign of a False Flag: Training Exercises that ‘Go Live’
Most New Zealanders remain oblivious to the ‘coincidences’ of training exercises occurring simultaneous to Al-Noor Mosque being transformed — in essence — from a place of worship and into a shooting gallery by a racist sociopath.
Such ‘coincidences’ may not seem striking unless one knows there is a dark pattern to this meta-data.

The coincidences of drills, exercises and war-games that coincide with a terrorist shooting, bombing or a hijacked plane smashing into a building are actually the key sign of a false flag black op — as Jon Rappoport’s article, “Training Exercises Dovetail with Mass Shootings, What are the Odds?” points out. Among the list are: the 2001 9/11 Coup D’état, the 2005 London 7/7 Bombings, the 2011 Oslo Bombing/Massacre, the 2012 Aurora, Colorado “Batman” Shooting, and the 2013 Boston Marathon Attack.
For example, Webster Griffin Tarpley found while researching his book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in America, that there were 45 exercises, war-games and drills prior to or occurring on September 11 2001 that envisaged aspects of what occurred on 9/11. Some of them appeared to ‘go live’.

Once such exercise that envisaged a commercial airliner crashing into the Pentagon and killing 341 people, took place on October 24-26, 2000. The tabletop exercise was one of several Mass Casualty (MASCAL) scenarios simulated at the Office of the Secretaries of Defense conference room in the Pentagon for emergency response teams to ponder problems, processes and planning.

The system was ‘blinking red’.
Eighteen months prior, US Army Brigadier Edward T. Buckley presented a talk entitled, “Homeland Defense: Domestic and Urban Operations”, at a conference featuring post-Cold War paradigm shifts in 21st Century warfare. The Brigadier envisaged the threat of terrorism migrating to the United States, as well as more domestic unrest.
One image used in Brigadier Buckley’s talk at Bolling Air Force Base, Washington D.C., depicted a cartoonish bundle of dynamite with a lit fuse superimposed over a photograph of the Pentagon.
According to the RAND publication, “The City of Many Faces”, which reported on the Joint Urban Operations Conference of April 13-14 1999, there were military personnel from New Zealand present. RAND Corporation is one of nine federally-funded non-profit corporations tasked with various missions to project the American Empire.

This is not to say that Brigadier Buckley, as Assistant Division Commanders of the US Army’s 7th Infantry, was involved in the transnational deep state conspiracy to inflict the 9/11 Coup D’état. I’m saying that scenarios such as attacking the Pentagon were envisaged. And a civilian airliner crashing into the Pentagon, was among 45 drills, exercises and war-games that occurred prior to, and on the day of September 11 2001.

The ‘coincidence’ of drills, exercises and war-games occurring simultaneously to a terrorist shooting, bombing or a hijacking provide the cover for deep state actors to take the training scenarios live, by leveraging a national security state’s compartmentalized operation classifications. A ‘Deep State’ can exploit the confusion about whether the phenomena is an exercise or a real world situation, while maintaining plausible deniability about the ‘coincidences’.
Although an ‘independent’ Police review, Operation Deans — The First 48 Hours, into Christchurch Mosques attacks found that confusion was caused when some un-uniformed Police broke a sniper training course, the news media failed to highlight the uncanny coincidence with overseas mass shootings.
In their Stuff news report, Mariné Lourens and Sam Sherwood regurgitated the official line that the Police “reaction on the day was quick”.

As I stated in part 1 “Emergency Response Failure Cover-up of the New Zealand ‘Ides of March’ Mosques Massacres 2019” of this Darkest Day Deception series:
“The systematic use of security services, intelligence agents or special force units, or ex-personnel from such units, to inflict state-sponsored terrorist attacks and blame such atrocities on a terrorist group or patsies — is known broadly as Fourth Generation Warfare.”
As trigger events, engineered false flag black operations always direct the blame elsewhere, and are designed to emotionally hijack mass populaces, politically capture Public State authorities and reset the trajectory of a society onto a fully-fledged Police State path and beyond — as the author of The Spectacle of the False Flag: Parapolitics from JFK to Watergate, Eric Wilson states.
Indeed, all NATO countries inflicted an undeclared low-grade ‘dirty war’ through their intelligence services, military forces, and paramilitary squads, with dominant participation from the Anglo-American membership of NATO, between the early 1960s and 1990 — as Swiss historian Daniel Ganser proved in his groundbreaking study, NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation and Terrorism in Western Europe.
In part 1 of this Darkest Day Deception series, I proved that the emailed manifesto attributed to the gunman contained sufficient location details that could have led to the identification of the targeted mosques in one minute.

Because the manifesto was emailed to the Prime Minister at the Government’s headquarters eight minutes before the first attack commenced and since the Prime Minister is also the Minister responsible for National Security and Intelligence, and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet is charged with overseeing national security and intelligence — I raised the possibility that the email manifesto might have been a novel Trojan Horse device.
And that the Ides of March Mosques Massacre may have been been a deux ex machina plot device to reset the political trajectory of New Zealand, re-establish the place of NZ’s National Security State within the Western Alliance, and signal a dark global reset was on the horizon to change the arc of history.
Therefore, with the collapse of the exemplary emergency response lie to cover-up the inconvenient truth that 51 Muslims need not have died, the ‘coincidences’ of training exercises occurring simultaneous to attack at Al-Noor Mosque — also fall like skittles in a suburban bowling alley.
Striking Coincidence No. 1 — Police Paramilitary Training Exercise (in a Hospital)
One major ‘coincidence’ is that there was a national level paramilitary police training exercise taking place at Princess Margaret Hospital in Cashmere, Christchurch, comprising the counter-terrorism Special Tactics Group and Armed Offenders Squads and their Australian and Hong Kong counterparts.

While an ‘independent report’ entitled, Operation Deans — The First 48 Hours, states that a coinciding exercise was comprised of the counter-terrorism Special Tactics Groups and Armed Offenders Squads and their Australian and Hong Kong counterparts — it fails to deal with the susceptibility of training exercises being ‘hacked’. This ‘independent’ Police debrief, published December 2020 — which white-washes the emergency response failure — claims the STG and AOS units were invaluable to the initial response by NZ Police.

Curiously, the report of the Royal Commission did not mention this striking coincidence of the counter-terrorism Special Tactics Group and Armed Offenders Squads and their Australian counterparts training in Christchurch at the time of the attacks.
Yet, three days after the ‘Ides of March’ attack, it became public knowledge that Brenton Tarrant was caught by Police (Senior Constables Scott Carmody and Jim Manning) who had broken from a training exercise.

In “Mosque attacks: Timeline of terror”, The Otago Daily Times (April 17 2019) cut and pasted Mike Bush’s statements and finished it with the Police Commissioner revealing that Police from several other jurisdictions — including the five continental territories of Australia, as well as Hong Kong — helped as first responders.
But, the Otago Daily Times did not tease out why foreign police were among the first responders.
An official Police report, “Operation Deans: Evidential Overview 15 March 2019”, produced by the Canterbury Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB), made only passing mention of this training exercise. The report, written by Detective Senior Sergeant Craig Farrant, mentions that there was a “specialist training course” between the Special Tactics Group and Armed Offenders Squad teams occurring in Christchurch on March 15 2019, and that national and international Police deployed from the course to the mosques.
The training scenarios were not described, and the fact that it was a room clearance exercise involving the use of semi-automatics, shotguns, and smoke-bombs on a disused floor — was also omitted.

Ironically, the publishing of the Canterbury Police’s Criminal Investigations Branch (CIB) report, “Operation Deans: Evidential Overview 15 March 2019”, was left to the Crown’s Coronial Services, and its publication occurred after the Royal Commission report was published. The CIB’s report also omitted the ironic fact that the training exercise took place in a hospital located in the southern Christchurch suburb of Cashmere, meaning the mass shooter’s timing was uncanny.
Because, Christchurch had an influx of the country’s counter-terrorism armed offenders units. And yet, they were located too far to be effective, without helicopters and with a procedural response from the Government’s HQ.
Brazenly, Police Commissioner Mike Bush created the impression that the Police response was very swift and that the first armed Police arrived at Al Noor Mosque, six minutes after the receiving emergency call.
At a press conference on March 17 2019, Commissioner Bush said:
“Within six minutes of police being called on 111, armed police were on the scene. Within 10 minutes, members of our armed offenders squad were on scene, and within 36 minutes we had that mobile offender in our custody.”
— Police Commissioner Mike Bush, 17 March 2019

When asked by a reporter about the usual response time of the Armed Offenders Squad (AOS), Commissioner Bush avoided mentioning that most of the Christchurch Armed Offenders Squad (AOS) was training with their other regional counterparts, as well as with the Special Tactics Groups (STGs). Commissioner Bush added:
The AOS is a squad that we normally have to call out … This was a very very quick response, and I think people in the public should be assured that we train for things like this, hoping we never, ever have to respond.”
— Police Commissioner Mike Bush, 17 March 2019

Moreover, the economy of treatment with which the Canterbury CIB report mentioned that the Special Tactics Groups and Armed Offenders Squads were among the first responders — and then quickly moved on, is telling. Such vagueness and brevity is consistent with the propagandist tactic called inoculation, whereby mention is made of the weakness of a proposition, and then the narrative quickly moves onward, hoping the audience with think no more of the matter, as the 2008 documentary, The Hollow Men, explains more generally.
Perhaps the ‘Operation Deans’ report did reveal more details about the ‘training day’ in the “Crown Summary of Facts” section, wherein the entire 26 pages were fully redacted.
In spite of a Police exercise taking place in Christchurch, the fully kitted-up paramilitary squads were unable to stop the mayhem at two mosques, even with the NZ Government HQ being gifted an eight minute warning.
Striking Coincidence No. 2 — SAS Sniper Training with Paramilitary Police
Meanwhile, there just happened to be a sniper training course in Christchurch, involving the New Zealand Defence Force’s Special Air Service (SAS) and “overseas staff” from Australia and Hong Kong, which the Canterbury District Police leadership were unaware of, evidently. The Special Tactics Groups often train with the SAS.
The New Zealand Herald reported Monday March 18 2019 that NZSAS soldiers were photographed with weapons and balaclavas masking their faces near Al Noor Mosque by Hagley Park in the immediate aftermath of attack. Heavily armed masked officers were also seen with uniformed Police travelling in civilian rental vehicles on Friday afternoon of March 15. NZ Herald journalist Kurt Bayer reported the Special Tactics Group was also on the “frontline”, which created the impression of a swift response.
The training exercise took place at the Army’s West Melton firing range, 25 kilometres out of Christchurch.
In other words, it was only once the media questioned the Police about the presence of SAS soldiers, and what involvement the Armed Offenders Squad and Special Tactics Groups units had in the emergency response — that the simultaneous occurrence of two exercises involving army and police paramilitaries were officially acknowledged.
This weakness in the official narrative was spun into the swift heroic emergency response already seeded by Police Commissioner Bush and Minister on National Security and Intelligence, Jacinda Ardern.
The ‘independent report’, Operation Deans — The First 48 Hours, also briefly mentioned that there was a firearms training course in Christchurch at the time of the attacks.
The Police report disclosed that the sniper training course involved New Zealand Police, NZ Defence Force and foreign staff from Hong Kong and Australia. However, it omitted stating the training exercise took place at the Air Force’s West Melton firing range and that the range is regularly used by Special Air Service (SAS), who train with the Police counter-terrorism units known as the Special Tactics Groups.
Strangely, the report of the Royal Commission did not mention this striking coincidence of the sniper training course involved New Zealand Police, NZ Defence Force and foreign staff from Hong Kong and Australia training 25kms outside Christchurch at the time of the attacks.
Evidently, the Canterbury District Command Police were unaware of the sniping training course at West Melton, and therefore that therefore that it was also attended by foreign police and/or military.
Unlike previous special squad training exercises, the N.Z. Police did not appear to publicize this national-level exercise taking place at Princess Margaret Hospital on March 15 2019.
Striking Coincidence No. 3 — Joint Air Force Exercise Nocturnal Reach
Meanwhile, the Royal New Zealand Air Force were also conducting a 10-day joint military day and night training exercise, called Exercise Nocturnal Reach, that included low-flying in a simulated hostile environment, day and night, with drop zones and a flight path intersecting with Christchurch involving the Hercules C-130 transport aircraft from the 40th Squadron and support from the United States Air Force and the Royal Australian Air Force.
In his April 2019 report for Aviation News, journalist Grant Newman reported in his article “The NZDF down low and dirty: Exercise Nocturnal Reach” that, in effect, the entire South Island of New Zealand had been transformed into a “simulated hostile environment”. The exercise also included the lower North Island.
This joint military exercise involved aircraft operating out of RNZAF’s base at Woodbourne, near Blenheim.
For instance, a Royal New Zealand Air Force C130H Hercules NZ7001 conducted low-flying activity across Central New Zealand from the commencement of the exercise on 11 March 2019 and it was subsequently joined by two Hercules from the US Air Force.
Nocturnal Reach also included the United States Air Force Lockheed MC130J Commando II 13-5776, which arrived in Whenuapai on 12 March 2019 from Townsville and Richmond with the call-sign “GACHO12”. And USAF Lockheed MC130H Combat Talon II 86-1699 arrived in Whenuapai on 13 March 2019 from Townsville and Richmond as “GACHO11”, and departed from Whenuapai for Richmond and Townsville on 24 March.

According to MRC Aviation, a Royal Australian Air Force Challenger 604 A37-002 visited Wellington on 11 March 2019, having arrived from Canberra as ASY314 and subsequently returning to Canberra. This Air Force Challenger returned to New Zealand three days later on 14 March arriving in Wellington from Canberra via an approach and overshoot at Christchurch as ASY315.

This aircraft departed for Canberra 15 March and returned to Christchurch 28 March arriving from Canberra and Toowoomba/Well Camp as ASY317, and departed the following day for Canberra.
A Royal Australian Air Force Lockheed C130J Hercules A97-441 arrived at Christchurch 27 March 2019 from Richmond and Canberra as ASY521 carrying Australian Federal Police vehicles and then flew from Whenuapai to Richmond 28 March.
It seems this striking coincidence of an aerial training exercise that, in essence, transformed the entire South Island into a “simulated hostile environment” at the time of terror attacks, also flew over the Royal Commissioner’s head.
Meanwhile, regional flights out of Christchurch were suspended Friday afternoon and evening, March 15 2019.

This Nocturnal Reach exercise was not mentioned in the Royal Commission report either, despite the fact the exercise provided the perfect cover for potential transnational deep state actors to enter and depart New Zealand from the US Air Force Base next to Christchurch International Airport.
Striking Coincidence No. 4 — 2018 Joint Exercise envisaged Al-Noor Mosque Terrorist Attack
Despite the Royal Commission’s omissions of the foregoing three multi-national, multi-agency training exercises occurring in, around and above Christchurch, at the time of the terrorist attacks on two Islamic mosques, the Royal Commission report revealed that the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (SIS) and Police conducted a joint table-top exercise in October 2018.
This joint SIS-Police exercise included one scenario that envisaged an extreme right-wing terrorist driving a vehicle into Muslims as they walked as pedestrians from the Al-Noor Mosque. The Royal Commissioner downplayed this table-top exercise as a “coincidence, albeit a striking one”.
The Commission’s report, entitled — “Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch masjidain on 15 March 2019” — was the first public mention of this joint table-top simulation exercise.
Yet, because the Royal Commission report did not mention the police paramilitary squads’ training exercise occurring at Christchurch’s Princess Margaret Hospital — concurrent to the start of attack — it avoided having to explain this even more striking coincidence.

According to the Royal Commission, the objective was to develop awareness of Police and SIS processes and procedures during a terrorism event. (In a footnote, the Royal Commission mentions the last time there was a counter-terrorism national level training exercise was in 2014).
It turns out, the SIS disclosed this counter-terrorism extreme right wing exercise (CT-XRW Exercise) of October 2018, in a June 2019 review that was classified as Top Secret, and was subsequently published on 22 March 2021 by the SIS.
The SIS noted that “Scenario 2: Christchurch” of the the inter-agency table-top exercise between the Police and SIS had “significant resemblance to the 15 March attacks on worshippers at the Al Nur mosque in Christchurch”. The scenario describes a twenty-something man with a shaved head driving a van hitting Muslim worshippers leaving Al Noor Mosque after Friday evening prayers who ran away across Hagley Park.

According to the Security Intelligence Service (SIS), the objective was to enhance inter-agency understanding of processes and procedures during a terrorism event, as well as identify gaps hindering collaboration. The SIS added that the “significant resemblance” did not reflect any specific intelligence about an extreme right-wing terrorism threat.
As such, this June 2019 SIS review entitled, “The 2019 Terrorist Attacks in Christchurch: A Review into NZSIS Processes and Decision Making in the lead up to the 15 March attacks” did not model for the possibility that the Government’s agencies, ministries and departments had been steered toward training for an extreme right wing terrorist attack that might be taken live by a transnational deep state network.
Therefore, the possibility that other training exercises scenarios were taken ‘live’ was also overlooked by the Royal Commission and the SIS.
Striking Coincidences No. 5, 6 and 7 — Three National Level Exercises in the Spring of 2018
Three national level exercises that took place in the spring of 2018 appear to contain thematic element scenarios that were expressed in the terror attacks of March 15th 2019.
An emergency 111 escalation exercise, which conspicuously appeared to have no name, involved the Southland Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group in October 2018.
This emergency 111 call escalation exercise corresponds approximately with the timing of the Police-SIS emergency response exercise.
An irregular migration exercise, called Exercise High Water, which also took place in October 2018, in essence, coincides with the anti-immigration theme expressed in “The Great Replacement” manifesto attributed to the authorship of the gunman.
A cyber-security exercise called Exercise Actuator took place in November 2018, with the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) being designated the lead agency. The DPMC hosts the National Emergency Management Agency.

Terrorism as Theater: Is Exercise Hacking a Key Trade-Craft of the US-NATO Military Empire?
In the aftermath of the Christchurch attacks a cover-story emerged to construct a new national myth: an exemplary emergency response.
This new national myth was sown by New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, as well as by Police Commissioner Mike Bush, and by Police Association President Chris Cahill. This national myth-seeding occurred, despite the fact that the emailed manifesto attributed to the gunman contained sufficient location details that could have led to the identification of the targeted mosques in one minute flat.
Because the manifesto was emailed to the Prime Minister at the Government’s headquarters eight minutes before the first attack commenced, I presented the supposition in part 1 of this Darkest Day Deception series — that the emailed manifesto might have been a novel Trojan Horse device.
After-all, the Prime Minister is also the Minister responsible for Intelligence and National Security, and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) is charged with overseeing intelligence and national security.
A month after the mosque attacks, NZ Police Commissioner Mike Bush bragged that Mr Tarrant was apprehended nineteen minutes after Police received the first emergency call.

This alleged ‘swift’ and ‘heroic’ police work narrative was part of the exemplary emergency response myth being sown to deflect attention from an emergency response failure.

Police Association President, Chris Cahill, claimed it was a “hell of a coincidence” that Brenton Tarrant was caught by two Police who had broken from a training exercise. Mr Cahill told Stuff news, the timing of the training course would have helped with a rapid response.

In the aftermath of the shooting, the N.Z. Police commissioned a 48-page ‘independent report’ titled, “Operation Deans – The first 48 hours”, that worked to cement the national myth of a swift and heroic police response.

Not only was the horrendous fact of the eight squandered minutes figuratively swept under the blood-stained carpets at Al-Noor Mosque and Linwood Mosque in this first Police-commissioned report.
But also, the Royal Commission’s ‘inquiry’ overlooked the possibility that a false flag black operation — with a racist suicidal sociopath cast as a patsy — might have been inflicted by a transnational deep state network on that darkest ‘Ides of March’ day in 2019.
Despite the fact that the public was led to believe the Royal Commission Inquiry would investigate the attacks to mitigate the chances of such a cruelly repugnant, profoundly evil and terrifying horror ever occurring again — the significance of the three multi-national exercises taking place on the day were overlooked.
Because such exercises have been used in high-profile mass shootings, bombings and airliner hijackings to provide the perfect cover for transnational deep state actors to inflict terrorism attacks, the multinational nature of the three multi-national exercises occurring on 15/3 2019 may have allowed a criminal terrorist group embedded in the military, policing and intelligence agencies to enter and depart New Zealand unchallenged.
And because Royal Commission, chaired by Justice William G. G. A. Young, failed to model for the possibility of a state-sponsored terrorist event with a novel script, the Inquiry did not mention the striking coincidences of the three multinational training exercises occurring in, around and above Christchurch at the time, or on the day, of the attacks.
The Canterbury CIB Police report, “Operation Deans: Evidential Overview 15 March 2019”, also failed to model for the possibility that the room clearances exercise that took place the same day in Princess Margaret Hospital may have been taken ‘live’ by deep state actors.
Ironically, the space dedicated to explaining the medical training given to the Special Tactics Groups and the Armed Offenders Squads — covers eight sub-sections.
Conspicuously, the space allocated to mentioning a specialist training course that was running as the attack unfolded, and that was attended by the Special Tactics Groups and the Armed Offenders Squads is just a single, two sentence paragraph.

This paragraph, which is located under the subheading, Medical training of the Armed Offender’s Squad and the Special Tactics Group, added that “a number of international Police from hat course deployed to the masjidain to provide assistance”.

The relative space allocated to explaining the medical training of the paramilitary Police compared to the brief and vague mention of the training course that was held the same day in Christchurch for those very same squads, indicates a closing of ranks to mask-over the cover-up of the emergency response ‘failure’.
As with the two Police-commissioned reports, and the Royal Commission Inquiry report, a review by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) into whether or not the SIS could have detected the activities of Mr Tarrant assumed that he was a lone wolf with no connection to domestic right wing extremist groups.
As with the two Police commissioned reports, this redacted NZSIS review was not publicly released until after the sanitized Royal Commission Inquiry report was published in December 2020.

Ironically, the SIS’s 2017 annual report stated that New Zealand Intelligence Community’s Combined Security Team (CST) hosted a one-day table-top simulation exercise to test the effectiveness of its planning to deal with an ‘insider incident’. The SIS was concerned about the integrity of its security over sensitive classified documents, data, facilities, assets and people, and the possible threat of an insider breaching such security.
This 2017 ‘insider incident’ table-top exercise is ironic given the New Zealand Government’s various departments, ministries and agencies in attendance do not seem to have envisaged that an exercise scenario might be taken live — either subsequently, or concurrently or pre-emptively — as a terrorist event.
Given that the manifesto attributed to Mr Tarrant claimed the Oslo and Utøya Island terrorist attacks of 22/7/2011 in Norway was his inspiration, it is crucial to know to note that the striking coincidence of a five-day counter-terrorism exercise scheduled to end that very day. In his book, GLADIO: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe – The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis, Richard Cottrell traces the atrocities of Operation Gladio through the years.
Crucially, Cottrell suggests that the training exercise that occurred just prior to the 22/7/2011 Oslo and Utøya Island terrorist attacks in Norway, place the massacres committed by Anders Behring Breivik in the same territory as the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the London 7/7 bombings, since those deep events were also marked by terrorism drills scheduled the same day that appeared to have been taken ‘live’.
It would be unwise to dismiss Cottrell’s book, since it develops upon the groundbreaking study, NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation and Terrorism in Western Europe, by Swiss historian Daniel Ganser, who showed the subversion of Western Europe by the fascist Gladio network. Perhaps more shocking, Paul L. Williams traced the history of Vatican-CIA-sponsored terrorism, drug-running and arms trafficking since World War II, in his 2015 book, Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia.
As I pointed out in part 1, Operation Gladio was a low-grade war that exploited a ‘Strategy of Tension’ designed to frighten the mass populaces of Western Europe and thereby shift the political center of gravity to the ‘right’ and away from socialism by blaming left-wing communist groups, and associating freedom and democracy with capitalism. By showing the subversion of Western Europe by the fascist Gladio network, Ganser’s groundbreaking book, proved NATO’s Secret Armies drove a radical shift in warfare.
Disturbingly, the three major multi-national training exercises that occurred at the time of the Christchurch mosques shootings appeared to be embedded with metaphor.
While the country’s entire paramilitary Police Squads were training in a hospital with Australian and Hong Kong special squads, the Army’s Special Air Service (SAS) sharp-shooters were out of range target practicing at a shooting range with the Australian military and Asian countries, including Hong Kong.
Meanwhile, the entire South Island had already been transformed into a simulated hostile environment under the watch of the ANZUS Alliance’s Royal New Zealand Air Force, the Royal Australian Air Force and the U.S. Air Force, night and day.
Were these training exercises that coincided with the Christchurch Mosques Massacre held to demonstrate that the supply of security had been withheld?
And then, once the mayhem was inflicted, was the intention to supply a sudden show of force that would work as a mass psychological mechanism of manipulation to manufacture gratitude for the national security state amid the mass trauma?
If we take the adage ‘terrorism is theater’ that was coined by former U.S. Special Operations Officer, Brian Michael Jenkins, while he worked as a Research Analyst in Terrorism at the Rand Corporation in 1973-74, to mean the real targets of terrorism are not the victims, but the audience, who might be the primary target audience of the Christchurch Ides of March Mosques Massacres?
Since Jenkins made his observation to point out that terrorism is designed to induce shock, fear and submission on the watching audience — and because the pattern of training exercises appearing to be taken ‘live’ is a key sign to detect a false flag black operation — it would seem the primary target audience were those global elites attuned to decrypting the ‘Morse Code’ embedded in such events.
Since engineered false flags always direct the blame elsewhere, and are designed to emotionally hijack mass populaces, politically capture Public State authorities and reset the trajectory of a society onto a fully-fledged Police State path and beyond — the weaknesses in the official narratives can reveal much about who really benefits from such atrocities.
In a Stuff news article headlined “Christchurch mosque attacks: US officer on how police stop an active shooter”, reporter Katie Kenny interviewed a law enforcement officer in a fugitive unit from the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area. The US law enforcement officer, Matt Wright, said the Police response team of six minutes from call-out to arriving at the first location was “really good”.
But, Mr Wright appeared to be oblivious to the fact that the NZ Government’s HQ was, essentially, gifted an eight minute warning. Moreover, he appeared to be unaware that the NZ Police paramilitary squads, were training in a hospital in southern Christchurch.
Katie Kenny’s Stuff report, dated April 24 2019, was just over a month after she had reported in her story “Global sharpshooters trained in Christchurch as mosque shooting unfolded” that the Police paramilitary squads and the NZ SAS were training at the time the massacre commenced.
Yet, Police Commissioner Mike Bush and Police Association President Chris Cahill created the impression that the Police were at Al Noor Mosque on Deans Avenue within six minutes of the Police being called.
This wasn’t what happened.
At 1:47pm, the first responding Armed Offenders Squad (AOS) car parked 450 metres away at the intersection of Riccarton Road and Deans Ave, and approached on foot, as the Police Timeline shows. As they parked up, Tarrant swerved around a bus and sped through the intersection.
Commissioner Bush had said their view was obscured by a parked bus. This would have to be as an economical way of dispensing with the truth as you might expect of an official from a religious city state — whose only trade-able services are financial bonds denominated in its currency, secret chivalrous militant orders who design black ops and a mythology perpetuating the fraud of an afterlife resort or eternal damnation.

The “Christchurch Mosque Shootings: timeline of events 15 March 2019”, published by NZ Police April 17 2019, states that Police first responders arrive at Al Nor Mosque at 13:51 p.m., which was 19 minutes after the gunman is alleged to have sent the email and manifesto to the Government’s HQ.

In a March 28 2019 Stuff story headlined “Christchurch terror attack: Questions raised about police response”, Blair Ensor reported that Pakistani Muslims from the second mosque to be attacked at Linwood Ave wanted to know Police failed to stop the mass killer before he reached his second target.

According to Ensor, Stuff had asked police repeatedly how they responded to the Linwood Masjid, including when they dispatched staff to the mosque and when they learned it was under attack.
“This was the first [terror attack] in New Zealand and it got hit hard. You can understand why the response was conventional from a law enforcement perspective … but next time there’s no excuse.”
A counter-terrorism and insurgency specialist based in Australia, Dr Allan Orr, who was interviewed for the Stuff story, said it didn’t appear the shooting at the Masjid Al Noor was responded to as a counter-terrorism incident. If it was, other Muslim sites like the Linwood Masjid would have been protected immediately, Dr Orr said.
Dr Orr said from a law enforcement perspective the police response to the attack was “fair”, but from a counter-terrorism perspective it was “agonisingly slow”.
“It’s going to sound brutal. Twenty one minutes is a great timeline if you’ve got a gang fight … over drugs. Twenty one minutes in counter-terrorism … is a lifetime.”
It would appear that Dr Orr was unaware of the training exercise involving the counter-terrorism groups and the armed offenders squads at Princess Margaret Hospital, which is odd because Stuff had been interviewed Dr Orr for their March 19 story, “Christchurch attacks: How police and citizens responded”, filed at 16:42 p.m. by reporter, Katie Kenny. Later that day, at 21:03 p.m., Kenny filed her story headlined “Global sharpshooters trained in Christchurch as mosque shooting unfolded”, which added some details to the previous day’s reporting by the New Zealand Herald and Newshub.
But, none of New Zealand media cartel newsrooms comprising Stuff, NZME, Newshub, TVNZ, RNZ, Māori TV, Newsroom and Sky Prime News connected the slow response time to the possibility that aspects of the training exercises that occurred prior, and during, the attack — had been ’hacked’ or taken ’live’.
Crucially, the ‘independent report’, “Operation Deans – The first 48 hours”, noted that the first police “[u]nits remained wide rather than rushing to the core”, and the AOS/STG staff parked their vehicles wide of the Deans Ave and Linwood Ave mosques. With this tactical approach, the report stated, St John’s were provided armed cover while the shooter’s location was claimed to be unknown.
Mr Wright — the law enforcement officer in a fugitive unit from the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area — said in the United States procedures began to change across jurisdictions after the Columbine High School Shooting of April 20 1999 in Littleton, Colorado.
“In pre-Columbine [the 1999 high school massacre] days, regular patrol officers would surround the area and wait for SWAT [Special Weapons and Tactics law enforcement unit] to come in.”
“After Columbine, that went out the window, because it caused more deaths than necessary. Most agencies moved to a system where you would wait for three, four or even five officers before entering the building. But even then, that took time.”
“Now, we’ve moved to this ALERRT programme. Originally developed at Texas State University, the FBI adopted it in 2013. It essentially aims to standardise responses across police departments. So, if I show up to a scene with someone from another department, they know what I’m going to do, and I know what they’re going to do.”
Across the United States, first responders are trained to aggressively pursue active shooters rather than set up a perimeter and wait for SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics), while precious minutes tick by and defenseless civilians die bleeding. Yet, Mr Wright appeared to be unaware of the machinations that occurred during the Columbine High School Shooting.
In the aftermath, the Orlando Sentinel reported April 30 1999, in an article headlined “Critics: Cops Too Slow at Columbine“, that a Westminster Police Officer, Randy Patrick, described the SWAT response as “pathetic.”
There were 26 federal and state agencies in attendance, including the Denver Police SWAT Unit, the Jefferson County SWAT Team, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office, the Lakewood Police, the Arvada Police, Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the Littleton Fire Department, and the Englewood Fire Department, among others.
The Colorado Governor’s Columbine Review Commission report stated that within a short time of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office requested assistance from other law enforcement agencies, there were more than 1,000 officers and emergency medical personnel “on the scene”.
Although, the Columbine Review Commission report stated that problems swiftly emerged at Columbine because some of the participating agencies had not worked together earlier on crisis planning. More to the point, the report overlooked the implausibility of the official scenario.
The two shooters, Eric Harris (17) and Dylan Klebold (18) — who were senior students at Columbine High — were alleged to have carried in 90 to 100 bombs and laid them about the school, while each carrying firearms and an abundant supply of ammunition, supposedly unnoticed.
The pair had commenced their assault at 11:19 a.m. and were alleged to have turned their weapons on themselves and committed suicide at about 12:08 p.m.
Offering a counter-view to the patterns underpinning mass shootings in America, Dr. Gary G. Kohls pin-pointed the dangers of Big Pharma’s psychotropic drug-inducing psychoses, violence, and homicidality in his provocative appraisal entitled — Guns and Drugs Don’t Mix: Psychiatric Medications and Violent Behavior. Among the mass shooters who were on psychotropic meds, were Eric Harris, who had first been prescribed with Pfizer’s so-called “antidepressant” Zoloft and then was switched to Abbott’s so-called “antidepressant” Luvox, while Dr Kohls notes Dylan Klebold’s medical records were not publicly released.
Adding to this critical discourse, John Rappoport describes the mass prescription of psychotropic drugs as a ‘John Appleseed Effect’, whereby the widespread sprinkling of the drugs produces an otherwise unexplainable psychiatric plague of violence popping up, that eats America from the inside out.
In a May 8 1999 article headlined “FBI investigator’s son linked to case”, Associated Press journalists Kevin Vaughan and Hector Gutierrez reported Jefferson County Sheriff John Stone and other investigators said they believe Harris and Klebold had help — if for no other reason than the two killers would have had a hard time carrying by themselves all the shotguns, assault weapons and bombs they used in the attack.
According to Dave McGowan in his article, Anatomy of a School Shooting, Jefferson County District Attorney Dave Thomas was quoted in the Denver Post (May 5, 1999), saying, “It is obvious to me that they couldn’t have carried them all in at the same time, plus the four weapons” And sheriff department spokesman Steve Davis added that: “From day one we’ve always felt like there was a very good possibility that more people were involved” (Associated Press, May 14, 1999).
A Colorado fire captain, Chris Wells, who was on duty as a young fireman during the Columbine Shooting and who was with a training bureau in the South Metro Fire Rescue Service in Centennial City, Colorado, at the time of Christchurch Mosques Massacre, said his fire department had made a case study on the Parkland Shooting of February 14 2018, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida.
In a story about how the Columbine Shooting changed US emergency procedures following criticisms of the slow SWAT response, Captain Wells observed that without the new integrated threat response concepts between all first responders, including speaking the same language, the awareness for the need for coordination falls back to familiar command structures.
Capt. Wells said, “The first critical factor is to stop the killing. Once the act of killing is over, the next critical factor is to stop the dying.” Under such a concept, if a rookie patrol officer is closest to the scene, that officer will be the first to go in and assume command. When fire and Emergency Medical Service System (EMS) arrive, the first company officer links up with that officer — whether a ranked supervisor or not — from law enforcement, and they start the unified command inside the warm zone.
Once the department was able to show that it was better to have someone in charge than no one at all, everyone quickly realized how important it was. Simplifying the process to two critical factors made it easy, said captain Wells.
After the Royal Commission’s Inquiry report was published December 10 2020, numerous survivors of the Christchurch Ides of March Mosques Massacre complained that the police and medical response was too slow and that several victims bled to death inside the cordons.
In a story headlined, “Terror attack victims ‘bled to death’ inside police cordon”, injured victim Wasseim Alsati, who was shot along with his daughter at the Al Noor Mosque, said he questioned the timing of the police response, and felt there was “something missing”.
That “something missing” was the slow procedural responses inside the Government’s HQ, the exploitable security protocol to involve Parliamentary Security instead of direct-dialing South Comms with a bat-phone, and the adoption by Parliamentary Security of new procedures for dealing with threatening emails and phone-calls in January 2019.
Moreover, that “something missing” was also the failure to adopt the learnings from the US for dealing with active shooter events with mass casualties, as for instance, Colorado had.
Furthermore, that “something missing” was also the fact that the slow response time was impaired by the training exercises taking place concurrent to the attack. And the ’failure’ of NZ Police, NZ Defence Forces and the National Security Group at the Beehive to envisage the possibility that aspects of training exercises that occur prior, and during an attack — may be ’hacked’ or taken ’live’.
Preparedness for disaster, attacks and system failure-induced calamities is sensible.
However, because such exercises, war-games, and drills also provide potential opportunities for deep state actors to study and gain access to critical infrastructure across the United States — they lack bona fide resilience, robustness and radical root responses.
Therefore, it is ironic that there exists the universal blindness, deafness and dumbness about the need to model for the possibility that participant organizations might insert deep state actors to hijack exercises, drills or war-games and take the scenarios ‘live’ by mirroring the ‘playbooks’.
Particularly, given that in 2017 SIS Director-General Rebecca Kitteridge signed off on the declassification of a top secret report pertaining to the Rainbow Warrior Bombing of 10/7 1985, which showed that Official Terrorism Committee exercised damage control to limit fallout with French Government (and essentially the rest of the Western Alliance), as I showed in part 1. The over-arching meta objective of the 10/7 1985 bomb plot was to send an encoded ‘Morse Code’ threat to Western Élites to exercise control over their activist movements. as I showed in my investigation, ‘Price of Power’ Themed-Terrorism: Rainbow Warrior Bombing Inflicted to Save the Western Empire from Losing N.Z.
Since cover-stories are part of the trade craft of security and intelligence operations, its important to recall that the French cover-story had been that the French DGSE were planning a sting. New Zealand was allegedly being used as a trans-shipment point for a gun-running ring to Melaynesians in French New Caledonia seeking independence. After the DGSE agents were caught, the French Government claimed the spies were merely spying, but this flimsy story quickly unravelled.
It’s ironic that the Christchurch Ides of March Massacre occurred in the 33rd year after the terrorist mission, code-named Opération Sataniqué, went awry. Because, while the Government of François Mitterrand didn’t expect their DGSE agents to be caught, they did expect NZ Police to work out the bomb plot was of French origin. NZ Police were helped by the Le Monde newspaper, whose sharp journalists exposed the existence of this DGSE’s combat diver team on Tuesday 17th September 1985.

The irony deepens when it is recalled that combat dive team leader, Colonel Jean-Luc Kister, who set the two bombs to the Rainbow Warrior’s hull, revealed on TVNZ Sunday program in 2015 that he was told the justification for the mission was that Greenpeace New Zealand had been infiltrated by the KGB. In other words, Colonel Kister evidently fell for a story that the environmental and peace activist organization had been penetrated by far-left Russian commies.
President Mitterrand expected all of their agents would slip out of the country. However, I contend, the French expected the NZ Police would compile the evidence linking the terrorism to France; just not so quickly.
And the irony deepens further, because the Rainbow Warrior bomb plot occurred on the watch of a Labour Prime Minister, David Lange, after the present Labour Party leader’s mentor, Helen Clark, had led the mutiny within the Lange Labour Cabinet in January 1985 to scuttle the visit of the USS Buchannan to New Zealand, while Mr Lange was overseas.
Especially ironic, since on Ms Kitteridge’s watch, the SIS had conducted a multi-agency ‘insider incident’ tabletop exercise in 2017, an inter-agency XRW counter-terrorism exercise with the Police in 2018, and there appeared to be another extreme right-wing counter-terrorism (XRW-CT) tabletop exercise on January 3 2019.
In other words, my supposition is that the training exercises occurring prior to and during the Ides of March Mosques Massacre may have been part of an elaborate theater, in preparation, for an exhibition of false flag spectacular power, inflicted to fully re-integrate NZ’s National Security State back into the US-NATO Military Empire.
Curiously, while the Royal Commission fleetingly mentioned the Rainbow Warrior Bombing as an act of state-sponsored terrorism, the fact that the state in question was omitted — became a striking omission.
Ironically, because France, as a Western Alliance ally nation, remained another of the many neglected elephants in the crowded Royal Commission room — while a herd of well-fed ‘sacred cows’ were undisturbed by the tactful ‘code of silence’ — the delicacy of the omission becomes apparent with the historical context of the Crusades.
The Christian Crusaders, who targeted the ‘Holy Lands’ between 1096 and 1271, took control of cities, lands and ports and attempted reconquest after they lost them to their Islamic rivals, the Muslim inhabitants. Over time, the Vatican Empire developed the diabolical ambition to forge a universal Christian empire and asserted a worldwide papal jurisdiction to justify Holy Wars fought by the Knights Hospitallers, the Knights Templars, and the Teutonic Knights. Muslim Saracens were cast as ‘Infidels’ by the Kings of France, England and the Holy Roman Emperor, whose Christian forces could ‘legally’ reconquer their lands by divine mandate (justified via the legal instrument of ‘papal bull’), which limited the property rights and self-government of non-Christian peoples.

Therefore, if it became apparent that France had inflicted terrorism in New Zealand in 1985, Muslims who had settled in New Zealand since, might have wondered if members of the Western Alliance had inflicted terrorism on their old Islamic ‘rivals’ to achieve hidden objectives.
Hence, the Royal Commission’s delicacy of omission.
Ironically, Brenton Tarrant, who had been a gym instructor, was described as a steroid-loaded terrorist in the public media, and his steroid and testosterone hormone taking was commented upon by the Royal Commission. Mr Tarrant had taken the steroids and testosterone to enhance his muscular mass, metabolism and fitness while working out in preparation for the attacks. On this matter, the Royal Commission’s focus was on what public agencies knew about Tarrant and therefore what signals were missed.
And yet, the possible side-effects of this intake of drugs for inducing anti-social behaviour, aggressiveness and extreme violence was overlooked for possible evidence of a broader grooming of a gullible patsy to become a socio-pathic killer.
Despite the phenomena, which was dubbed ‘Roid Rage’ in late 1980s, and the links between anabolic steroids, behavioural traits and dangerous aggressiveness being proven in weightlifting populations, the Royal Commission appeared oblivious to the signs that Tarrant may have been groomed for terrorism. In his book, GLADIO: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe — The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis, Richard Cottrell said that many patsies were lured by military, security and intelligence units, without realizing they were being set up to take the blame for black ops terrorism. In this case, Tarrant may have been promised more money than he could ever possibly earn after a prison term, or an orchestrated exit on being deported to Australia.

Like the Colorado Governor’s Columbine Commission, the New Zealand Government’s Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Christchurch Ides of March Mosques Massacre was not empowered to subpoena public servants, witnesses or others with connection to the perpetrator, nor the events prior to, during or after the massacre, and nor the agencies drawn into the active shooter mass casualty event.
Ironically, the Royal Commission Inquiry was more theater, and it included a review of the reviews over the security, intelligence and surveillance apparatus without an apparent awareness that it was reviewing what appeared to be a multi-season theatrical performance by the National Security State. For is it really plausible that key insiders of NZ’s Intelligence Community are blind, deaf and dumb to the phenomena of exercises, drills and war games being taken ‘live’?
Although the idea of ‘terrorism as theatre’ is well known in counter-terrorism discourses, the re-occurrences of terrorists events happening concurrent to training exercises, or immediately after drills have ended is a glaring blind-spot in such counter-terrorism discourses. It’s as if the oblivion of the earnest counter-terrorism community across the West is maintained by a culture of conspiracy denialism.
A left-liberal ideological ‘no-go zone’ to call-out U.S. home-grown conspiracies, including terrorism, had been cemented from the JFK Assassination onward, stated a former New York University Professor Mark Crispin Miller.

In 2018 podcast with Reagan Whitehouse CIA analyst Ray McGovern, Miller said the genius of the conspiracy planners behind the JFK hit was that they cleverly cast Lee Harvey Oswald as a deranged communist killer acting alone. This scapegoating casting was designed to scare the political left away from investigating the flimsy cover-story at a time when liberal public intellectuals were still traumatized by the McCarthy-era hunt for communists in Cold War America.
This is how the right-wing nut-bar ‘conspiracy theorist’ trope was borne.
This left-liberal ideological no-go zone has meant the American Deep State remained at-large, and could confidently rely on liberal public intellectuals, such as Noam Chomsky, to steer clear of investigating the 9/11 Coup D’état.
Amid this culture of conspiracy denialism, the Royal Commission exercised its powers under the Inquiries Act 2013 to suppress the testimonies of the public sector agencies, who are involved in the nation’s counter-terrorism effort — for a further three decades. This suppression of evidence includes such Government entities as: the National Security Group of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Government Communications Security Bureau, Immigration New Zealand, New Zealand Customs Service, New Zealand Police, the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service and the New Zealand Army’s Special Air Service (SAS).
Since ‘terrorism as theatre’ is designed to induce shock, fear and submission on the watching audience — were the attacks on the mosques also an act of psychological warfare perpetrated by a transnational Deep State network, to achieve deep political objectives?
An Exemplary Emergency Response or a Strategic Withdrawal of Security?
In the Police debrief report entitled, “Operation Deans – The first 48 hours”, the ‘independent’ reviewers claimed the concept and structure of the Christchurch Justice and Emergency Precinct (CJESP) was shown to be “absolutely fit for purpose”.
Ironically, in the preceding paragraphs, the authors downplayed the specialist sniper training on the day of the attacks, as having contributed to the rapid deployment of the AOS ad STG units, that were said to have been invaluable to the NZP’s initial response.

Conspicuously, on April 17 2019, Police Commissioner Mike Bush divulged more snippets about the international police that just happened to be in Christchurch for a specialist training exercise at the time of the attacks.
In the April 17 press conference about the release of the Police Timeline of the Christchurch Shooting, Commissioner Bush added that he was:
“grateful for the assistance on the day by several of our international colleagues who were here for a specialist training course. Police Officers from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and Hong Kong, as well as New Zealand Defence Force personnel, responded with our staff and rendered initial first aid to victims at the Linwood mosque. Their specialist skills have been credited with saving lives and we were fortunate to have them on the ground with us.”
— Mike Bush, Police Commissioner, April 17 2019
Almost a month prior, on March 20 2019, Bush had said the investigation was “international” involving the “FBI on the ground in New Zealand”, with 90 Australian Federal Police, and other Australian Police and other jurisdictions overseas cooperating, as well as around 250 N.Z. detectives and expert specialists, and N.Z.’s ‘Five Eyes’ partners.
Since these overseas Police were involved in the exercises with the New Zealand counter-terrorism STG units training with the AOSs, had a precedent been set for an expansion of legal jurisdiction that enabled Australian Federal Police, Hong Kong Police and the FBI to work in N.Z.?
Were these training exercises that coincided with the Christchurch Mosques Massacre held to demonstrate that the supply of security had been withheld?
And then, once the mayhem was inflicted, was the intention to supply a sudden show of force that would work as a mass psychological mechanism of manipulation to manufacture gratitude for the national security state amid the mass trauma?

In other words, were N.Z.’s Deep State players — in conjunction with possible American and Australian Deep State counterparts — signalling that they could not only inflict mass carnage, trauma and fear.
But, also make incursions into the country’s triage life support systems, overwhelm them with collateral damaged ‘causalities’ and turn the other half of the country into real world hostile environments beyond the shooting ranges — if deemed necessary?

The Ides of March mass shooting has the hallmarks as an exhibition of ‘spectacular power’. A strategic withdrawal of security appears to have occurred in the pedestrian response times within the Government headquarters, and the simultaneous training exercises between the Police Special Tactics Group and Armed Offenders Squads, as well as the SAS. A strategic withdrawal of security and a sudden show of force are two more signs of a false flag attack.
Can these coincidences merely be the synchronicity of the universe, or bad Ides of March luck and the despicable planning by Brenton Tarrant acting entirely alone?
The police and army paramilitary training exercises that occurred concurrently to the shooting, exacerbated the slow emergency response inside the Government’s HQ (as shown in part 1).
Moreover, the slow emergency response was elevated by a failure to integrate multi-agency emergency planning that had taken place in the United States to deal with highly mobile, well-armed mass shooters.
The Police seeded an exemplary emergency response myth in the days after the horrific slaughter, to deflect attention not only from the emergency response failure.
The gunman’s uncanny timing to inflict the world’s fourth deadliest mass shooting while the police and army elite paramilitary units were training in, and outside of, Christchurch with their overseas counterparts — is a striking coincidence. The pattern of high-profile mass shootings, bombings and hijackings that appear to take training scenarios ‘live’, was overlooked by the Royal Commission’s poorly modeled inquiry.

Ironically, the Police claimed the training exercise at Princess Margaret Hospital helped with the quick response. However, it would appear the Police neglected to book at a least one helicopter as a contingency.
Given that Princess Margaret Hospital is located in the southern suburb of Cashmere, it’s ironic to find that on 22 March 2007, the Old Christchurch Women’s Hospital was used for a joint-agency hostage training exercise between the Police Special Tactics Group and the Royal Air New Zealand Air Force.
Especially ironic, because the site of the Old Christchurch Women’s Hospital had remained unused since it was dismantled by Southern Demolitions in 2009, even despite the city’s epic rebuild following the country’s previous ‘darkest day’ of 22.02.2011, when an earthquake killed 185 human mortals.

The sprawling 2.3 hectare site stretches between Colombo St and Durham St North, just to the south of Bealey Avenue, along which Brenton Tarrant sped to head his second target at Linwood Mosque.
It is therefore ironic that the Police review, Operation Deans — The First 48 Hours, stated the Christchurch Justice and Emergency Precinct (CJESP), built as part of the Christchurch Rebuild, was shown to be “absolutely fit for purpose”.
Because Christchurch is the headquarters for the Police’s Southern Command, it would appear that the need for a purpose built centrally-located training facility for the paramilitary groups was overlooked.

The NZ Police’s claims about an ‘exemplary emergency response’ myth relies on the New Zealand public, the media, as well as many in the Police remaining oblivious the pattern of training exercises being a key vulnerability.
Because the existence of transnational deep state networks embedded in the government-corporate architecture across US-NATO Military Empire remains outside mainstream knowledge, the hacking of scenarios, the hijacking the training days and the leveraging of confusion produced by switching from exercises to real world ‘live’ crisis events is a key blind-spot in counter-terrorism modelling.
Remarkably, this repugnant act of slaughter shifted the political centre of gravity far-beyond New Zealand — in keeping with the modus operandi of NATO’s history of inflicting terrorism, as I shall explore in parts four and five of this Darkest Day Deception series.
The Royal Commission’s failure to model for the possibility that training scenarios can be hacked, hijacked and taken ‘live’ is consistent with New Zealand’s National Security State implausible ignorance about the phenomena.
Despite this common characteristic with the 2001 9/11 Coup D’état, the 2005 London 7/7 Bombings, the 2011 Oslo Bombing/Massacre, the 2012 Aurora, Colorado “Batman” Shooting, and the 2013 Boston Marathon Attack — the Christchurch Mosques Massacre shares the consistent pattern of officialdom ignoring the ‘coincidences’ of training exercises occurring simultaneously.
Predictably, the news media — who were also recipients of the shooters’ emailed ‘manifesto’ — failed to be skeptical about claims by the Police that the training exercises occurring simultaneously to the mass shooting helped with the emergency response.
If the Brain from Pinky and the Brain cartoon series repeated this scheme as often as the transnational deep state has inflicted it, Pinky would surely point out the riskiness of recycling this formulaic plot element every news season.
Which is a way of sayin’, Pinky and the Brain fans have been prepped for spotting world domination plots.
Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards is a dissident journalist, who worked at indigenous broadcaster, Māori Television, for 14 years as an editor of news, current affairs and general programmes. He forged his ‘Thunk Evil Without Being Evil’ super-power while writing his ground-breaking thesis on the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), titled —“It’s the financial oligarchy, stupid” — to figure out the means, modus operandi and motives of the Anglo-American Oligarchy. He encourages humanity to develop their ‘superpowers’ to overcome conditioning to think with left or right wing political mindsets, fear-induced obedience and regulated doses of hopium.
Editor’s Note: If we have made any errors, please contact Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards, with your counter-evidence. e: steveedwards108[at]protonmail.com
In part one of this Darkest Day Deception series, I proved the targeted locations sent with an emailed manifesto to the Government’s HQ eight minutes before the attacks commenced could have been worked out in one minute.
In part three of this Darkest Day Deception series, I take a second look at the unfolding clustered-events of 15 March 2019.
In part four of this Darkest Day Deception series, I explore the possibility that the Ides of March Mosques Shootings signalled a Dark Global Reset.
In part five, I analyze the themes embedded in the Mosques Massacre, those underpinning the subsequent official communications, responses and investigations, and show how the mass shooting became the trigger event literally and figuratively for a far-right extremism framing during the Great Corona Hostage Crisis and beyond.